American Ranch

Chapter 314 Retired Apache

Chapter 314 Retired Apache
Time flies, and half a month has passed in a flash. The branches are sprouting, the grass is green, and the world that has been depressed for several months is once again stained with dazzling colors.

For the Sun River Ranch, the pastures also sprouted, but the changes were more reflected in the pine and poplar shrubs.

The gray-brown branches, the young leaves are just beginning to appear, or goose yellow or light green, clustered one by one, which outlines the whole scenery more vividly and concretely.

White clouds flutter in the blue sky and the sun shines brightly. In the pasture, cows and sheep flick their tails and graze leisurely. Cowboys are either riding on horseback or lying on slopes, holding grass stems in their mouths and wearing felt hats, leisurely.

On the contrary, the cattle dogs couldn't stay idle and were dedicated to their duties, running briskly around the periphery of the herd, guarding against possible dangers.

Under the sun, the creek is rushing, flowing like winter, but it gives people the feeling that it has changed from the dullness of the past and has become much lighter.

That coolness, that clarity, that whiteness shining under the spring sun seems to be able to cleanse the soul, and gently wash away the haze brought about by the severe winter!

The longer the spring, the warmer it will be.

Every day, sweaters and thick denim jackets make everyone who has taken off the puffy cotton clothes feel much lighter. The skillful and flexible movements are like no restraints, and there is an illusion of greatly increased strength.

How can you not go for an outing in spring?
Deep in the ranch, Augusta Street Market, Walker Farm, Julie and his wife's ranch
Qin Yi, a guy who knows how to enjoy himself, took Susa and Ke Luo to various places more than once.

Talk about love, enjoy the sunshine, like that happy little couple, sweet and happy!
Of course, Angel, who is a professional light bulb, will naturally go with her on weekends, but the little girl cares about playing on her own, so she doesn't care about the adults taking time to caress about me!

In these leisurely days, Susie's vegetable garden work is also on the right track. Now the vegetables have been planted. Yesterday, Susie called excitedly to report that the vegetables had sprouted!
Not too big, not too small, a happy event!
Ryan is in charge of the ranch, and the daily operations are quite satisfactory, with no surprises or accidents.

This is very good, daily cattle herding, where is the surprise, it can't rain in the sky, let's become a cow on the ground!
There are no accidents, a plain and warm life is the biggest surprise.

Of course, there is one more important matter.

The [-] cows that had reached the standard for slaughter before had been snapped up during this period of time, and major hotels and restaurants were making reservations one after another, wanting to get the purchase quota of Qin's beef cattle in advance!
During this period of time, Liuhuo sales are still in full swing, but the performance of Qin's beef cattle in high-end restaurants is not weak at all.

Impeccable quality, under the knives of top chefs, transformed into various delicacies, highly praised by high-end consumers, and promoted to the signature dishes of major restaurants in a very short period of time, ordinary rich people want to eat a meal, just eat Have to book half a month in advance!

Of course, if you are a real dignitary and high-level power, it is natural to say hello a day or two in advance!

Qin Yi could guess these things, but he didn't pay any attention to them. He only needs to sell his own beef. As for how the buyer manages the business, it has nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, Ke Luo pushed Susa to open a high-end restaurant, specializing in ranch beef and vegetables, which should be very popular.

Recently, both of them have been planning this matter.

In addition, the offal such as beef heart and liver left in the slaughterhouse is still useful for the ranch.

Naturally, it is not used for cooking. There are so many offals, and you can't finish them every day!
In the local area, beef offal is generally used to feed cattle dogs. If it can’t be used up, it will be processed into feed. Laomei basically no one eats it. It’s still the same sentence: I can’t cook!

Qin Yi also felt that it was good to feed cattle offal to cattle dogs. It not only saves the trouble of cooking for cattle dogs all day long, but also facilitates the handling of cattle offal.

Therefore, the beef offal in the slaughterhouse is also directly roasted and sent to the ranch as a meal for the cattle dogs.

In this way, the food problem of the small animals in the family was also solved, so Qin Yi's family did not need to cook for the small animals every day.

Of course, the two omnivorous bears like McGee and Teddy still have to be given some vegetables and fruits every day.

The little rabbit Bai Xue doesn't need to worry, because Lai Pi is here, and Lai Pi is a good husband. He chooses fresh vegetables every morning and brings them back for Bai Xue to eat!

Kolo and Susa often joked about Laipi, saying that he was Snow White's servant, not her husband!
In the past half a month, Diana and Hans have taken Bonebreaker to Texas. In this big state with a well-developed horse racing industry, they once again won a championship with a very high gold content. The supporters are thrilled.

When the news came, Qin Yi's family was naturally beaming.

But the Venus, after a long circle, has arrived in Los Angeles for several days, and is currently docked at the private marina in Santa Monica. The annual docking and maintenance costs cost Qin Yi hundreds of thousands!
And the captain John, after arranging the Venus, asked Clumsy Bear to lead the guards, and he went to talk about the helicopter in person.

Over the past few days, there have been results, but the model of the helicopter made Qin Yi a little bit astonished!
Perhaps because of this guy's background as a special soldier, he has a great affection for and pursuit of various military equipment.

This time Qin Yi asked him to pay attention to the helicopter, and John made his idea on the military helicopter!
That's right, there is a way for helicopters, but this guy got three "retired" Apaches in a legal way by virtue of his former military relationship!
Although the weapons and equipment on the fuselage were removed, the performance of the Apache military helicopter itself was not damaged in the slightest.

If you buy machine guns or even rockets through legal channels, you can build a war helicopter!

However, there are also many troubles, such as legal licenses, supervision, etc., and even a helicopter with weapons installed if it is not handled well, and even Qin's security company will be blacklisted by the old US government!
Therefore, after Qin Yi got the news, he solemnly ordered John to forbid him to equip the helicopter with weapons!
At least not now!

John naturally knew the powerful relationship, and he didn't plan to equip weapons.

I recommended the toothless Apache to Qin Yi, just because of its flight, protection and night combat performance. In case the security team needs to come out, it can be used as a transportation tool for the rapid response team.

Watching the video sent by John, Qin Yi naturally liked the handsome Apache in it, so after asking John to handle the legal procedures, he immediately transferred the money to the three "retired" Apaches. Patch is in the bag!
This transaction cost Qin Yi a total of 700 million U.S. dollars, that is to say, an Apache with its offensive weapons removed cost 900 million U.S. dollars!
This price is a bit expensive, but it is normal, after all, people risked reporting Apache for "retirement", so what if they don't get some benefits!
However, with people in the system like John, it is not much more expensive. The U.S. Army purchases an Apache for 1350 million US dollars.

Those guys in the army who are making money, after deducting the discount fee, and without the single-barreled chain gun and external rocket launcher, they only earn tens of millions!

After taking down the three Apaches, Qin Yi asked John to apply for a legal license through his relationship, and allocated two of them to Qin's security company, and the remaining one was directly driven to the ranch.

He has already made plans to use it in the ranch. He is itching to use this cool military helicopter!
When going out to sea, wait on the tarmac where the yacht is docked.

Maybe it feels better to fly a helicopter freely on the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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