American Ranch

Chapter 511 An Embarrassing Mark

Chapter 511 An Embarrassing Mark

A whole morning of fun, generally speaking, it was a very good experience. There are many rides, such as interesting speed races such as calf racing (lambs), and vegetable knowledge such as "Can you name it?" Competitions, as well as milking cows, cutting wool, etc.
Although everyone who lives in the ranch has played these games many times, it is no longer new at this time, but with so many tourists who are curious and eager to try, they can still feel a lot of happiness!

However, what impressed everyone the most during the morning stroll was the various free delicacies!

Of course, this has something to do with the hunger and hunger of everyone playing around all morning, but it is undeniable that the craftsmanship of these folk chefs is really good.

Delicious burgers made of cheap ingredients such as hot dogs and bacon have made many fast food eaters puff up their cheeks and keep gesticulating their thumbs.This is the craftsmanship of a few single old cowboys, probably because they have been working for a lifetime and have already gained experience!
The vegetable salad with rich colors and crisp taste is something that almost every housewife knows, and it is quite good. The ladies such as Susa and Keluo ate a lot, and Qin Yi also picked up cucumbers and radishes and ate some. Angel and the others remained indifferent.

Well, the staple food for children is meat!

But the creamy, rich and realistic pastries with different images are also the children's favorite. They sit directly next to the dining car and eat until their stomachs are full!
Seeing that Susa and the others pay attention to their healthy diet, they shook their heads. If it weren't for a bit of carnival today, they wouldn't allow the little ones to eat so many high-calorie foods!

Grilled sea bass, sizzling oysters, corn pie
Even Cajun delicacies - the larvae of some insects!

However, it is enough for Qin Yi to see this kind of heavy-tasting food, and he is really not blessed to enjoy it, not to mention the ladies such as Susa and Ke Luo. Just dragged Qin Yi away quickly!

But they didn't look back, so naturally they didn't know that the old man Scott even grabbed a handful and ate with relish
Just kidding, when the brave Scott was young, he even cooked this kind of food with his own hands. Those friends who were coaxed by him to eat it all said that it tasted very good. After taking it once, I don't have to eat for two days.
There were still so many people when I went back.

Ryan, Hobbs, Walker and others who were following Qin Yi's side walked away after Senator Scott's speech.

Not to mention that they need to preside over the performance venues set up by various farms in the town, and the one-day opening ceremony cannot be separated from their help. Otherwise, with Mayor Marcus alone, such a big scene , he is too busy!
But despite being very busy, Ryan and the others enjoyed it, saying that seeing the first tourism fair successfully held in their own hands, they felt an infinite sense of accomplishment in their hearts!

In the words of Hobbs: This is destined to be a glorious page in the history of Augusta, and we are honored to be a part of it!

Maybe it's because when people get old, they always want to leave something behind, so that future generations can remember that they once existed!

This is how Qin Yi understood the minds of these old cowboys.

"Eagle homing! Squads stay alert! Repeat, stay alert!"

Qin Yi led everyone back to the ranch, and John immediately contacted the security team, making it look like the head of state was traveling, causing the ladies to look at the somewhat helpless Qin Yi jokingly.

Of course, it is because of this kind of life protected by private armed forces that everyone feels unaccustomed, and has the illusion of being kept in captivity and being watched all the time!
Not to mention Susa and Colo, who are used to the free and leisurely ranch life, even Christine and Emma, ​​who are exposed to the spotlight all day long, feel awkward!

In fact, why is Qin Yi used to such a life?
It's just that the current tourism fair has made the town a mixed bag. If only [-] or [-] police officers are used, the public security and security situation will be really severe, and the auction of cattle breeds will be held the day after tomorrow. .

Therefore, he appeased the girls and told everyone to be patient for a few days, saying that the security team would evacuate immediately after the event was over!
Even if personnel guards are really needed, there will only be an emergency team of seven or eight people hidden in the ranch, and the family's leisurely life will never be disturbed!

Qin Yi drove the tractor and took everyone back to the ranch. With a mischievous "chug" sound, the bustling town of Augusta was gradually left behind, but he didn't know that the patrolling security team in the town was being captured by someone. Curious onlookers.

"Hi, soldier!"

Several tourist girls held arms with each other, approached with smiles, greeted the patrolling security team members, and then looked at their equipment curiously.

Seeing that cheerful expression, if it wasn't for the fear of causing misunderstanding, I would have reached out to touch those cold and violent weapons!
It's just that the three members of the group were unmoved by the girls' teasing. They just nodded coolly and continued to patrol at a leisurely pace.

It's not that they don't like beauties, if they are on vacation, they certainly don't mind flirting with girls, but unfortunately, it's during the mission period!

Moreover, someone approached suddenly during the operation, which also made them, who had high military literacy, a little wary.

But the girls don't care so much, even the indifference of the three of them, combined with the military uniform and weapons, has a cold feeling, which makes them feel more fun!

"Hey, why don't you guys talk? Well, I see, your boss must not allow you to chat with ladies! Especially beautiful ladies!"

"Haha, if this is the case, then their chief must have lost his love!"

"Breakdown? Oh my God, do any of you want to marry an officer? Here's the chance, isn't it?"

The girls were talking nonsense, the corners of the mouths of the three team members twitched, and their footsteps sped up a little unconsciously. Hell, they don't want to get entangled with these crazy girls, especially when they are working, otherwise they will be caught. The bosses of the company knew about it, so they definitely didn't mind using violence to explain the company's security regulations to themselves again!

But the girls who were having fun didn't notice these subtle changes, and they were still chirping with great interest.

"Which unit are you from? Well, I'll take a guess! Border Guard! No? That's the nearby military base! Isn't it? Where the hell is that?"

"Don't ask! Dina, be careful that he arrests you, because you are suspected of treason for inquiring about military secrets! Hahaha."

"I'll take a guess too! I guess they must be the field service of some department, otherwise how could it be such a military uniform! CIA or FBI? Neither? It must be the President's Secret Service! Haha, is our Mr. President here? I may You can promise to take a photo with him, if he invites me!"

"Damn it! Can't you stop daydreaming? Well look at this, bear, cougar, dog, bunny. God, is this a fox? Haha, what department are they from, IDs it's wired."

"I guess it's from the Animal Protection Association! Oh, no, I just tasted a piece of roasted rabbit meat in the food area. Do you think they will take it away? Oh, damn it, I don't want to go to the deep mountains and old forests to feed small animals They give love."

The girls were all kinds of funny and cute, which made the three guards very embarrassed!

Especially the identity badge, this cute pattern really doesn't match the might of me and the others.
But the girls seemed to have had enough, and they didn't bother anymore, so they just ran away with a giggle, which made everyone heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time muttered in their hearts: that is, a woman, if a man who doesn't know how to live or die provokes such a provocation, he must have a gun butt Smash his head!

(End of this chapter)

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