American Ranch

Chapter 510 Opening Day Chat

Chapter 510 Opening Day Chat
"Hey guy!"

Amidst a burst of intense applause, Scott walked off the stage with his head held high, passed through the passage specially made by the crowd, and came straight to Qin Yi's side.

"I said there is good news! How about it, I am not a liar, at least not my friends!"

"Yes, I have always believed that Scott is an honest man!" Qin Yi said with a seemingly sincere smile, and then hugged him lightly.

But I didn't expect Scott to shake his head immediately with a smile, jokingly teasing: "Don't say that, man! I think you must have such a thought in your heart: Oh, God, a damn old guy like Scott who is involved in politics , would be an honest person? God, stop being ridiculous!"

Ryan and Hobbs immediately let out a burst of laughter, yes, they did think so, and it was true that they thought so, which one would be an honest person who engages in politics?
Originally, even if you thought so in your heart, showing it so blatantly would usually make both parties feel embarrassed, but at this time, everyone didn't feel this way, because in the end, they are all on one side, they are their own people!
Under such circumstances, generously expressing what you think in your heart can actually enhance mutual trust!
Of course, although Qin Yi and Scott cannot be said to be intimate, they still have a basic trust, so this conversation is probably meant to be a joke.

"Well, Scott, the news you brought today is indeed very happy, I owe you one!" Qin Yi knew that although Scott didn't say it, he must have given it to the state government at the discussion meeting. Great support for myself and Augusta!

This is a favor. Scott doesn't mention it, but he can't ignore it. After all, the relationship between the two parties is more of a mutually beneficial and win-win relationship. Scott is not obliged to help him for free, and in turn, he is the same!
"No, no, you don't owe me! Although in everyone's impression, people like me will always use small sacrifices to obtain greater benefits, and of course I often do this. But I pray to God Guaranteed, this time is different, I value our friendship more!"

It's rare for Scott to be serious in front of Qin Yi once!
Perhaps when everyone first met, he still had the intention of wooing and taking advantage of him, but Qin Yi's development momentum over the past six months let him know that Qin Yi's future is definitely better than his, and he might even be able to rely on the industry in his hand to develop Create a huge emerging consortium!

If it really reaches this level, he still has to rely on Qin Yi. You must know that the biggest power in the United States is the major financial groups hidden behind the government and Congress!
In other words, what he values ​​at this time is not only the interests, but also the friendship and affection between the two parties!
Qin Yi didn't speak immediately, but just nodded his head slightly, and patted Scott's arm lightly, his face remained unchanged, with a sincere and friendly smile still on his face.

There is nothing wrong with this expression in the eyes of Scott and others, but Susa and Ke Luo, who know him best, secretly laughed in their hearts: This guy must be calculating again
You know, even though this guy always has a kind face and looks very sincere, there are still conspiracies and tricks hidden in his heart. The enemy's counterattack!
Susa and Keluo knew very well that Scott's words would definitely arouse this guy's vigilance, so it was inevitable that they would have plans in their hearts!

If Qin Yi notices the eyes of the two women, he will definitely sigh: The one who knows me is also the daughter-in-law!
That's right, at this moment he was indeed thinking about Scott's words, wanting to know his deeper meaning, and whether there were any hidden pits waiting for him to jump.
There is no way, the relationship needs to be developed step by step, but at this moment, Scott's performance seems a little impatient, which inevitably makes people have doubts.

But in a second, Qin Yi quickly went through the relevant things in his mind, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, and thinking about it, at least the two sides are mutually beneficial and win-win. Although Scott may have Some small thoughts, but at least it won't harm my own interests, because that's not good for Scott!
So I stopped being suspicious. On such an occasion, if I think about it any longer, I will be exposed!
"Well, we're friends!"

Qin Yi raised his fist happily, Scott was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, he raised his fist to touch him, but he was thinking in his heart: Well, I like this movement, is this how a friend feels, really? good!
It has to be said that those who engage in politics have many allies of interest, but there are really not many true friends, so at the moment Scott really enjoys all of this.

"Oh, that's right!" Scott patted himself on the forehead suddenly, with a look of sudden realization, "Yi, you don't owe me a favor, but you still owe me two bottles of good wine. This cannot be waived, otherwise I will Let Diana ask for it, and then there will be no two bottles.”

"Well, I have to admit, you are really rascal sometimes!" Qin Yi spread his hands, pretending to be helpless on purpose, which made everyone laugh, and he didn't know whether he agreed with Qin Yi's words or was doing it for everyone. Laughing further into the relationship.

But no matter what it means, everyone's relationship has become closer. At least Ryan and Hobbs have obviously eliminated some of the estrangement from Scott in their hearts.

Qin Yi and the others in the audience were still chatting and laughing. On the stage, following Marcus’ announcement, the performance had already begun. The first ones to play were the children from the kindergarten in the small town of Augusta, and their movements were not standard. , and the white swan dance with an obviously disordered rhythm still attracts tourists to take pictures and applaud!
This is really different from domestic ones. If it is a domestic festival or event, even a kindergarten performance, there must be a coordination and standardization of movements, and it will not be as loose as the current program!
Qin Yi found this expression of cultural differences quite amusing.

And he also noticed that some Chinese tourists also watched the performance with novelty, obviously attracted by the children's chaotic but more cute dance.

Children's dances, ballets and operas by elementary school students, as well as performances by housewives, cowboys, farmers and other people, also appeared one by one, and some performances and activities in nearby venues were also opened one after another.

For example, cowboy cultural performances, farm skills competition, etc. There are even old cowboys in their [-]s and [-]s who proudly show off their special skills, such as woodworking, leather goods making, or assembling various toys with discarded parts.
No matter what kind of skill, it will open the eyes of tourists from outside the ranch area. The sound of admiration and the sound of taking pictures can be heard endlessly. The cowboys, young and old, who came to perform spontaneously, flushed with excitement. Rarely have the opportunity to be so comfortable!

It seems that everyone has the desire to perform, but most of the time there is no chance!
The venue for the calf race attracts a large number of young people to hang around; the free food area attracts more foodies; the playground is a paradise for children, even Qin Yi and others can't see Angel and Becky The pitiful eyes led them to play for a while!

Playing, shopping, and by the way, everyone also bought a lot of souvenirs, of course they were bought by Christine and Emma, ​​Qin Yi and others' homes are here, so naturally they don't care about these gadgets that can be seen everywhere in life!

However, in order to have fun and make the girls happy, Qin Yi also bought small things such as braided straw hats and bows, and gave them as gifts to a few children, in exchange for a few words "Daddy is the best", "Uncle Yi is a good man" compliments like
Now, the children and Qin Yi feel happy!

After visiting for a whole morning, Qin Yi took everyone back after experiencing the craftsmanship of local old cowboys in the food area, because some friends will arrive in the afternoon, and they always have to go back to entertain.

And Angel is still talking about her circus, she has "hardly" rehearsed for a few days in order to make money, how could she miss today's opportunity to become famous!
(End of this chapter)

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