American Ranch

Chapter 366 Leisurely Days

Chapter 366 Leisurely Days

"Uncle Yi! Wow. Aunt Liu is always catching us!"

"Uncle Yi, come and save us!"

On a sunny and leisurely afternoon, Qin Yi was lying with his wife under the coconut tree to enjoy the sun, when Angel and Becky ran over, screaming, and rushed over, climbing up his legs, and buried them in his In his arms, he wanted to escape Liu Qimeng's arrest!

Liu Qimeng, who was behind, let out bursts of sly smiles, and approached unhurriedly, scaring the two little girls to scream, but seeing the bright smiles on their faces, they obviously had a good time!
This is the second day that Qin Yi and his party arrived in Sanya.

After disembarking at the pier yesterday, Qin Yi declined the kindness of Hongzhou Wharf to provide free hotel accommodation, and took everyone to rent a car first, and then went to the tourist resort, where Qin Yi had already booked a large sea view villa.

Arriving at the villa, everyone took a bath and changed clothes. Angel and Becky rubbed their stomachs and cried out that they were hungry. They stared at Qin Yi with cute eyes, obviously wanting him to cook something delicious, so everyone organized a group to go to the supermarket for big purchases. .

After returning, Qin Yi's family and his wife worked together, the three of them worked hard for an hour, prepared a sumptuous dinner table, ate and drank a lot, and filled everyone's bellies to their fullest!
After taking a walk around the beach at night, everyone returned to the villa, with very unanimous opinions, and decided to go to bed early!
So, from [-] o'clock in the evening, everyone went back to their rooms and slept until the next morning!

Well, after running all the way on the sea, although it is very comfortable, the uniform sea view still makes everyone a little tired.

Of course, when others were sound asleep, Qin Yi couldn't help but put his arms around Susa and Ke Luo, and worked hard until midnight to make a living as a fat boy!
A good night's sleep relieved everyone's fatigue, but today they did not go out to play, but swam in the bathing beach, fished on the reef, and in the afternoon, they lay leisurely on the beach and basked in the sun.

As a professional holiday villa, the swimming pool, private beach, bathing place, and nearby entertainment facilities are all complete.

Moreover, the seaside bathing beach here has very clear water quality, which is a bit better than the public bathing beach in Yalong Bay.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is quiet enough. After all, during the period when Qin Yi and the others rented the entire area, they were the only people playing here.

This just happened to take care of someone's little thoughts, Susa and Keluo ran around in swimsuits all day long, and they didn't have to worry about being seen!
Well, Ye Fang is a good man, he just stares at his little dream, if he dares to look around, Liu Qimeng will be the first to let him go
At this time, Ye Fang was lying on the other side and pretending to be asleep. The mild afternoon sun made people lazy, and the recliner was tilted, and he fell asleep after a while.

As Liu Qimeng's laughter got closer and closer, An Qier and Bei Qi were still arching and arching in Qin Yi's arms, and even buried their heads in Qin Yi's shoulders to cover their ears, but their voices became louder and louder: "Wow, Liu Auntie is chasing us! Uncle Yi, please help us.”

Both Susa and Ke Luo turned their heads to watch them frolicking, with pleasant smiles on their faces. They had been floating on the sea for so long, and they enjoyed such a leisurely time.

Qin Yi patted the tender shoulders of the two little girls, and pointed them out with a smile: "Girls, hurry up and ask Uncle Ye Fang to help you, Aunt Liu is most afraid of Uncle Ye Fang!"

Sure enough, when the two little girls heard this, they slid off Qin Yi's body with giggles, opened their little hands, and rushed towards the speechless Ye Fang with bare feet!
Qin Yi made a move to bring disaster to the east, tricked Ye Fang, and saw Su Sa and Ke Luo coquettishly smiling, but Liu Qimeng gave Qin Yi a blank look, but then turned around and let out a "Jie Jie Jie" laugh , and chased after the little girls.

The little girls were scared and happy when they heard it, and they ran and shouted: "Uncle Ye Fang, come and save us! Aunt Liu is the worst, she keeps catching us!"

"Yeah, Aunt Liu is so naughty, she has delayed us from picking shells!"

Just as Ye Fang was a little sleepy, he was destroyed by Qin Yi. Why is Aunt Liu most afraid of Uncle Ye Fang?
It should be Uncle Ye Fang who is most afraid of Aunt Liu, okay?
Ye Fang mourned for himself for half a second, but, well, he must always save his face in front of the children
So after the little girls ran close, he put on a smiling face, one in each hand, and embraced them in his arms to protect them!
Fortunately, Liu Qimeng didn't bully him when he approached, and continued to scare the girls around him, like hiding a cat, making grimaces and popping up from behind Ye Fang's back, making the girls giggle.

Seeing that they were having fun, Qin Yi got up, pulled up Susa and Ke Luo, and put the three reclining chairs together under their puzzled eyes.

At this moment, both women understood what this guy was thinking, and angrily scolded him, but they didn't refuse, and their faces were also faintly filled with joyful anticipation.

So, Qin Yi put his arms around them and lay on the deck chair together, enjoying the sea breeze and sunshine, enjoying the warmth between the young couple.

But Susa and Keluo always pat his big hands from time to time, because this guy's hands are dishonest, making their delicate waists itchy
At this time, the beach was also very lively. Sara, Amanda, Rachel and Jenny were playing beach volleyball together. They were in groups of two and cooperated with each other, playing well.

Now it’s just our own people here, and Sara and Rachel have let go a lot and are having a great time.

Especially Rachel, she gained the most from going to sea this time. She saw all kinds of beautiful scenery, appreciated the customs and customs of various places, tasted delicious or exotic food, and found out that the world is so wonderful!

Of course, Sara and Jenny, who went abroad for the first time, also gained a lot. After all, they crossed the Pacific Ocean once and passed through seven or eight countries. .

And after so many things along the way, everyone's relationship has become closer. Even Sarah and Rachel are a little more lively than before. Of course, it may be because everyone is too familiar and can let go.

Qin Yi put his arms around Susa and Ke Luo, told them the martial arts stories of Master Jin, and answered the strange questions of the two women from time to time because of their different cultures. The family was warm and comfortable, and enjoyed such time.

But on the beach, when Amanda and Sara were playing volleyball, they made some violent movements from time to time, shaking their chests and making Qin Yi's mouth dry!
But looking at other women with his wife in his arms always felt bad, so this guy turned his eyes away and stared at his wife with peace of mind.
In the afternoon, the time was leisurely and indifferent, and with the beauty in his arms, Qin Yi was a little bit reluctant to leave, while the others were all having fun, obviously this was a good time.

In the morning of the next day, everyone who had rested for a day and two nights was full of energy. After playing in the villa for a day, they all wanted to go out for a run, so Qin Yi took everyone to "The Ends of the World".

This is the place Qin Yi promised his wives to come to when he was in Miami back then, and the original reason for this yacht trip was to come here. Now that he has traveled thousands of miles and finally arrived, the husband and wife are somewhat moved .

Happiness is certain, and this journey really made them feel a little bit of perseverance. Therefore, although there is nothing to see in this scenic spot except for a few stones, they still took a lot of photos.

At that time, Qin Yi coaxed the two girls to say that when they were old, he would hold them on the lawn in front of the house in the ranch, basking in the sun and slowly rolling over.
In a word, Susa and Keluo were very happy to hear the red eye circles, and then pulled him to pose in various poses beside a few stones, and let Amanda and Sara take turns to take pictures, and they kept taking pictures all morning!

In the next few days, Yalong Bay, Wuzhizhou Island, Tropical Paradise Forest Park, Butterfly Valley, etc., stayed for a long or short time, and went to see each scenic spot.

Naturally, gourmet food is indispensable, the lobster feast, tropical fruit feast, and the four famous South Island dishes, everyone is very happy to eat.

After some fun, the plan to go to Nanyun to see the baby elephant has also been put on the daily routine.

(End of this chapter)

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