American Ranch

Chapter 303 Yacht Waiter

Chapter 303 Yacht Waiter

After playing around all afternoon, after taking a shower and getting dressed, it was already evening.

It was impossible to go out to play now, so the shopkeeper Qin hugged the two girls and whispered. Not long after, Angel, who was hungry again, walked out with bare feet and rubbed her big eyes.

"Mom! Uncle Yi, where are you? Aunt Keluo, Angel is hungry, gurgling"

Like a little confused, I thought I was at home, and subconsciously went downstairs to the kitchen, but after wandering around for a few steps, I realized that the layout was different from that at home, so I realized that now I am on a yacht!

Hearing the little girl's cry, the three agreed and hurried out.

At first glance, I saw the little girl rubbing her eyes with one hand and her belly with the other, walking this way with her bare feet dangling, she looked like she was not awake, she was really cute.

Susa took two steps, and hugged the little girl with a smile, "Hi, baby! What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Bone meat! There are also meat, noodles, and salted duck eggs."

The little girl put her arms around Susa's neck, her little head lay on her shoulders, and her calves were still clamping her waist. When she heard her mother ask what she wanted to eat, she immediately gurgled a lot of what she wanted to eat.

It's a pity that I'm not at home now, and I don't even want to eat!
"Ha, but we are on a yacht, and there are no ingredients you mentioned here."

Ke Luo pinched the little girl's face, seeing that she listened, her little face collapsed, she was a little disappointed, and immediately started to make up her mind: "Angel, how about we let your Uncle Yi go to buy ingredients, and we cook on the yacht !"

In fact, Ke Luo wanted to eat it herself!
Sure enough, the little girl is worthy of being a snack food person. When she heard what Ke Luo said, she immediately became more energetic. She looked at Qin Yi eagerly, her big eyes full of longing: "Uncle Yi!"

"Okay, okay, let's go now, go to the hotel to get the luggage, and then go to the supermarket."

In terms of taking care of his own women and children, Qin Yi is not afraid of trouble at all!
So, Susa carried the little girl back to the house and put on her shoes. The family set off. They first went to the hotel to pack their luggage and checked out the room. Then they drove the car, and based on the information they searched, went to the area where the local Chinese were concentrated, and began to search. Condiment battle!
There is no Chinatown in Miami, but as long as there are a certain number of local Chinese, they will still consciously live together and form a settlement.

There are too many examples like this. The Japanese district, the Vietnamese district, the Korean district, etc., gather together to take care of each other, and it is just a subconscious approach.

Compared with cities such as Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco, there are still too few Chinese in Miami. Qin Yi's family ran all over the streets and alleys, inquiring all the way, from the sunset to the bright lights, they only found a part of the Chinese people. It's just a condiment!

But it was barely enough, back then, with a bag of salt and a bag of cooking seasonings, Shopkeeper Qin could solve three meals a day deliciously!
At this moment, Angel's stomach was already rumbling with hunger, so Qin Yi drove much faster than usual, of course, speeding is not allowed, Qin Yi is not that stupid!

All the way back to Ocean Island Wharf, even though it was night, there were still many people at the whole wharf during the exhibition period, and many yachts turned on their lights, all of which were as white as jade and beautiful, which attracted everyone to take pictures.

At this time, the Venus was emitting a faint silvery white light. Under the reflection of the water waves, the hull seemed to be fluctuating slightly, which had a dreamy, sci-fi beauty.

Ignoring the envious eyes of the onlookers, Qin Yi's family returned to the yacht with their luggage and ingredients.

The luggage was sorted out by Susa and Ke Luo, and Qin Yi started to tidy up the kitchen. The Venus is a top yacht, and the kitchen is fully equipped.He was familiar with the operation of kitchen utensils and started cooking.

As for Angel, he placed him on the kitchen counter by the door, so the little girl hunched over, leaning her arms on her calves, resting her face on her hands, watching him cook, and smacking her mouth from time to time.

After a while, Susa and Ke Luo, who had packed their luggage, also came to help, and the family gathered to cook together, which was warm and leisurely.

With the help of two women, Qin Yi's cooking speed was much faster. Half an hour later, the braised pork ribs and spicy pork shredded noodles were out of the pot, and Angel, who was already very hungry, applauded and cheered.

I'm really hungry. The little girl gnawed on the pork ribs and ate a big bowl of noodles, which can almost catch up with Susa and Keluo's appetite!

After eating their stomachs full, the family hung out for a while at the pier where the sea breeze was cool and there were many people but quiet, and experienced the leisurely Miami night deeply before going back to sleep.

At this time, it was already past 10 o'clock in the evening. Although the little girl slept for half an afternoon, she was tired and hungry all day. Up to now, she still dozed off without hesitation. When she returned to the yacht, she was in a daze , was carried back to her small bedroom by Susa.

I have to say that the design of the yacht is really thoughtful, there are several small bedrooms for children!
Su Sa and Ke Luo both went to take a bath, but Qin Yi was not idle, and ran to the kitchen to make noodles, put some yeast, and planned to let it stand overnight, and make Roujiamo tomorrow morning.

Of course, the fat and tender pork belly should also be marinated!
After another night of hard work, the next day, the three of them woke up refreshed, ran around the pier a few times to exercise their bodies, and went about their business.

Qin Yi cooks, Susa and Ke Luo plan the tasks Qin Yi entrusts to them.

By the time dinner was ready, Susa had already worked out a salary and welfare plan for the employees of the yacht, and Ke Luo had also drawn up a charter of employee rights and obligations and assessment standards according to the requirements of the three of them.

After Qin Yi looked over, he found that the three of them discussed the things, so these things were settled like this.

Shout out to Angel, everyone had a warm breakfast, and went to recruit waiters together.

This work is mainly in charge of Ke Luo, with Su Sa helping, Qin Yi is their bodyguard, part-time baby daddy, and taking care of Angel!
As Colo said, there are indeed many beautiful waitresses in the exhibition area, and they usually gather near the bar, looking for job opportunities.

When they heard that Qin Yi's family was recruiting waiters for a luxury yacht, there were immediately a crowd of people responding.

Among the more normal-looking girls, Ke Luo chose [-] conservative and delicate girls. After all, such girls have a lower chance of having bad habits, which is more reassuring.

Immediately, Colo announced some requirements, such as "no filth on the yacht", "no messing with men and women on the yacht" and so on.

These requests made many girls present feel rather strange. After all, there are many dirty things on many yachts. Such requests are really rare.

This is the unanimous request of Qin Yi, Su Sa, and Ke Luo. They don't care about other people's yachts, but they don't want their own yacht to become dirty!

Of course, this kind of filth refers to the psychological and spiritual.

Afterwards, Ke Luo emphasized the rules on the yacht several times, announcing that those who did not want to stay could quit voluntarily. Sure enough, there were indeed two girls who chose to quit after some hesitation.

After all, such a tough rule will make some girls lose an important way to make money, or even lose the opportunity of sugar daddy.
Qin Yi and the others don't care, the world is like this, when there is an urgent need for money, each has its own pursuit!
Khloe picked two more, and now that no one quit, she took them back to the yacht and announced their annual salaries—$8 each!
Top Annual Salary!

Now, the girls are very happy, they just want to work securely on a luxury yacht, and now the yacht owner's request is exactly what they want, and look, such a huge, luxurious, beautiful yacht, plus 8 The annual salary is really perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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