American Ranch

Chapter 315 Qin Yi's Site

Chapter 315 Qin Yi's Site
Although it is a toothless Apache, the whole follow-up process is quite troublesome. Therefore, it has been several days since John has settled all the links that may cause disputes.

Today is Saturday again, and the weather is fine. John drove the Toothless Apache, reported the route to the Department of Homeland Security and other departments, verified his identity, and drove all the way to Sun River Ranch.

Before taking off, Qin Yi also received the news. He, who had been looking forward to Apache a few days ago, was also very happy.

Susa and Ke Luo didn't have much interest in these things, but if Qin Yi were to fly the plane with them, they would have some expectations.

Especially Angel, this little girl likes to fly the most.

But it is impossible to fly now, and John is not expected to reach the ranch until the afternoon.

But even if she couldn't fly in the morning, Angel didn't feel disappointed, because this morning, her attention was turned to a new dessert.

Purple Potato Milk Cake!
Cylindrical pastry, made of purple sweet potato and milk, the top and bottom are purple, the middle is milky white, and the top is patterned. It looks colorful and beautiful, and it tastes fragrant and sweet!

The little girl pursed her mouth and ate a few yuan, like a greedy cat, and the three adults were smiling.

The adults also ate some, but they were different from the little girl, they felt too sweet and greasy after eating two pieces, so most of them went into the little girl's belly!
This new type of pastry was conceived by Susa and Ke Luo.

They used to eat sweet potatoes, which were similar to potatoes. They were boiled and mashed to make mashed sweet potatoes, which they ate with a spoon.

Later, under the influence of Qin Yi, it was used to cook sweet potato porridge. The sticky and sweet taste, let alone Angel, a greedy cat, Susa and Keluo also like to drink it.

But after drinking for a long time, I also wanted to change the pattern, so Susa and Keluo played around, frying sweet potato cakes like pumpkins, and even thought of shredding and making salads. Today, they even came up with new ones. dessert.

The little girl likes to eat, that's the best, and there will be another food to coax the little girl in the future.

"Mom, I still eat at noon!"

Angel quickly ate the last piece of pastry with her small mouth, not forgetting to pray to Susa expectantly.

But Susa didn't like having too many desserts at every meal, it wasn't her intention.

So, she pretended to shrug her shoulders regretfully, "But Angel, you must know that there are no more purple potatoes at home."

"There is a vegetable garden!"

As soon as Susa finished speaking, Angel shouted happily, and the chubby hand was still pointing in the direction of the vegetable garden!

She jumped off the chair and said expectantly: "Mom, I know where there is a vegetable garden! I've seen it all, go dig it, let's go together! OK? Uncle Yi, Aunt Keluo, you too Let's go! For the sake of my invitation, let's go play together!"

The little girl originally just wanted to eat pastries, but as she talked, the topic gradually shifted to digging purple potatoes!
The little girl who hadn't dug purple sweet potatoes, for a moment, embraced with greater enthusiasm, this kind of playfulness even attracted her more than pastries!
Su Sa couldn't laugh or cry about the quick change of the little girl's mind, but Qin Yi and Ke Luo watched happily: Angel is definitely not easy to fool when it comes to eating and playing!

Anyway, there is nothing to be busy, so everyone responded to Angel's call and set off to dig purple potatoes together!
The vegetable garden 200 meters away from the main house has already been covered with greenhouses. Even in the early spring, it still covers the entire vegetable garden, making the temperature inside warmer. Some Spring Festival vegetables are growing crisp and attractive!
The purple sweet potato was planted a few months ago, and it will be officially harvested in about ten days.

Thanks to the blessing of the greenhouse, the purple sweet potato grows luxuriantly, with thick and round roots, sweet and delicious, and is very popular among cowboys.

And Qin Yi's way of eating purple potato porridge has also spread. The cowboys prefer this sweet and stomach-warming purple potato porridge, and they gradually get used to drinking a bowl in the morning before going to work.

Not to mention these things, Qin Yi's whole family mobilized, he and Angel were holding a big shovel and a small plastic shovel respectively, Susa and Ke Luo were carrying a small basket, and everyone laughed and talked as they walked.

After a while, I passed lettuce, colored peppers, cabbage and other vegetable areas, and walked into a greenhouse in the northwest corner of the vegetable garden, where purple potatoes are planted.

There are people taking care of the greenhouse, so although the seedlings are still entangled, there are standardized trails and field ridges, and it is very convenient for everyone to walk among them.

The seedlings are all purple-red, and the green leaves also have purple-red veins, which look quite eye-catching, but everyone has been here many times, so there is nothing unusual about it.

The little girl was carrying a small plastic shovel, bouncing and stepping between the seedling ridges, looking at the plants with thick taproots and cracks on the ground.

Because Qin Yi told her that the ones like that are relatively large.

The little girl ran around, picking up the seedlings with a small shovel from time to time, checking the growth of the purple sweet potato, and having fun by herself.

Qin Yi took Susa and Ke Luo, chose a place at random, and the three of them squatted down around and started digging purple potatoes, talking and laughing, as if they were playing.

Qin Yi dug out two pieces of fat and tender purple sweet potatoes, Susa happily picked them up, knocked the ground twice to shake off the soil, and put them into the small basket.

At this time, Ke Luo's cell phone rang, and it was the second brother Trevor. After connecting, he realized that this guy wanted to drive the Venus to play in the waters near Los Angeles.

Ke Luo will not make decisions casually, so he handed over the phone to Qin Yi, and asked Trevor to talk to Qin Yi himself.

It made Trevor complain that Colo has a husband, so she doesn't want her mother's family!
Qin Yi has no opinion on this matter, and with the stupid bear watching, he is not afraid of anything happening.

But after Colo got the call back, he still ran to warn Trevor not to mess around on the yacht, otherwise, not only would he not be able to board the Venus in the future, but Simon would take care of him!
Trevor was speechless, and could only promise again and again that he would just go out to sea and not mess around!

After the phone call, Ke Luo came back and said to Susa a little embarrassedly: "Sousa, this is my problem, but Trevor has already asked, I can't refuse!"

After all, the Venus belonged to the whole family, so they just borrowed it, and Ke Luo felt that he needed Susa's understanding.

She also knew that Susa wouldn't care, but mutual respect, that's how it was shown.

Naturally, Susa didn't care, she played a prank, scraped Ke Luo's face with her hand that was still occupying the sand after picking up purple potatoes, and smiled casually: "Hey, what are you talking about! Ke Luo, I think you are Knowing me, do you need to say this?"

"Of course! But some words are comfortable!"

Ke Luo avoided with a smile, blinked at her, and suddenly leaned over to kiss her, startled Susa, and quickly pushed her away!
Qin Yi, who was always paying attention to the two women, immediately pretended to be annoyed, and shouted: "Hey, hey! Ke Luo, what do you want to do, that's my territory!"

"Okay, okay, I'll return it to you!" Ke Luo smiled and pushed Susa into Qin Yi's arms, like a mischievous child!

Qin Yi, on the other hand, was honest and blunt, and kissed Susa's white and tender face hard, which made Susa angry and funny, and said coquettishly, "Oh, my God! Are we here to play games?"

At this time, Angel, who ran all the way to find the big purple potato, ran back with her calves. When she saw the adults playing around, she immediately showed curiosity: "Uncle Yi, what game are you playing? Can you take me with you?"

"Oh, no! Angel, this is a grown-up game!"

Susa quickly replied, but she still felt that it was inappropriate to discuss this with children, so she immediately changed the subject, "Okay, Angel, let's not discuss this anymore! Have you finished your work? Big Purple Potato!"

The little girl was still a little puzzled when she heard about the adults' games, but when she heard about her job, she immediately showed excitement, and nodded her head: "Yes, Mom, I found a big one, come with me!"

The little girl waved her little hand and led her to run forward.

The three adults didn't care, they laughed and followed, but when they reached the end of the land, they were really surprised!
(End of this chapter)

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