American Ranch

Chapter 537 Ono's Retaliation

Chapter 537 Ono's Retaliation

"There are very few people who can settle down and actually do business now! If businessmen in the world can be like you and me, honest and law-abiding, down-to-earth and willing to work, there will be so many troubles!"

On the way, Qin Yi pretended to sigh with regret, but his young face put on a vicissitudes of preaching, especially in front of the old man's swollen eyes. Funny!
Ryan knows the inside story of some cow thieves, so he naturally knows. In fact, Qin Yi has been secretly teasing the swollen-eyed Yoshi Ono for a while, but it's a pity that Yoshi Ono thought Qin Yi was just complaining. Although he was embarrassed, he had to nod in agreement. Cursing himself along with Qin Yi.
The interesting scene caused by the asymmetry of information between the two parties made Ryan amused, but in order to avoid revealing his secrets, he wanted to laugh but dared not. It is also quite hard to hold back!
But he was still full of excitement for wantonly molesting the cattle thief.

Inoyoshi Inoshita, Onoyoshi's assistant, was much more relaxed in comparison.

After all, it's not his turn to speak in this scene, and he can't know the inside story of stealing the cow. It can be said that he has the least information among the four, so he doesn't feel the awkward atmosphere, so he just needs to put on a face. Sorry about your face, nothing else matters.

Although he seems a little ignorant, he is the most relaxed one, which may not be a bad thing for him!
At this time, although he had nothing to do with Qin Yi's praise of "honesty, law-abiding, steadfastness and hard work", the cheeky Onoyoshi didn't know what it means to be embarrassed, and criticized with righteous words: "Mr. This is a very constructive opinion, and I deeply agree with it! But businessmen who give up their personality for the sake of profit always account for the majority. I am not talented, and I am willing to work with Mr. Qin to promote the correct values ​​of businessmen in the new era!"

Seeing Ono Kichi's disgusting face, Qin Yi really wanted to slap it on it: You stinky, shameless old tortoise, damned bastard, you are a moldy rat shit, and you have the cheek to promote positive energy.
If you don't infect others with your banditry, it's a sin!

There was an appreciative smile on Qin Yi's face, but he cursed again in his heart: his face was full of age spots and swollen eyeballs, if you really shameless, you are invincible!

He even suspected that Yoshi Ono had an aura of anti-injury, because every time he insulted him with words, he would always accidentally be disgusted in reverse.
Qin Yi was afraid that if he continued to read, he would not be able to help but slap him, so he quickly changed the subject: "Sakura Club also has business contacts in the United States? If you have security needs, you can call me directly. For international companies that also do legitimate business Friends, we can also provide some discounts!"

Onoji was taken aback, but Qin Yi changed the subject and started to solicit business!
This made him a little dumbfounded. He came here to solicit business for the Sakura Club, especially the cooperation in cattle breeding. He didn't expect to talk about it for a long time, and scolded himself by the way, and he was turned around to solicit business.
In fact, having seen the armed forces of the security team, and Qin Yi's connections and power in the United States, he still wants to cooperate with the security team.

It's just that the Japanese expatriate gang is basically responsible for the security of Sakura Club's business transactions between the United States and Japan, so although this matter seems simple, it is not something that can be negotiated casually.

Therefore, in the face of Qin Yi's proposal, Yoshi Ono could only embarrassingly drag his words: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Qin, the Sakura Club's business in the United States already has a client, but I think we still have a good one. Prospects for cooperation!"

In fact, Qin Yi didn't mean to cooperate, he was just teasing Xiao Yeji. Seeing him embarrassed at this time, he pretended to wave his hand casually and let him go: "It's okay, anyone can do business, but You should also pay attention to first-come, first-served!"

Onoji was about to thank Qin Yi for his generosity, but his voice came again: "The business in the United States has been entrusted, and the business in Japan, as an international security company, Qin's Security is also capable of providing the most comprehensive Security service!"

At the end, Qin Yi smiled lightly and said to Onoji: "Where the American soldiers can go, the staff of Qin's security can also go!"

At this moment, the self-confidence and arrogance shown by Qin Yi made Onoji dare not look directly at him. Just now, he just felt that this Chinese young man was very difficult to deal with like an old fox. Now, this feeling is even more obvious!
After decades of ups and downs, Onoji, who has always refused to accept his old age, has to admit at this moment that he is really old, the kind with half a foot in the coffin!

"Teddy, Teddy, sweet Teddy!"

"Whoa! See that? Teddy can stand on one leg on the car seat like Kung Fu Panda! Cool!"

"Mom, can I have a photo with Teddy? I want a stuffed animal like Teddy too, if I can! I promise I'll take care of it!"

Opening the tent and walking in, a burst of lively cheers immediately rushed into the ears of Qin Yi and the others. This joyous atmosphere immediately dispelled the awkward atmosphere among the few people, and even made people feel a sense of letting go. Mood, the idea of ​​having a good time!

"This is a circus performance organized by the children of the family." Qin Yi glanced at Onoji, who was watching with gusto, and deliberately asked, "What do you think, Mr. Ono?"

"It's great!" Onoji looked at Teddy riding the bicycle with great interest, and praised loudly. To be honest, he really likes this little Teddy who looks silly at first glance, but is very smart when you look closely. fat bear!

He was even a little envious of Qin Yi. His business was developing strongly, and his life was so colorful. He was simply a model of a happy life. Looking at himself, he was intriguing all day long in the small office, and he was very rigid when he returned home. Serious furniture, even the exquisite potted plants look listless, even the weeds on other people's lawns are not as good
There is really no comparison between people!
"Mr. Qin, this is organized by the children themselves? It's unbelievable. How can children have so many novel ideas and make the animals obedient? It's amazing!"

Although Onoji meant to flatter, but he also said it from his heart. Can a five or six-year-old child organize a wonderful circus performance?
It is still a performance that can make adults and children cheer loudly together!

Qin Yi knew that he was just sighing, not really asking, so he didn't speak, just smiled and nodded lightly.

The man under the well watched more intently, his small eyes widened, and his clenched fist subconsciously waved lightly, as if he was worried about Teddy who was riding across the single-plank bridge, and his expression was even richer: his mouth was tense and his teeth were gritted , the face kept shaking, seemed nervous or excited, which made Qin Yi feel funny.

This guy, the children cheering and cheering on the field are not as involved as he is!
I accompanied them to watch Teddy's performance for a few minutes, and when they were about to go backstage, Angel, Betsy and Vivian walked up to the stage and brought Teddy to interact with everyone.

Onoji immediately pointed to Angel and praised: "Mr. Qin, this must be our little princess, Miss Angel. I saw it in the newspaper, together with you and your wife! This is really a noble little girl, Smart and cute!"

"Thank you, that's her! Well, Mr. Ono, let's go backstage and have a cup of coffee. You know, I don't bring much of such delicious coffee, and it will be gone if it is late!"

"Please trouble Mr. Qin!"

Yoshi Ono quickened his pace. He has been looking forward to the delicious coffee at the legendary Sun River Ranch for a long time. During this trip to Augusta, tasting delicious coffee and wine is also his little wish by the way!

It seems that one can be realized today!

(End of this chapter)

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