American Ranch

Chapter 233

Chapter 233
Susa blushed again, feeling a little thankful that the little girl didn't say it out loud, otherwise, how embarrassing it would be!
She intends not to let her buy it, but the little girl's expression of anticipation makes her unable to refuse. The older sister loves the younger brother, so that's right!
But the little girl did something serious about things that didn't show up!

Susa pinched her little face, what was going on in her little head all day long!

"Mom? Is it okay?" Seeing that her mother didn't speak, the little girl asked again.

Susa was afraid that she would talk nonsense, so she quickly agreed, not forgetting to whisper: "Okay, Angel can buy it, but don't talk nonsense, you know? Otherwise, mother will be angry!"

The little girl nodded, and happily pushed the bicycle to pay the bill. She carried a small wallet with her!

On one side, Sarah looked at the second-hand goods in the store, and all kinds of weird things, which made her very surprised.Naturally, she saw what Susa and the little girl were doing, but she didn't hear what they were talking about, and thought it was the mother and daughter whispering.

Of course it was a whisper, but the content, she couldn't think of it even if she tried her best!
Because of the little girl's words, Susa felt a little uncomfortable, subconsciously looked at Qin Yi and Sara, and saw that they didn't respond, so she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, pretending to look through second-hand goods, trying to cover up her inner embarrassment.

The little girl didn't care so much, she quickly took out the small cartoon wallet to pay the bill, patted the bicycle beside her, and felt very satisfied, thinking that the younger brother would definitely like the gift that the older sister prepared for him!
Susa felt that no one had noticed their mother and daughter's private conversation, so she gradually regained her indifference.

After looking around, I really found some small things for her, such as a cool leather beer holster, which can be hung on the belt, and beer bottles or cans can be put in it, which is easy to take, and can be eaten while grilling at a party. You can drink freely with friends, free and chic!

There is also a pair of semi-old skates, which are also prepared for Qin Yi, anyway, they are only used once or twice a year, so they can make do with it.

In addition, there are some pet toys, such as wool balls, rubber balls, and even a three-wheeled flatbed, which is the best for the little guy Teddy to sit on and play with!

Qin Yi took it and held it in his hand, feeling satisfied. These small objects are usually not noticeable, but they are quite useful.

Sara looked at it curiously for a long time, and finally chose a Rubik's Cube. On the way back, she played with Angel, and even Susa played with it with interest for a while.

Back at the ranch, the little girl rode the bicycle she bought for her brother to the warehouse, where there was a small room specially used to store the little girl's odds and ends.

Now that her brother hasn't come out yet, she can only save the gift first.

A few people teased the small animals, and rode a few laps on the horse farm. It was noon soon, and they were about to go back to cook when Ryan came to inform that the slaughter truck was coming.

So, Qin Yi took everyone over to watch.

This is a large vehicle similar to a blood donation vehicle. It has a long body and a closed green compartment. The engine is still humming. Can't see what's going on inside.

After about 10 minutes, the four halves of processed beef came out, pink and tender, densely dotted with white fat spots, covering the entire cut surface, which looked pleasing to the eye.

Ryan and a few cowboys looked at the beautiful marble pattern on the beef, with smiles on their faces. Although the taste is not known, but the color and fat point density of the beef, they know that the appearance is very good. I want to come to the Ministry of Agriculture After the certification, it is not a problem to be rated as a premium class!
Qin Yi and Su Sa were naturally full of joy, and then took away half a slice of beef, and asked Ryan to share the remaining three slices with everyone. Today is considered an extra meal.

Those offals were naturally taken away by Qin Yi. Lao Mei doesn't know how to make these things. They are usually used to make bone meal, fodder, etc., or they are cooked and fed to cattle dogs.

With fresh beef, the lunch is settled. After all, this can be said to be the first cow to be slaughtered in the ranch, and everyone wants to try something new.

Susa made a move, fried a few steaks, fried a plate of braised beef, and then prepared some more vegetables and fruit salad. Eating meat alone is not suitable for digestion.

Except for Sara's medium-rare, Susa and Angel, like Qin Yi, are all well-done, which slightly affects the taste, but the premium-grade and premium-grade beef bought in the supermarket before are also well-done. , Naturally, the pasture beef is more tender and smooth.

There is a little bit of springiness when chewing, which makes people feel that the taste is richer, but there is no suspicion of effort, it can only be said that the taste is just right!
And there is a unique sweetness, like the mellow mixture of beef and fat, but with a little herbal fragrance, if there is nothing, it stirs people's mood and makes people have an illusion of taste buds. Savor it carefully.

But this serious taste can give you the feeling of eating vegetables from the vegetable garden in the pasture, a unique atmosphere, a pleasant and satisfying atmosphere.

This is aura!

Qin Yi slowly chewed the beef in his mouth, and nodded imperceptibly.

Don't worry, as long as it has this taste and breath, coupled with the perfect appearance, it is absolutely premium!

That's right, it seems that after wine, another pillar industry of his own will also shine!
Now he is just waiting for the certification from the Ministry of Agriculture. With the certification in hand and the perfect taste, he is confident that he will be able to open up the market in high-end hotels. Such beef, as a signature dish, has depreciated its value. With the current output , want to eat?
Book ten days and a half months in advance!
Qin Yi was planning these things in his heart, with a smile on his lips.

But Su Sa didn't think too much about it. After taking a sip, she knew that the beef must be on fire, and it was about to be sold. She was smiling, and she was naturally happy for Qin Yi.

"Wow!" Sara took a sip, but exclaimed, with surprise and admiration on her face, she praised Susa: "Sousa, I really didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good. I've been there, I don't think it can compare to the delicious steak you cook!"

"Ha, it's just that the quality of the beef is good. My skills are not as good as the chef's!" Hearing Sarah's praise, Susa was naturally happy, but of course she has no shortage of cooking skills, but it is comparable to those of the top international chefs in Michelin. To an extent, that is really an exaggeration!
Sarah giggled and said no more, concentrating on the steak.

She also knew that Susa was naturally a lot worse than Michelin chefs, but she didn't talk nonsense. The taste of this steak is indeed something that Michelin chefs can't cook, if they don't use beef from the pasture!

The reason is the aura contained in the beef. This kind of comfortable breath cannot be made up by the gap in technology!
Angel didn't care so much, because of Qin Yi's laissez-faire, now the little girl ate steaks with chopsticks, raised her little hands and gnawed directly, eating deliciously, her little face was covered with oil stains after a while!

But she didn't realize it, she chewed very quickly with her small mouth, and the youngest person was the fastest eater among the four!

What's more funny is that while eating her own share, the little girl stared at the steaks on other people's plates with big eyes. The oil stains on the cat, so is the little cat!
Everyone naturally knows what the little girl is paying attention to. After eating delicious food, I feel that my share is not enough, so I wait until I finish eating my own, and then share some from others!
Susa smiled, and wanted to pinch her little face, but when she realized it halfway, the little girl's face was covered with oil, so forget it, got up and brought out a large dinner plate in the kitchen, which also contained several steaks.

She knew that one serving should not be enough, so she specially made an extra serving for each person.

A full meal will satisfy everyone.

The animals naturally tasted something new, but it was not a big piece for each person. They mainly ate fish and vegetables. If they were full, the half slice of beef would be gone. With McGee and black rice and wheat, half a slice of beef , up to two meals!
After taking a walk to digest food, Qin Yi began to clean up the offal, Susa laid hands down, while Angel rubbed her swollen belly and clicked her mouth, thinking about drinking fragrant broth at night, looking forward to it.

It was the first time Sara saw it. She hugged the little fox and looked around, asking if it was delicious. The little girl was more than happy to explain it to her. She had had haggis soup and it tasted very good, but she was at a loss for words to describe it. I could only keep repeating "fragrant" and "delicious", and combined with the appearance of smashing the small mouth, Sarah was looking forward to it for a while.

Qin Yi explained to the little girl while he was busy: "This soup is made of beef offal. The soup is rich, the beef offal is crispy and mellow, and the smell is strong and fresh. In China, it is a recipe for nourishing deficiency and nourishing the body. It is very suitable Drink it in winter! People who suffer from cold limbs can drink more, it is very good for health.”

Sara didn't quite understand the previous content, such as tonic and so on, but as long as she understood that it was good for her health, she was more interested in the rich soup and delicious smell, and her sense of anticipation was stronger.

With the help of Susa, Qin Yi set up a big pot, put beef bones, beef heart, tripe and other beef offal in the big pot, and cooked it slowly with spices. There was also a cleaned beef head, the whole pot surface, It makes people feel quite weird, but there is another kind of expectation!

Bring to a rapid boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat.

Qin Yi only came to add a piece of firewood from time to time, skimmed off the floating powder, and didn't care about the rest, leaving it to time and flames, delicious food needs to wait.

In the afternoon, the weather changed from cloudy to cloudy, and the cold wind from Canada hit everyone. Qin Yi knew that the weather was about to change.

The weather forecast said yesterday that there will be a snowstorm in the last two days.It was the first time he had to experience such weather, and after telling Ryan to deal with it, he became a little looking forward to it.Now seeing the change in the weather, I am a little happy.

Standing in front of the window watching the snow is his favorite!
Perhaps, if Ye Fang can catch up, he can go to the Rocky Mountains to spend a snowy night.

It was windy, and the flames under the pot were swaying, Qin Yi went to the warehouse to hold out the tent, Susa and Sara came to help, and after a while, a rainproof and windproof tent was built around the cauldron, and it was safe now .

Qin Yi called Ryan and asked him to arrange for the cowboys to drive the cattle back. This time it was different from Thanksgiving, and the snowstorm weather was somewhat dangerous under modern conditions. It is better to drive the cattle into the cowshed early. .

It seemed to cover the sky, the sky became more and more gloomy, the wind was gradually increasing, and the blowing tent was whirring, which made people worry about the pot of soup!

It was so hard to prepare!

In the evening, the dark clouds dissipated and the weather became better, but Susa said that a blizzard was coming soon!
The wind has blown away the clouds, but it also means the blizzard is getting closer.

Susa grew up here, so she was naturally aware of these changes. Qin Yi had no doubts. He just cooked the offal soup all afternoon. He went to the kitchen to find pots and pans, and transferred the whole pot of soup to the The main house, now, let the little girl and Sarah, who had been worried all afternoon, breathe a sigh of relief!
Soup is enough!
Sure enough, in less than half an hour, the wind became stronger and stronger, and there were five or six winds, and then, without warning, fluttering snowflakes fell, and the whole world was suddenly covered with goose feathers. The line of sight is only a few tens of meters away, no matter how far away you can't see clearly!
Qin Yi stood in front of the window with a soup bowl in his hand, curiously looking at the rapidly turning white land and vegetation outside, feeling a little indescribably happy.

Susa and Sara also brought a small bowl of soup to watch the snow. Only the little girl, who was too small, could only drink the soup without looking outside, but it was just what she wanted. There was delicious soup to drink, and the others I don't care!

(End of this chapter)

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