American Ranch

Chapter 232 Brother's Bicycle

Chapter 232 Brother's Bicycle
Because of the arrival of Miles and Sarah, Amanda gave herself a vacation and took a day off before going to work again.

And Miles lived in the ranch for another day, and asked for two bottles of Liuhuo Collector's Edition in a shameless manner, and left contentedly, leaving Sara and Amanda two sisters to play in Qin Yi's ranch.

In the past two days, Qin Yi told Ke Luo that Daniel became the manager of the winery, which made Ke Luo secretly hate that he was born two years late, otherwise he would be able to help Qin Yi take care of the property!

After discussing with the bearded Peter, Qin Yi also won a one-week Christmas vacation for Ke Luo, and in a few days, they will be able to return to the ranch for reunion.

This time, Qin Yi prepared the Christmas gift a long time in advance. It was the time when he went to the vineyard to make wine. He just happened to be able to move around by himself. He picked out a few jewelry in San Francisco. It's all round!
This morning, Ryan called and said that the original batch of cattle on the ranch could be slaughtered, about a thousand head, and asked about Qin Yi's plan.

Qin Yi was very excited when he received this news. The main source of profit for the ranch is naturally beef cattle, but feeding beef cattle is a long-term process, unlike tourism and wine, as long as there are projects and stocks, it can be opened immediately.

Raising cattle has to be done slowly. It takes about nine months to a year for a beef cattle from birth to slaughter. It can only be fed carefully without any rush.

Today, the newly purchased 5 calves are naturally not ready yet, but some of the cattle that were taken over when the ranch was purchased are ready for slaughter.

Including the newly born calves in the past six months, the original number of cattle in the pasture is about [-], of which the newborn calves and the cows used for breeding are the majority.

For the newly grown beef cattle, a part of good-quality cows and bulls are left to breed as breeding cattle for the next generation, and there are only about 1000 cattle that can be slaughtered.

When receiving the news, Qin Yi, like Ryan, first thought of the meat quality of this batch of beef cattle, which is related to the price of beef cattle and the income of the ranch, and will even have a certain impact on the future business strategy of the ranch.

However, with the guarantee of the highest quality mutton, not only Qin Yi, but also the cowboys on the ranch are full of confidence in the quality of this batch of beef.

Confidence is naturally indispensable, but the main job now is to obtain the certification first.

Therefore, Qin Yi made the arrangement that everyone expected: first slaughter two beef cattle, some of them will be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture for inspection according to the feeding records, and everyone in the ranch will have the rest.

Ryan has been a cowboy all his life, so he naturally knows what to do, but Qin Yi is a rancher, and he needs to speak for everything!
Now with Qin Yi's order, Ryan began to discuss these things.

Originally, Qin Yi thought he was going to be sent to the slaughterhouse, but Ryan explained with a smile, and only then did he know that the small-scale beef cattle slaughter here is all driven by a slaughter truck with complete tools to drive the cattle to the slaughterhouse. Enter the slaughter truck, and the slaughter can be completed in ten minutes.

With Ryan making arrangements, Qin Yi felt relieved, and immediately stopped paying attention, and took the woman and child to the small town of Augusta.

Today, according to Angel's plan, she will go to the second-hand store in the town to donate old clothes. These unused clothes are still intact and clean, but the little girl has grown up, and some early clothes are not used, but Tossed and wasted, just right enough to donate to a second-hand store.

The donated items received by the second-hand store will be sold at a low price in the store, and those that cannot be sold will be collected and collected, and then sent to the relief station, where they will be distributed to the homeless for free.

After getting out of the car, Angel walked in front with a large bag of old clothes. It was a little difficult, but the little girl didn't let anyone help, because she was the protagonist today, and everything was hers, and it was also donated in her name. Naturally, it was up to her Hold it in by yourself.

Susa and Sara talked while walking, but they didn't mean to help the little girl with things.Naturally, Qin Yi would not intervene. This is the way Susa, who is an American, educates children. The purpose is to cultivate some beautiful qualities such as independence and helping others in the little girl.

When they arrived at the door, a parent and a child were donating old toys. When they saw Qin Yi and others coming in, they smiled and nodded as a greeting.

Qin Yi and Su Sa didn't know each other, but they also smiled and nodded in response.

This is not surprising, here in the small town, the relationship between people is more friendly and harmonious, and it is normal for strangers to meet and nod to each other.

Moreover, Qin Yi is well-known in the small town, most people know him, it is normal to be greeted by strangers on the street!

It was Angel's turn, and the little girl hugged her for a long time, her little face was flushed.

The counters here are specially designed, and there are two types: adult counters and children's counters. When children come in with things, they are not afraid that they will not be able to reach the counters when they put things.

Small design, but very considerate.

The little girl put a bag of clothes on the children's counter, exhaled, and brushed her hair imitating adults. The cute little appearance made Sara pinch her little face, which made her pout. The mouth expresses dissatisfaction.

Qin Yi and Su Sa watched from behind and laughed.

Yuri, the owner of the second-hand shop, smiled and nodded to the adults first, then squatted down, keeping his eyes at the same height as the little girl, and then talked to the little girl in a coaxing tone while recording the things he wanted to donate. Also value these things.

Soon, he made a small list and handed it to the little girl with a smile, and then the little girl handed it to Susa.

Susa took it seriously. This small list is still useful. When paying taxes in the future, a certain percentage of taxes can be exempted.

The government also uses this method to encourage everyone to be frugal, friendly, and help each other.

After donating the clothes, the little girl looked at all kinds of second-hand goods in the store, and was a little curious. It was the first time for Sara to visit such a store, and she looked around curiously.

Therefore, Qin Yi and Su Sa were not in a hurry to leave, and walked around the store with two curious babies, one big and one small.

The owner, Yuri, wanted to introduce them to the store, but just at this time, some parents brought children to the door, so they had to receive the children first.

Qin Yi looked at all this and secretly calculated in his heart. In this short period of time, counting his own group, there will be three waves of residents who came to donate, and they all brought their children. It seems that the parents are interested in cultivating their children's character of helping others. .

In front, the little girl stretched out her little head, looking here and there, and she was rarely quiet. With her golden shawl hair, she had the shadow of a little lady.

After a while, the little girl found something she was interested in—a semi-new bicycle, blue, with cartoon-designed seats and armrests, and a fat Garfield pattern.

The little girl liked it very much. She patted the bicycle seat with her little hands and looked up at Susa with her little head: "Mom, can I buy this?"

Susa asked strangely: "Don't you have a bicycle? Leave it for other children to buy, don't waste it!"

She noticed the price tag, it was only a few dollars, it was really cheap, but the little girl already had one, and buying another one would not be needed, it was a wasteful act, she couldn't let the little girl develop such a bad habit!

The little girl blinked her big eyes and wanted to explain, but she looked at Uncle Yi who was thinking behind her, and waved her little hand to her mother, motioning her to squat down.

Susa was a little puzzled, but she still squatted down.

The little girl came close to her ear, exhaled, and said something that surprised her: "But, mom, I don't have my brother yet. I want to buy it for my brother! I will teach my brother to ride a bicycle in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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