American Ranch

Chapter 465 Harvesting Crops

Chapter 465 Harvesting Crops

*A chapter can be published around 12 o'clock, and another chapter will come out after staying up late at night. It's time to conceive a new plot.

What, the old American president wants to entertain the Australian Prime Minister with a top-level fire?

Qin Yi was indeed surprised when he heard Old Pete's words, but he was relieved immediately.

Nowadays, many people know that the fine wines that are sold and auctioned are not the best wines in his hands at all. The real top wines are all hidden by this "stingy" guy, and he can't buy them by waving money. arrive!

This made many people curse secretly: You are a stingy Yi, you are simply a devil who deserves to go to hell!Such a good wine, but only for your own enjoyment, should let God cut open your magical head and instill in you some ideas of universal benevolence!

Such a good wine must be tasted together to show its value. A successful life is only a dream, but now it is broken by your ruthless soul!
Many rich people who know the inside information often do this, drinking the limited edition Liuhuo, and still muttering and cursing in their hearts, as if Qin Yi has become a heinous soul who has committed a heinous crime after brewing wine and not selling it. Hun Dan should be sent to the gallows!
However, after cursing, the anticipation for the top-level Liuhuo in his heart became stronger and stronger. Only by binge drinking Liuhuo one by one can he calm down his inner desire a little bit. Unknowingly, the consumption of Liuhuo has also increased a little!
Cursing and resenting naturally won't work, so I can only pray to God silently, hoping that Master Qin will figure it out as soon as possible and sell the top-notch wine that has been circulated in private as soon as possible. For this reason, they are even willing to pay a price that slightly insults their IQ!

Qin Yi is also aware of these news, but at present, there are a lot of space wines in stock, but he doesn't plan to launch them yet, because the current wines are enough for the market to digest.

Choosing Liuhuo as the wine for the dinner banquet to entertain the head of a country's government is naturally a great affirmation of Liuhuo, which Qin Yi also likes to hear.

In the past year, the popularity of Liuhuo has really been booming, and everyone admits that this is a world-class fine wine, but Liuhuo has gained popularity, but it always lacks some opportunities to appear on important occasions, and it feels that it lacks connotation and precipitation.

It is almost a kind of coronation to be able to become the wine for the congress dinner now!

Thinking of this, Qin Yi gave instructions: "Old Pete, you sell some of the batch of Liuhuo you have stored in the cellar to the White House. The price is only 20 US dollars a bottle."

"20 dollars? My God, it seems that I am really old. I have been telling you for so long, but I didn't realize that you were drunk!"

There was deep helplessness in Old Pete's words, he sighed and continued: "Okay, Yi, I think you should rest, I'll call back tomorrow to discuss this issue!"

When Qin Yi heard this, there was a black line on his forehead, this old Pete has also learned to mess around!
"Okay, old Pete, $20 is a lot!"

"Yi, you don't just need one or two bottles for the dinner party. You can't just drink it for the president and the prime minister. All other accompanying and accompanying senior government officials should have a drink! In this way, it would be safe to need about twenty bottles. And the auction price of our limited edition Liuhuo is around 20 US dollars, how can the top-level Liuhuo be sold at such a low price?"

Old Pete was right. When this batch of wine was first brewed, ten drops of spirit spring water were used. After all, it is definitely the grade of the space version of Chenxi. The price of a bottle of 20 US dollars, Qin Yi is definitely big. deficit!
However, the opportunity to show his face in the White House is very rare. This is the best opportunity to advertise. Qin Yi doesn't want to miss it. He would rather lower the price to win this deal. These losses should be regarded as advertising fees.

You know, the White House also has a government budget. Even if you have money, you can’t just buy what you want. There are many things involved in it. If something goes wrong, it will attract all kinds of accusations, and even more seriously, it will also cause some taxpayers. A parade of people!
Therefore, the quality of Liuhuo is fine, but it is impossible for the White House to spend too much money on it!

When Qin Yi expressed this concern, Old Pete felt a little helpless, "Damn the president, he is not as comfortable as a rich man!"

"Okay, old Pete, this is bloody capitalism!" Qin Yi took a sip of tea and said with some emotion.

But the old Pete on the other end of the phone was a little funny, and he opened his mouth and said, "Aha, our capitalist boss doesn't seem to like capitalism very much."

"No, no! Old Pete, I like capitalism very much, but I am at best a good person who has money and can make money. I am not a capitalist. At least, I am not very good at using the capital in my hand to achieve certain wishes! "

"Yes, yes, don't worry."

The two chatted for a while, then hung up the phone.

Qin Yi also told Old Pete to report immediately when he had any news, so he kept paying attention to Liuhuo.

At noon, he told Susa and Keluo about the purchase of Liuhuo at the dinner party. Both of them were a little happy, which is a sign of the maturity of the Liuhuo brand.Perhaps with the help of this international dinner, the construction progress of Daniel's overseas metropolitan specialty stores can be accelerated!

In the afternoon, the family came to the farm again.

But this time, they came here not to take the children to the playground, nor to pick vegetables, but because the hundreds of acres of crops on the farm had already reached the harvest time, and they came here specially to join in the fun.

At this time, most of the workers are still picking vegetables, only a dozen or so cowboys are driving machinery to harvest corn, peanuts, potatoes and other crops.

Fresh sweet corn is when it is fat, tender and juicy. It is excellent for making soup or boiling corn. Before it is ripe, it has been ordered by several restaurants. Now after harvesting by machine, it is bagged and sealed for storage. A transport truck will come and take it away tomorrow!
The same goes for other potatoes, peanuts, etc.

In the farmland, the workers talked and laughed, worked, and various machinery such as tractors made chug noises, making the whole farm a busy scene of work!

Qin Yi was also a master who couldn't stay idle, so naturally he wouldn't just watch. He immediately waved to a corn harvester passing by, told the cowboy to get down, and he climbed up by himself!
Susa and Ke Luo, who were eager to try, immediately followed with a smile.

The cockpit is very spacious, with three people sitting in it, not only does it not look crowded, but there is still a small half of the space left!

Angel was holding a fragrant corn on the cob, but unfortunately, the corn on the cob was raw and couldn't be eaten yet, which made the little girl pout her mouth!

Qin's mother squatted down and looked at her little granddaughter with a loving face: "Does Angel want to eat corn on the cob? Grandma will cook for you when she comes home tonight, okay?"

"Yeah, it's delicious!" Angel was overjoyed, and held up the corn cob for grandma to smell. Needless to say, the fresh and tender corn that was eaten right now had a sweet smell of its own!

But at this time, when she saw Qin Yi climbed onto a tall harvester, the little girl jumped for joy, handed the corn cobs to her grandma, and waved her little hands: "Daddy, can you take me with you? I want to sit too." Corn cart!"

"Why not!"

Qin Yi laughed, turned around and got out of the car, picked up the little girl who ran over cheering, and handed it to Susa. Then, at the invitation of the adults and children, Qin's mother sat in full of curiosity, and the whole family Harvesting corn happily.

Qin Yi drove the harvester and came down in one trip. He not only harvested the corn cobs, but also directly crushed the young and tender straws and compressed them into bundles.

These crushed straws are excellent feed, and can even be used as concentrates. Ordinary cows and horses only need to improve pastures. These feeds can be used as extra meals for pregnant cows and mares, and the effect is excellent.

The whole family sat tall, watching the corn fall one after another in front of them, and they were very happy. The whole afternoon, it seemed like it was just like this.

(End of this chapter)

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