American Ranch

Chapter 323 Opening of the Jockey Club

Chapter 323 Opening of the Jockey Club

The matter of the fishing ground was settled. The old guy Miles was busy with business and had already run back to contact the business. Qin Yi and others continued to wander in the fishing ground.

Among the group, Angel, a carefree little girl, had the most fun. Amanda and Sara were also good sisters, playing around all day long.

Although you can't wear a bikini, it is also a wonderful enjoyment to lie on a deck chair with your clothes together and bask in the bright spring sunshine.

While Susa and Keluo were playing, one was sorting out the fishery's finances, and the other was sorting out the management of the fishery, bringing the operation of the fishery back on track.

Qin Yi was not idle either, first he called David and others and asked them to come to the fishery with the necessary equipment to carry out large-scale cultivation of seaweed.

Before the completion of this matter, the professors were based in Los Angeles and carried out the reconstruction plan of the nearby fish farm.

In fact, using spiritual spring water is the fastest way to transform it, but this is a large sea area, the Pacific Ocean. No amount of spiritual spring water is enough to dilute it. It is better to let the old professors cultivate seaweed.

In addition, Biden, the former head of the fishery, still manages the daily operations of the fishery.

The rules and regulations and benefits of the fish farm are basically the same as those of the ranch, but the treatment is much higher than before!
This made the staff of the fishery overjoyed and worked harder.

Because the treasurer Qin said that if the general evaluation at the end of the year is not passed, there will be no year-end bonus, and even dismissal may not be guaranteed!
The fishery is in order, and the ocean fishing fleet, under Qin Yi's instruction, went to the ocean to start work.

After explaining all these things, it was already the afternoon of the next day, and Angel would have to go to school tomorrow, so Qin Yi's family returned to August overnight.

Amanda naturally went with her, and only Sara returned to San Francisco alone, somewhat disappointed.

Well, there are only two years left in school, get over it, get over it, and I'll get a job on the ranch too!

Sitting on the flight to San Francisco, Sara murmured to herself!

Miles naturally didn't know what Sarah was thinking, no, he did!
Just didn't understand Sarah's desire to work on the ranch at this point!
Is it really just for work?

Amanda is, Sarah may be too, who knows!

But what is certain is that both daughters went to work in that boy Qin Yi's ranch. Miles, an old guy, can only lament that his family's real estate business has no successors!

Well, no matter what that old guy Miles thinks, Sara is already looking forward to her trip to the South China Island in three or two months!
It was late at night when we returned to the ranch, and Amanda stayed in the main house.

Everyone took a bath and changed clothes, feeling refreshed.

It's late at night, and after two days of playing, running back and forth, everyone is already tired and wants to eat something and go to bed early.

Therefore, the belated dinner is very simple - Qin's hand-rolled noodles!
That's right, Qin Yi cooks himself!
Originally, Susa and Ke Luo planned to cook, but Qin Yi is an incomparably good man. He loves his wife very much. Naturally, he couldn't bear the two daughters who had been working hard for two days and couldn't rest when they got home!

This thoughtful act made Susa and Keluo very sweet, but it also made Amanda joke for a while, and the result was that the two women "couldn't see it", and the husband and wife worked together to subdue the demons!
Amanda was "fighting alone", and naturally lost, so she thought about it, and wanted to attract Angel, who was watching curiously, to join her group.

But the little girl is a little ghost, she blinked her big eyes, and after teasing Amanda to praise herself, she just kissed her, then ran away with a giggle, and did not stand by her as Amanda imagined !
This made Amanda very depressed, and she called their family together, but she was an outsider, and then she lay on the sofa and pretended to be pitiful.

But it was too difficult for her who was delicate and weak to pretend to be pitiful, so she raised her hands in surrender and played with angels together with the little animals.

I haven't seen her for two days. Teddy, the kitten, and the little fox all miss Angel so much and play around her.

As for Maggie, the big cat, and the big fox Luna, they had already had their fill and were taking a nap under the aisle. At this time in the past, these big guys had already fallen asleep.

Eagle and Eagle Two are combing their feathers. The older these two guys are, the more aloof and arrogant they become. Although they are equally close to Qin Yi's family, they no longer like to play, and prefer to look into the distance with deep eyes.

On the other hand, Black Rice and Wheat are still happy and lively, as long as they are by the owner's side, they will always look cheerful and wagging their tails.

Amanda and Angel were playing with the animals, Susa and Keluo were watching TV while watching TV. The room was peaceful and warm late at night.

Without keeping everyone waiting, Chef Qin's hot noodle soup came out of the pot quickly. It is fragrant and spicy, and the noodles are strong. It is the best to satisfy the hunger. The soup is fragrant and thick, warming the body and stomach!

Angel and Amanda ate so much, they were full of praise for Qin Yi!
They were all quite tired. After eating, they took a walk on the lawn outside the house to digest their food, and then went back to their houses. The shopkeeper Qin naturally hugged Susa and Ke Luo and went back to the house happily.

Early the next morning, just after breakfast, I saw Susie leading a few workers, driving a bullock cart, pushing a small machine like a plow machine, walking towards the vegetable garden [-] meters away go.

Qin Yi was a little curious. There were too many machines in the warehouse, and it was impossible for him to know all of them. This was the first time he had seen such a machine.

Seeing his doubts, Susa explained with a smile: "It's a harvester, which is used to harvest crops such as potatoes and purple sweet potatoes. Of course, it can also plow and loosen soil for small gardens."

When mentioning the small garden, Susa remembered that since these days, there was only a lawn around the main house, not even a garden, so she immediately said: "Yi, let's build a small garden, I always feel that the colors are a bit monotonous! "

"Good idea!" Before Qin Yi smiled, Ke Luo applauded.

"We should have built a garden a long time ago. Those flower pots under the porch are really not enough! And we have to plant flowers all year round, so that our home will be more beautiful!"

She wanted to build a garden a long time ago, but it was winter before, and Qin Yi was very busy a while ago, now that she has free time, she naturally wants to hurry up and build a small flower bed, or later, spring will be over!

Amanda wanted to go to work, but when she heard what the two women said, she immediately wanted to stay and plant flowers together.Although she has a wild temper, she is still a young girl, and she still likes beautiful flowers very much.

Well, today is a day off from work. Anyway, she is her own boss, so she can rest if she wants to!
"Wow, planting flowers! I want to plant flowers, I love Huahua!"

Angel had already cheered, and the little girl was jumping and running to find her little plastic shovel.

Thus, the big construction of the small garden kicked off.

Qin Yi went to the warehouse to drive the cultivator, and according to the instructions of the daughters-in-law, he began to dig the soil on a piece of grass next to the lawn on the north side of the main house.

Four or five acres of land, for a large tiller, only takes a while. When Qin Yi stopped, Susa and Ke Luo were still planning the layout of the entire garden, and Angel and Amanda also followed suit.

This is a small private garden, and there is no need for a high-end design, so everyone's planning is a bit random.

Simply design a few winding gravel roads, a gazebo in the center of the garden, a few benches scattered randomly, plus a swing frame and a pergola, and it will all work.

In one day, everyone sowed grass seeds and flower seeds, and went to the garden farm of Angel's little friend Qiao Qiao's family to buy a lot of tall and short ornamental plants.

For example, small rubber trees, weeping banyan trees, pentagonal maple, sumac, etc. We also planted an apple tree and a persimmon tree, which are the best if they can bear fruit, and if they don’t bear fruit, they can be regarded as scenery.

The bench and swing were made by Qin Yi himself. They are all made of logs, and the handwork is not good. They don't look very beautiful, but fortunately, they are natural and harmonious with the pasture scenery.

It's just that the flowers and plants haven't grown yet. Except for the scattered ornamental plants that have just been planted, the rest of the garden is still bare and doesn't look aesthetically pleasing.

In the days that followed, the family worked piecemeal and kept arranging small gardens, including swings, gravel paths, flower pergola and other small decorations.

It will be a month later when the grass is green, the flowers and trees are verdant, the butterflies are flying and the bees are dancing, and the birds are singing softly.

During this period of time, the Bonebreaker has already qualified for the three major marseilles through a series of competitions.

And now, Diana and Hans have taken the bonebreaker to Louisville, the largest city of KFC, to participate in the upcoming first race of the three major American horse racing events - the Kentucky Derby!

As horse owners, Qin Yi's family naturally would not miss such a grand event, and friends also called one after another, saying they want to go together!
(End of this chapter)

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