American Ranch

Chapter 464 Greenhouse and Dawn

Chapter 464 Greenhouse and Dawn

*I originally said yesterday that I would be discharged from the hospital on the 28th, but I didn’t expect to be discharged this afternoon. I got water in the morning, went through the formalities in the afternoon, went home and cleaned up, and another day passed by!But this matter has finally come to an end, and the coding time has become more abundant, so watch the update tomorrow!

At noon, Mother Qin cooked a few nutritious dishes and served Susa and Keluo graciously. The small bowls were piled full!
In the past, Mother Qin was used to serving food to her daughter-in-law and granddaughter. This was a way of showing her love, but the focus was on Angel.

Angel goes to school today, and only Susa and Keluo are the only ones who can enjoy this kind of treatment. Therefore, the two girls didn't take her actions seriously. They happily enjoyed a sumptuous lunch, completely unaware that Qin's mother made them a nourishing meal intention!
But this doesn't matter to Qin's mother, as long as the daughters-in-law eat happily, that's fine. Of course, it's better to get pregnant with the big fat boy!
As for Qin Yi, Qin's mother didn't even think of him when she helped them pick up food with serving chopsticks!
This made Qin Yi dumbfounded: Well, since having a wife and child, I have suddenly become a third-class citizen in my family!
But he is also very happy to see his mother and daughters-in-law getting along in harmony!

In the evening, Qin Yi really caught an old hen, mixed it with colostrum mushrooms, chestnuts, etc., and stewed a pot of delicious chicken soup, which made Angel's mouth so greedy!
As night fell, the family sat around on the lawn in front of the house, drinking chicken soup and eating pancakes, enjoying warmth and joy on this moonlit night in early autumn.

The next day was the weekend again. In the morning, Qin Yi drove a tractor and brought his family to the vegetable garden.

Whether they are employees or temporary workers, everyone is busy, but when they see the boss coming, they still greet each other one after another. Those who are far away, regardless of whether the boss can see it or not, wave happily, making the already busy vegetable garden even more exciting. Added a bit of enthusiasm.

Because the vegetables have been growing and maturing, the demand for labor in the vegetable garden has always been relatively large. Therefore, during this period of time, the temporary workers in the vegetable garden have also maintained a scale of several hundred people, which is almost the same as that of permanent workers!

At this time, as many as hundreds of cowboys and housewives are busy in full swing, picking vegetables, carrying, packing, loading, skilled and serious, this "temporary job" with good pay really makes them feel Very satisfied!
However, the remuneration is naturally somewhat different. Today’s dozens of long-term workers are basically the team leaders of each group. The work is relatively easy and the salary is relatively high. However, none of these old employees is really relaxed. I am afraid that one will slack off. , will lose this lucrative job!
Didn't see those temporary workers working so hard, they don't want to be replaced by others in their positions and benefits!

Qin Yi looked around and found that in the vegetable garden, workers responsible for production management and melon and fruit picking accounted for half of the workers. The whole work was busy but orderly.

A few tractor carts were parked on the side of the road. The freshly picked vegetables were packed on the spot, filled with a cart, and sent to the farm’s newly built fresh-keeping warehouse. A large truck came to transport them the next day.

After getting out of the car, An Qier happily ran to the melon and watermelon fields, Qin's mother naturally followed, leaving Qin Yi with his daughters-in-law, raising his eyes and smiling.

After helping with picking for a while, Susie came over from a distance, "Hey, Yi, go on!"

After finishing speaking, she threw a white ball from a long distance away, which was a big melon!

The melon flew straight, but lost momentum when it got close, and fell obliquely. Qin Yi ran two steps forward and bent down, grabbed the melon in his hand before it hit the ground, then wiped it casually, took out a knife and cut it into three pieces. Keep one piece for yourself, and the rest will naturally belong to the daughters-in-law.

Susa and Ke Luo took it with a smile, just like Qin Yi, they ate sizzling!
When Susie came close, the three of them greeted her, and under her leadership, they wandered around together and listened to her report on the development of the vegetable garden during this period.

With the top quality of vegetables, there will naturally be no problems in sales, so Suzie is mainly talking about the growth of vegetables.

"Vegetables are very resistant to disease and insects, and the growth cycle is quite long. It has already entered autumn, but all kinds of vegetable plants are still growing and bearing fruit!"

Although he had expected it, Qin Yi still couldn't help being happy. Looking at the still dark green lush vegetables in the field, he thought for a while and asked: "These seedlings are indeed very good, but when shall we plant autumn and winter vegetables? Su Xi, you should have a plan, right?"

Susa and Keluo also looked at Susie with great interest, wanting to hear her thoughts.

"Aha, look at our hostesses, they are also very concerned about the development of the vegetable garden!" Seeing that they also looked over, Susie suddenly smiled, winked at the two women, and teased them like a prank!
Susa shrugged her shoulders with a smile, her smile was still gentle, but Ke Luo smiled brighter, folded her hands on her chest, tilted her head, and countered with teasing: "You can be more sober! Haha, Susie, you actually If you dare to make fun of the hostess, be careful not to deduct your year-end bonus!"

"How come, Yi is the most upright boss!" Susie patted Qin Yi's shoulder casually, with an attitude of not caring.

At this time, Susa also smiled and participated in the discussion: "But Susie, don't you know? Although Yi is really upright, he respects our opinions a lot!"

Qin Yi naturally had to cooperate with the daughters-in-law. When Su Xi looked over, he immediately shrugged and put on an expression of "I have no choice but to".

This made her dumbfounded, and she said dumbfoundedly: "Okay, okay, you are on one side! I should have thought of it earlier, your husband and wife will definitely be a partner!"

"Haha, let's talk about business." Qin Yi waved his hand, stopping the laughter of the three, "Susie, tell me about your plan."

Hearing this, the three of them restrained their laughter, and turned their eyes to the vegetable field again.

"That's right. The current spring and summer vegetables, as we have seen, are growing very well, and the fruit setting rate has basically not decreased, so we don't need to rush to reorganize the vegetable field. But in order to save time, we can organize a piece of land first, It is used to grow seedlings, and with the current scale of workers, we can quickly complete the work of changing the seasons of vegetables.”

In the next few minutes, Susie explained her ideas in detail, and then proposed a plan for the construction of vegetable greenhouses. After all, it has entered the early autumn, and the weather will turn cold soon. By then, the growth of vegetables will definitely be inseparable from Greenhouse protection.

With previous experience in small vegetable gardens, Susa calculated on the spot that the construction of the entire greenhouse was an investment of several million dollars!
But when it is actually built, the shed stretching hundreds of acres must be a beautiful and spectacular scenery. Its scale is second to none in the whole of Montana, especially such a large organic vegetable farm!
Without any hesitation, Qin Yi waved his hand and approved the proposal to build a greenhouse on the spot. Anyway, it was only a few million dollars. Not to mention the booming vineyards and beef, the income from a single season of vegetables is more than enough to build a greenhouse!
After talking about the business, let Su Xi go to work, Qin Yi took Su Sa and Ke Luo to meet the grandparents who were eating melons and picking watermelons.

When I got home at noon, Qin Yi received a call from Old Pete. Without even thinking about it, Qin Yi knew that the simplified version of Chenxi was definitely ready to be bottled and sold!

As expected, when the phone was connected, Old Pete’s slightly excited voice came over: “Yi, you are really my Dionysus (the ancient Greek God of Dionysus), haha, the dawn is really wonderful, even if you are with me There is not a small gap between the ones in the collection, but in the eyes of those rich people who have no experience in the world, it is definitely a national treasure classic wine!"

"Old Pete, you shouldn't say that about those rich people!" Qin Yi replied quietly.

Old Pete was taken aback, and asked a little incomprehensibly, "What's the matter, Yi, isn't it impolite? Well, I'm so excited"

"No, no, old Pete, you misunderstood!" Qin Yi interrupted old Pete's self-examination with a chuckle, and then explained: "It's pitiful enough that those rich people can't drink my collection. Don't be too harsh on their aesthetics!"

"Haha, boss, rich people are only angry when they hear my words, but your words are completely depressing!" Old Pete laughed a few times before continuing: "Boss, should Chenxi start filling now? I think it's better to keep a batch and store it in the cellar for a while, the taste will definitely be more delicious!"

"You make arrangements."

"By the way, boss, I received a call from the White House before. They hope to get a higher level of fine wine than the limited edition. It seems that they are preparing for the Australian Prime Minister's congressional dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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