American Ranch

Chapter 304 Trip to Key West

Chapter 304 Trip to Key West

In order to facilitate management, Colo chose a girl named Catherine with a white-collar temperament among the fifteen waiters as their foreman, responsible for daily work arrangements.

The girls packed their luggage that day and moved to the yacht. Now, the empty yacht is more popular.

Originally, because of the "code of conduct" put forward by Qin Yi's family, the girls thought they were old-fashioned and difficult to get along with, but it was only after the next two days that they discovered that Qin Yi's family were kind people, as long as they obeyed the rules of the yacht, they would be fine on weekdays. Very friendly.

You can even go for a swim, sit and laugh together!
Therefore, the girls cleaned up the yacht every day, and then brought a cup of tea and coffee to Qin Yi's family, and the rest of the time was basically fine!
As a result, girls can often be seen wearing bikinis, swimming in the small pool, or lying on the deck to bask in the sun, very leisurely!

Living on a luxury yacht without being disturbed, let alone harassed, really satisfied them!
With such a laid-back staff, Qin Yi teased Susa and Ke Luo more than once: "Look at your soldiers, they enjoy it more than you real yacht owners!"

Of course it was just a joke, Qin Yi's family didn't have a job at all, they read books, went swimming, and basked in the sun on the top deck all day, which was more leisurely!
But being too leisurely is boring, but going to sea is impossible now.

Because John has just assembled the crew and escort, and they are still gathering here in Miami, and it will take the day after tomorrow to go to sea at the soonest.

Therefore, I can only think of other ways to play.

It's not difficult. After coming to Miami, I only visited the yacht exhibition area and South Beach, and I haven't been to other attractions yet.

So on the third day, let Catherine take the girls to take care of the yacht, and Qin Yi and his family set off for Key West!
Key West is located at the southwestern tip of Miami. It is a small island across the sea from Cuba. It is famous for its beautiful sunset landscape and is called "Sunset Hometown".

But it takes more than three hours to drive there, which is too time-consuming, so everyone chose to fly.

It happens that Key West has an international airport, and there are several flights to and from Miami every day.

Sitting on the plane, overlooking the sea, dozens of sea-crossing bridges connect a string of coral islands together, like a gorgeous necklace, in the sun, revealing a fresh and elegant atmosphere.

Not long after we arrived at Key West and got off the plane, a warm Latin atmosphere came over us, which made the family who are used to cowboy style and modern urban fashion feel very fresh.

There are various souvenir shops on both sides of the street, such as pearls, shells, special clothing, wood carvings, etc., which are very beautiful. Qin Yi took them to stroll slowly.

This little girl, Angel, chose a lot of beautiful shell necklaces, and paid the bill with her own small wallet, and then gave them to Susa and Keluo. Of course, Qin Yi was also indispensable.

The three adults were very happy, so they hung it around their necks.

The expression of love on their faces made the little girl very satisfied, and she felt that her gift was still very good!
On the way, I don't know if it's a local special tourist show or it's a festival. Qin Yi's family also met a small Latin dance team on the street. The swinging grass skirt and headdress made the little girl very surprised.

It happened that there was a small store on the side of the road selling it, so Ke Luo bought a set of children's version for her, which made the little girl happy, and even ran to the changing room in the store on the spot, happily changing into it!
After a while, a little girl in a grass flock came out bouncing around, imitating the unrestrained dance she saw on the street just now, and twisted her little butt a few times, making the shop owner and customers smile.

Key West is so small, you don’t need to take a taxi all the way around, and the distance between the scenic spots only takes a little time to walk.

After visiting the Latin style street, the family first came to the famous Little White House.

This is a historic building, Edison lived here during the First World War; in 46, Truman also lived here when he came to Key West for vacation.

But to be honest, the scenery is just average: a small white building, a nice lawn like a small garden, a quiet and indifferent atmosphere, that's all!

Therefore, Qin Yi's family took a casual stroll and left, heading to the Butterfly Greenhouse on Key West Island.

This is the place where Angel strongly requested to come. When the little girl saw the word butterfly, she looked forward to it very much. In her words: Butterfly is the most beautiful!
It really didn't disappoint.

Although the Butterfly Greenhouse is only the size of a house, it is full of flowers and dozens of kinds of butterflies are flying all over the sky with colorful colors, just like "air elves" and even dance around people!
The beautiful picture, the crisp birdsong from time to time in the tranquility, seems to be in the secret land of the fairy forest!
Not to mention the little girl, Susa and Keluo also watched with joy!
People always have little resistance to these beautiful things!

The little girl stayed happily for more than half an hour, and asked the adults to take a lot of photos of her. Just like that, she was still reluctant to part when she left!
After visiting Key West for a long time, the family planned to go back, but before leaving, Qin Yi took everyone to a famous landmark in Key West - the southernmost buoy in the United States!

Known as the ends of the earth in the United States, basically every tourist who comes to Key West will not miss the opportunity to take a photo with the buoy!
But here, Qin Yi has more feelings.

He smiled and said to the two women: "In China, there is a story about the ends of the earth."

Afterwards, he roughly told the story, and then said: "So there is a saying in China: 'The ends of the earth, never separate'! I have never been to the ends of the earth in China, but today I have no regrets when I come to the ends of the earth in the United States. Already!"

"I like this story!" The two girls smiled warmly, and then asked passers-by for help, and the family took a warm photo with the buoy.

"Yi, why don't we go to China's 'End of the World' together!"

On the way back, Ke Luo held Qin Yi's arm and said expectantly.

And Susa looked back at the buoy hidden by tourists, and also showed a look of expectation: "I want to go too!"

"Uncle Yi, let's go! Uncle Yi drives a big boat and takes me there! Mom and Aunt Ke Luo!"

The little girl sat on Qin Yi's arm and also joined in.

She doesn't know what 'the ends of the earth' is, she just wants to play!

"Okay, this needs a plan!" Qin Yi had no objection, he hadn't been to Hainan Island yet!

Then he said to Susa and Ke Luo: "You guys make a plan, it's best to go in summer, Angel is on vacation, let's play for a few more days!"

The two women nodded, and the family returned to Key West Airport, which happened to be noon.

I was hungry, so I chose a cafeteria with a pirate-themed decoration style. The waiters here are also wearing flower headscarves and pirate costumes. It seems that the men are handsome and the women are sexy, which is quite interesting.

The whole family went to battle with their plates. First, they got some tropical fruit salad, and then they focused on freshly grilled seafood. The drink was coconut juice.

This is for adults, but Angel is different. In addition to the fruit and a freshly grilled lobster, the rest is three tiramisu!

This made the three adults very speechless, it's not good to eat too much dessert!

I coaxed the little girl to put down two tiramisu, and helped her choose grilled scallops and other seafood. The little girl seldom eats seafood, so it is relatively novel, and she is still very interested in these.

After lunch, I planned to go back to Miami, but the little girl saw a big turtle on a tourist notice, and she was looking forward to going!

Just go, anyway, the three adults have never been to Turtle National Park.

The distance is relatively long, and I still fly there.

These are a few coral reef islands. The light blue-green water is very beautiful, but there are few tourists, and there are not many scattered places. It may be because it is too remote and the transportation is inconvenient.

This season, there are seagulls on the coral reefs, hula flying, hula landing, accompanied by the warm sea breeze and the landscape of the sea and the sky, it feels very leisurely.

Sea Turtle National Park is not full of sea turtles. You can only see a lot of sea turtles during the spawning season in July and August. In the current season, like tourists, they are scattered and slowly crawling on the beach.

The little girl was so happy that she ran over and sat on the back of a one-meter-diameter big turtle, but the turtle didn't notice it and continued to crawl slowly. The happy little girl giggled.

When we got there, I wanted to catch one back, but here is the subtropical zone. Qin Yi was worried that the cold Montana would have an adverse effect on the survival of sea turtles, so he could only coax her to find a big one that ran on the ground. Turtle, play with her every day!

Fortunately, the little girl is well-behaved and didn't make a fuss, but she also emphasized that she will find a bigger and more beautiful turtle in the future!

Qin Yi fully agreed, and Susa and Ke Luo watched with smiles.

The next morning, John finally arrived in Miami with [-] retired soldiers. There were [-] crew members who were responsible for sailing and yacht maintenance.

Of course, if you encounter a battle, you can also carry a gun into battle!
The remaining [-] were the escorts of the yacht.

According to John, these people are all retired sailors or marines, with excellent professional qualities!

Moreover, he understands Qin Yi's employment standards, these people have no bad records, and they have a good reputation in the circle of retired soldiers.

John has never let him down. In addition, during this period of time, members of the security brigade have performed very well. Therefore, Qin Yi did not pay much attention to these newly recruited employees.

After the lecture, they directly announced the unified annual salary of 11 US dollars, as well as the accompanying insurance, medical treatment and other benefits, and then arranged jobs for them.

The crew is easy to arrange, and it is enough to be familiar with the operation of the downstream yacht, but the legal status of the escort team is not something that can be done with money.

But for this matter, Qin Yi asked Qin's Winery's exclusive store in Miami to cooperate. Using the relationship accumulated during this period, he coordinated with the Miami police and obtained the legal certificate in one day.

Of course, this is also because the yacht is equipped with reasonable private armed forces, which is a normal requirement and is within the scope of the policy.

Using relationships for coordination only speeds up the efficiency of work.

If you really want to violate the law, it is not just about coordination.

The Venus here is registering the legal identity information of the escort, and at the same time, it is equipped with weapons and equipment.

Qin Yi didn't care about this matter, and asked John to contact him. In the American society, he, a special soldier, always has many channels to get professional firearms.

On this day, apart from issuing a few orders, reading the rules of yachting to the escort, and calling the specialty store, he was basically fine.

I can't be idle, so I took the women and children again and ran to the Everglades National Park. The lazy alligators there are still very attractive!
(End of this chapter)

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