American Ranch

Chapter 367 Sudden Thoughts

Chapter 367 Sudden Thoughts

*Sorry sorry, I have something to delay today, please forgive me!It's cold, children's shoes, rest early!

Looking at the little elephant, when they left Papua New Guinea, Susa and Ke Luo made an agreement with Qin Yi.

I spent several days in Sanya this time, and the main purpose - to see the ends of the earth, has also been completed. Walking on other beaches, diving in a yacht, watching corals, surfing, etc., all of them have been played, so, this Plans were also mentioned again.

Although their family is still the real master, in order to create the illusion of a harmonious and democratic civilization, Susa and Kolo still consulted everyone's opinions.

After all, come out to play, everyone is really happy when they are happy together.

The best place to see baby elephants in Nanyun is naturally the Wild Elephant Valley in Xishuangbanna.

Therefore, the two women shared the information collected these days to everyone, so that these adults and children from the United States know that there are wild elephants, folk customs, beautiful scenery, and even a trip to the tropical rainforest!
At the same time, the two women also stated that if they don't want to go, they can continue to enjoy the sea and beach in Sanya.

Fortunately, no one has any opinions.

Amanda and Sara don’t see elephants very often, because there are fewer and fewer elephants in American zoos. This time, they can get close to wild elephants and enjoy the tropical rainforest landscape. Attractive!

Even Angel, Becky, and Rachel have only seen elephants in cartoons, so their voices are the highest, and they can't wait!
Therefore, the plan to go to Xishuangbanna officially entered the implementation stage after everyone's demonstration.

It is also very simple to implement. Everyone packs a small luggage bag, boards the plane and sets off!

Before leaving, Qin Yi also told John to keep an eye on the guards and crew who could not be idle all day, so as not to cause any trouble to him.

Fortunately, during this period of time, the soldiers have been following the rules and there have been no disputes, which reassures Qin Yi a lot.However, we still can't relax our vigilance. These guys are full of energy all day long, and if they indulge a little, something might happen.

Speaking of it, Catherine and the others are the most worry-free. They play on the beach and bask in the sun every day. They are quiet and quiet, which is very reassuring.

Of course, a group of more than a dozen beautiful foreign beauties gathered on the beach, which still attracted a lot of people to watch. Fortunately, the existence of the Venus let everyone know that these girls have backgrounds, but there is no The blind pervert ran to tease her!

However, Qin Yi and the others said that because there was no direct flight from Sanya to Xishuangbanna, they had to wait for more than nine hours to arrive after several turnarounds, and it was already evening when they arrived.

Originally, Ye Fang wanted Qin Yi to fly the black eagle all the way there, but Qin Yi rejected this unreliable suggestion.

The Black Hawk is not counted as a crew, and it can still have 11 crew members as standard. For their group, there is no danger of overloading, but Sanya and Xishuangbanna are separated by Vietnam and Laos, so they still need to detour. Eagle's [-]-kilometer voyage has more transitions and is more troublesome.

However, after Qin Yi and his party arrived at the hotel, the adults were all a little tired, but Angel and Becky, these two girls slept all the way on the plane, and now they are full of energy, looking at the customs of foreign countries, their big eyes are bright, and they find it novel and interesting.

But Qin Yi looked at the tired daughter-in-law and felt distressed. After returning to the room, he secretly made two glasses of spiritual spring water for them to drink.

The effect was immediately obvious. The two girls who had been working hard to pack their luggage suddenly became radiant and exhausted. However, this is often the case in the ranch. It is not surprising that the husband and wife have seen each other for a long time. It should be Qin Yi's traditional Chinese medicine method.

Of course, for his thoughtfulness, it was unavoidable to offer a few wet kisses, but in the end, this guy caught him kissing and chewing, panting heavily, and gave him a few rolly eyes angrily.

Everyone was tidying up the room, and even Angel took Betsy, playing around, taking out their small luggage and decorating their small bedroom.

So Qin Yi was not in a hurry to go out, and put his arms around Susa and Keluo on the sofa, taking advantage of them in the name of giving them a massage. The two girls lay on the sofa and said a few words coquettishly, but they didn't run away.

But is my daughter-in-law taking advantage?

Not to mention, Qin Yi wasn't just taking advantage, he beat and kneaded their backs for a while, and they were so comfortable that they hummed!

Lingquan water can only quickly relieve mental fatigue. Physical fatigue requires a long-term conditioning process. Therefore, the two women feel energetic, but their bodies are still tired. Qin Yi's massage came at the right time.

In fact, Amanda and Sara are more tired, but they can't enjoy such treatment, so they can only beat their arms and legs by themselves.

But even if Qin Dahundan wanted to help, he might not be willing to do so!

The two women enjoyed his massage, and Qin Yi also behaved dishonestly from time to time. The whole family was joking around, happy and happy in their hearts.

After almost 10 minutes like this, Qin Yi suddenly came up with an idea and asked his wives for their opinions: "Baby, husband, I have an idea! It's the same idea as the Venus!"

He suddenly became a little excited, but the daughters-in-law just closed their eyes and enjoyed the massage, muttering, "Oh, tell me."

obviously distracted
Qin Yi didn't care, he still looked excited: "Baby, let's buy a plane, how about it, isn't it a good idea?"

He smiled and pinched their chests lightly, wanting to see their reaction after hearing this sudden thought.

However, the two women still didn't respond much.

"Oh, buy a plane."

"you decide."

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders, wondering if the daughters-in-law were asleep, so there was no need to discuss such a big matter?
Sure enough, a second later, the two women suddenly turned around with surprised expressions!

"Airplane? Yat, you mean an airplane, a private jet? Well, that's a really good idea! But why?"

"With pesticide planes and helicopters, we can only buy jet planes! But, Yi, you didn't show any signs before, why do you want to buy planes all of a sudden? It's too sudden!"

Someone from the two women grabbed one of his arms, and if he didn't explain clearly, he just kept asking questions!
Seeing that the wives were more puzzled than pleasantly surprised, he was not surprised. Susa and Keluo knew best about his assets. Buying an airplane was not a problem at all, but it was really too sudden.

In fact, before today, he also thought about buying a private jet, but in fact he set the plan for next year or even the year after.

He hugged the two girls and nestled on the sofa, explaining his thoughts: "I originally wanted to buy it later, but today I feel that it is very inconvenient. We have to go out to play, and we have to consider the issue of the flight. It's a waste of time. tired!"

Hearing what he said, the two girls immediately understood that this guy was caring for him!
Seeing their happy and red-eyed looks, Qin Yi knew that he couldn't hide his thoughts from them, so he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, it seems that you all guessed it! I'm not good at saying these things, but seeing you so Tired, I'm really not feeling well!"

The two girls smiled more and more warmly, lying on his chest comfortably, and didn't speak for a while, Qin Yi didn't say much, just hugged them quietly.

After a while, the family calmed down and began to happily discuss the future aircraft.

Susa grasped his financial situation and began to make a budget, while Kolo directly took out his notebook and began to search for information on several companies and aircraft sold in previous years.

With Susa in charge, Qin Yi's finances are completely fine, and now the monthly sales of Qin's Liquor are also 8000 to [-] million U.S. dollars. I'm afraid it's a month's profit, and he can buy a private jet!

What's more, Qin Yi has saved a lot of money in his account, and he doesn't know what to invest, and now he just spends it to avoid paying taxes in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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