American Ranch

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

In the past few days, Qin Yi has completed the establishment of the company and passed on various appointments.

Although the actual managers have not changed and the scope of powers and responsibilities has not changed, with the standardized rules and regulations, everyone still feels a kind of vigorous development vitality, and unconsciously, the cohesion has also increased a lot.

This kind of benign feedback, several direct managers such as Daniel and Ryan, were aware of it, and at the same time they were happy, they also reported it to Qin Yi immediately, which made him happy too.

But Miles, this guy stayed at the ranch for a few days, except for the first day when he went to visit his precious daughter Amanda, but he stayed with Qin Yi for the rest of the day, why, because this guy wanted to drink !
Especially the newly brewed beer, the taste is so refreshing, I can't get enough of it!

Of course, if you drink alcohol, you have to work more seriously!

After finishing the new ranch, Myers has been paying attention to the fishery these past few days, and obtained a lot of information on private fisheries for Qin Yi to choose by himself.

Among them, most of the sea areas have been destroyed due to chemical and oil pollution, which is not worth buying.

But there are also fishing grounds located in famous waters, and there is even a private fishing ground for sale in the St. Lawrence Estuary on the east coast of the United States. Nearby is the world-famous Newfoundland fishing ground!

Although Newfoundland cod has declined dramatically in recent years due to overfishing, other commercial fish species are plentiful.

This is a good choice. Qin Yi looked at the information, put it aside alone, and continued to read.

The next thing that caught people's attention was a fishing ground located in the waters of Alaska. Qin Yi felt that it was also good for breeding rare king crabs.

Others, such as Washington and Oregon waters, mainly produce albacore tuna and Pacific cod, and northern California waters are rich in salmon and herring, which are also good choices.

After choosing for a long time, at the suggestion of Susa and Colo, I finally chose a tuna farm in the southern waters of California, which is off the coast of Los Angeles.

This time they went to investigate, but they did not travel alone, but specially chose the weekend, and the three adults flew to Los Angeles with Angel.

In the past few days, Trevor drove the Venus and came back from a few laps at sea. Today's yacht is still docked at Santa Monica's private pier.

Taking a yacht to see the fishing ground, the two sisters, Amanda and Sara, who got the news, followed Qin Yi's family from the ranch, and the other just flew in from San Francisco during the weekend, and Miles had to follow The real estate agents here are a small group.

This time I went to sea just to see the fishing grounds, so I didn't let the captain John come over. Qin Yi ordered the guard captain Ben Xiong to purchase some necessary supplies and set off directly.

Qin Yi's family had already experienced the beauty of sailing on a luxury yacht. There was joy and novelty, but they didn't seem too excited.

However, the two sisters, Amanda and Sara, were riding on this nearly [-]-meter-long huge yacht for the first time. Both of them were so excited that they teased Angel and ran around admiring the beautiful scenery of the yacht.

Two girls and a little girl were laughing and joking, making the yacht full of laughter.

On the contrary, Miles, as a real estate agent, has dealt with various rich people for decades. Although he is full of envy for luxury yachts, he is not too excited. Tasting red wine, chatting and amusing with the Qin couple Also carefree.

The waiters on the yacht, as always, lived a leisurely life.

Not long after they went to sea, they became friends with Amanda and Sarah under the leadership of the team leader Catherine.

They are all young and beautiful girls, and they have a lot of topics in common. A group of beauties are laughing and joking, enjoying their yacht.

Naturally, Angel will not be left out in the cold, this little princess will not fade out of everyone's sight for a moment!
Fishing, storytelling, singing, dancing, there are people playing with her, so happy!

However, Amanda and Sara still have some regrets, because the temperature in Los Angeles, which is about the same dimension as Huaxia Shanghai, was not high in early April, so it is really not suitable for wearing a bikini, or lying on the deck to bask in the sun, Should be wonderful!
But the lack of chance this time does not mean that there will be no chance in the future: this summer, Qin Yi's family will go to Huaxia's South Island for vacation!
They have obtained the consent of Susa and Ke Luo, and will go with them when the time comes.

The mysterious Huaxia, coupled with cool beaches, luxurious yachts, and comfortable sunshine, haha, just thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

Angel played alone, Amanda and Sara looked forward to the summer yacht trip, Susa and Khloe enjoyed the leisure time, and neither had any more thoughts.

Qin Yi and Miles, however, were still thinking about the fishing ground.

Well, the purpose of going out to sea this time was to investigate the fishing grounds, so under Qin Yi's instruction, the yacht did not covet the good times, and went all the way to the open sea, which was more than an hour's voyage.

Although the sea routes here are quite busy due to the existence of Los Angeles, there are no oil spills, chemical pollution and other bad situations, so the environment in the sea area is not bad.

Close to the fishing ground, there are large expanses of seawater terraces, with no end in sight at a glance!

These are the tuna breeding areas of the fishery. However, due to the long growth period of the tuna, the return of funds from the fishery is too slow. It happened that the parent company was short of funds due to a wrong decision-making, so it intends to sell the fishery.

This fishery mainly breeds yellowtail tuna and lobster, and also has a deep-sea fishing qualification certificate. Several large deep-sea fishing vessels under its name can bring nearly [-] million yuan in profits every year.

Other work boats, fishermen's residential boats, etc. are also complete.

Qin Yi asked the person in charge of the fishery to board the yacht, and took him and Miles for a stroll in the fishery.

The women all returned to the cabin of the yacht, not disturbing Qin Yi and the others to discuss business.

It was the first time to ride such a luxurious yacht, and the middle-aged Biden, who smelled like the sea, was a little excited, but he still dutifully introduced the operating conditions of the fishery in detail, answered Qin Yi's questions seriously, and responded appropriately, with good ability.

Walking all the way from the tuna farming area to the lobster area, the workers are still busy taking care of the various sea fields, and they have not let up because the fish farms are going to be sold.

Seeing this, Qin Yi was quite satisfied, and turned to ask about the fishing industry.

"Which sea areas do deep-sea fishing generally operate in?"

Asking questions with his mouth, his hands didn't stop, he poured half a glass of fire for himself and Miles each, and then poured another half glass for Biden, letting him pick it up by himself indifferently.

Biden glanced at him first, and then raised his glass with joy and gratitude. Now the symbol of flowing fire - a flowing flame, is well known to everyone. Although he has never drunk it, he is familiar with it.

Meimei took a sip, and although the taste was intoxicating, she cheered up and answered Qin Yi's question seriously.

"It is mainly in the waters of California, where the focus is on tuna and lobster. In the past, the boss wanted to go to Alaska to catch king crabs, but now Alaska's fishery department has restrictions, and the sea conditions are too dangerous. Workers are often swept away by the waves, so the give up!"

Qin Yi nodded, did not say much, and looked at the lobster sea fields calmly.

Biden took another sip, saw the look in his eyes, and quickly said: "The fish farm has a large amount of farming, and the benefits are good, but the growth cycle is too long, so tuna is still mainly fished in deep sea."

Knowing the relevant situation, Qin Yi asked Biden to go back and call his boss to come up. The original offer was 150 million to 700 million, and he officially won the right to use the 40-square-kilometer sea area.

It also includes a large number of growing juvenile tuna and lobster, three fishing boats and other assets.

(End of this chapter)

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