American Ranch

Chapter 132 Children's Gathering

Chapter 132 Children's Gathering
*Chapter 1 is here, thank you for your support! Chapter 2 is around 6pm.

After a few days, the construction plan of Angel Farm has been finalized, the construction of the hotel and cultural venues has officially started, and other projects will be put on the agenda one after another.According to the statistics of Susa and Joanna, the whole project will cost about 200 million U.S. dollars, and Susa has saved about 30 U.S. dollars during this period. This time, the investment is all included, and the other funds are provided by Qin Yi. .

Although Qin Yi didn't care, Su Sa definitely couldn't accept the previous share. After the discussion between the two and Su Sa's insistence, Qin Yi now owns 6% of the ownership of Angel Farm.

Susa didn't think too much about it. Although she only had a 40% share, the farm now earns at least 10 US dollars a month, and 4 US dollars can be allocated to her, which is more than the previous two years.And with the expansion of the scale this time, the profit will definitely double in a few months. At that time, she will be able to save tens of millions a year, which can easily be used for Angel to go to school, grow up, until she gets married and has children. Think about it, This life has been perfect!

Besides, according to her understanding, by the end of the year, Qin Yi will give the ranch cowboys a lot of bonuses, and with her position as the head of the ranch office, there must be more!She doesn't have high requirements for money, as long as she can live a carefree life, everything is beautiful.

Susa didn't care, and Qin Yi didn't care even more. The tourist farm was just an investment for him to play, not to make money, but to expand his influence in Augusta and even Great Falls.His main profit-making industry still has to fall on beef cattle. Maybe the field of red wine and fruit wine is also a good choice?cosmetic?Build a Chinese herbal medicine cultivation base in the country?
This is a profiteering industry!
Humph, this will have to wait until next year, and now I don't have much spare money, and I still owe Wells Fargo $3000 million!When the batch of cattle in the ranch grow up and sell, they can start to open up new markets.

Two days ago, the old professor at the University of Montana, Bradbury David, came over with two assistants. Qin Yi went to meet with him and entertained him for a while. By the way, he signed the agreement on the ownership of the research results, and nothing more Tube.

You don’t need to worry about the ranch’s lodging. The three of David came here in a caravan, and there are some instruments in it. It’s convenient for them to study while living here.Naturally, the ranch still needs to provide food. David originally offered to buy it, but Qin Yi waved his hand and provided it for free.

Meals for the three of them are a drop in the bucket for the ranch. If they can get closer to each other, it might be easier to attract David to join the biological laboratory that will be established in the future.

After arranging these things, Qin Yi remembered the small old jet plane in the warehouse in Rye District.

It was still left by the Moore family, but after he took over the ranch, the farm never planted crops, and it was transformed into a ranch a few months ago, which is now the rye area, so the plane has been parked in the warehouse, useless land.

Under normal circumstances, this pesticide spraying plane is not used in pastures. Even if there are pests, the pastures can be harvested directly. Otherwise, if pesticides are sprayed, the main pastures will be abandoned for a long time.Because the cattle eat pasture sprayed with pesticides, the quality of the meat is greatly affected, and they cannot even be sold.

In this way, the plane seemed useless in the ranch, but Qin Yi didn't want to sell it. On the one hand, he was reluctant. Although it was used to spread pesticides, it was a plane anyway. It was a new thing.

And he is not short of this money. If he can drive it himself, it would be good to keep it on the ranch. After all, the 12.4-acre ranch is more than 500 square kilometers, which is larger than the area of ​​many counties in China. After the aircraft is modified, it can be used as a means of transportation. It is also much more convenient to drive around, inspect the ranch or transport some things.

Maybe aviation gasoline costs a lot of money, but it provides convenience and saves time, and for the ranch, it still gets more benefits.

With these thoughts in mind, he ran to Great Rapids the next day, consulted some information at the flight school, and then signed up with the help of the staff.For the next period of time, Qin Yi took one day a week to go to Great Falls to learn how to fly a plane.

It was Friday again, and in the afternoon, Angel was picked up by Susa before school was over, and she came back with her little sister Betsy.This has been the case for a while, from Monday to Thursday, Becky would go home after school, and on Friday, she would come to the ranch with Angel to play.

Qin Yi and Susa welcomed this very much, while Walker and Viviera felt a little helpless. Although they were very pleased that Becky had a happy life, it was a pity that their granddaughter would not go home after all.

Angel and Becky hugged the chubby Teddy, and then leaned towards Qin Yi, "Uncle Yi, Qiao Qiao and Irene, they are coming, are the desserts ready?"

"Of course, this is the first time Angel has invited children to a party. Uncle and mother have been preparing all afternoon!"

Qin Yi led the two expecting little ones to the kitchen, and showed them the ready-made cookies, ice cream, pudding and other snacks that children like. Susa sat on the sofa and watched with a smile.

Last night, An Qier said that she would invite the children to play in the ranch. Qin Yi and Su Sa naturally had no objections. They called Teacher Lin Na and informed her of the news. Teacher Lin Na will arrange the rest. Qin Yi and Su Sa Sa only needs to help Angel prepare delicious treats for the children.

Susa picked up Angel and Becky an hour early, and the children would be taken to the ranch by the school bus after school.

It's almost time now, Qin Yi and Susa moved out the tables, put some straw bales, and laid out a few blankets. Of course, snacks such as cookies and desserts must be arranged first, and juice is also indispensable.

Angel and Becky were busy moving out their various toys, plush dolls, bicycles, and scooters, and finally brought Lai Pi and Teddy over and put them on top of the pile of plush toys, which made Qin Yi and Susa dumbfounded , This is a living animal, how can it be classified as a toy?
It's just that Laipi has become playful, climbing up and down, and kicking the placed toys everywhere in a short while, Teddy is an honest boy, he didn't make trouble with Laipi, just rolled a pair of small eyes, Look at the cream cakes on the table!
After packing up, it was almost time. After waiting for a while, a school bus drove into the pasture and came to the lawn. After Linna came down with the children, he said hello to everyone, and the driver left.

"Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie!" Under Linna's command, the children greeted in unison, and then followed Angel and Becky in a swarm to the tables of desserts and juices!

"Wow, Yi, this is really rich!" Linna, as Angel's teacher, has dealt with Qin Yi and Susa a lot during this period, and she is already a very familiar friend, so you don't have to be polite.She picked up a piece of cake and tasted it, her eyes lit up immediately, "It tastes very good!"

Qin Yi and Su Sa smiled at each other, of course it's true, the fruit is spatial, the cows are also specially raised in the pasture, the grade of the raw material itself is much higher.

"Come on, Lina, leave the party to the children, let's sit here." Susa led Linna to sit under the porch, and then went back to the room to serve coffee and desserts, and the three sat and chatted.

On the lawn, Angel and Becky were very busy. First, they arranged for the children to sit down, then stood on a small bench, and gave a speech like the host of the reception. The three adults, Qin Yi, laughed so hard that they almost spit out their coffee!
"Thank you, Jojo, Erin, Gracie, Matthew, um, and the students, for joining my party! Well, Becky and I have prepared delicious ice cream and pudding, you are welcome!"

Angel stood on the small bench and spoke solemnly, trying to say something very connotative and classy, ​​but after all, she was small and didn't have much stock in her head, so she wrinkled her nose and thought about it for a long time, and that was all she had!
But fortunately, the language is fluent and the meaning is clear, which makes the group of little kids below worship it!

And just like that, a kids' party begins!

The children imitated the adults, tried to make themselves look like gentlemen and ladies, dangled back and forth with half a glass of juice, gathered together in twos and threes, said some greeting words such as "Hello, have a good time", and then gurgled Gulping juice, it really looks like a thing!
Qin Yi and Susa chatted with Linna, while watching the interesting behavior of the children, they found it very interesting.Especially Qin Yi, who smiled on his face, but actually laughed out loud in his heart, saying that he has raised his posture today!
The children played for a while and began to eat.Now that it is cold, there is very little ice cream prepared. Each person has a small portion and eats it in a few bites. Angel and Becky help everyone share the cookies and cakes. The taste is very good, and the children like it very much.

Playing around, until 8 o'clock, all the adults came to pick up the children and go home. In the end, Linna had to say goodbye and leave, but Linna lived in Augusta Town, so naturally she couldn't let her go back by herself, Qin Yi Take the pickup truck and send her back and forth for hours.

(End of this chapter)

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