American Ranch

Chapter 131 Calf

Chapter 131 Calf
"However, Hobbs, we still have work to do!" Qin Yi took Hobbs to a place where there were few people, and took a walk slowly, "There are several farms nearby that are undergoing tourism transformation, we can't relax , we still need to think of more innovative and unique tourism projects!"

"Yes, Yi, I've been thinking about this. Just now I was still thinking about the cultural venue you mentioned yesterday. I told everyone last night that we need to collect more tourists' feelings. The feedback information is also Where we can improve."

When it comes to the pursuit of several nearby farms, Hobbs also has a sense of urgency. With the current posture, other farms have built similar facilities and designed similar activities, which can always divert some tourists.

Still need to pay close attention to the transformation!

"The most important point is that we need to speed up the construction of tourist hotels on farms, and cultural venues should quickly discuss a charter and put them into construction as soon as possible. In the long run, our main development target is still domestic tourists. We have partners, There are no other farms, and it is impossible to have one in a short time, so this is our advantage."

Qin Yi is also thinking about it recently. It seems that there are many old and American tourists, but they are all nearby residents. Once the novelty is gone, the natural flow of people will decrease.Therefore, in order to attract tourists for a long time and stably, it is necessary to develop the domestic market.

If it can attract several times or even ten times the number of domestic tourists, Angel Farm can easily lead the tourism development of the entire Great Falls.

Other farms will not be able to find a partner for a while, naturally there will be no domestic tourists, and a year later, Angel Farm will be fully developed, and they will not be able to find a spokesperson for domestic tourists, because the market here in Great Falls has already been occupied , who would do nothing to please?
If you have that time, why not go to Texas, South Carolina and other agricultural and pastoral states to develop new markets!

If there were more than ten times the number of tourists, that would be thousands of visitors per month. Angel Farm would naturally not be able to absorb them, but they could divert them to nearby farms. In this way, Angel Farm holds the lifeblood of other farms, so naturally they are not afraid of competition. , and can also earn a lot of commissions by introducing tourists.

"Well, I'll ask Joanna to come over tomorrow and make a rough budget first."

Qin Yi's talking up and down like this made Hobbs busy, and he hurried back to the office to make plans.Qin Yi looked at his hurried back, satisfied in his heart, this boss is straightforward in his work, the leader moved his mouth, and the employees broke their legs in a hurry!

But we can't be Huang Shiren. By the end of the year, Hobbs and the cowboys will each have a large bonus. Only when the employees make money, the employees will help you make more money!

Qin Yi, who consciously comprehended the art of the boss, hummed a ditty, rejoined the three of Susa's play team, and continued to play those familiar or unfamiliar games.

The next day, Angel went to school, and Susa went to the farm, where a financial budget for the construction of a hotel and other facilities was to be made, and she, the farm owner and head of the firm, was always present.

Ever since, Qin Yi was left alone at home. He was sitting on a deck chair on the terrace, drinking tea, flipping through a children's comic that the maids left in the living room, enjoying the autumn sunshine leisurely, and finally fell asleep in a daze. for half the morning.

I got something to eat at noon, and while I was eating, I was thinking about what to do in the afternoon.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still decided to ride Xiao Hei out for a run, and went to the pasture to see the growth of the calf.Having made up his mind, Qin Yi put on his leather chaps and went out with his hat.After walking Xiao Hei every morning, he is allowed to graze freely in the stable. This treatment is more than one level higher than other horses.

After the other horses were cleaned, the cowboys rode to graze. The spare horses of the owner were not found, and they stayed in the stables most of the day. Unlike Xiao Hei, who wanders around leisurely!

Xiao Hei saw Qin Yi from a long distance, and trotted all the way to him, rubbing his head against his chest, his big shiny black eyes were full of joy.Recently Qin Yi took it for a few laps in the morning, but usually he didn't come to play with it. He just wandered around by himself every day, and his only pleasure was to bully the horses in the stable.

Whether it is a spiritual horse like Xiao Hei or an ordinary riding horse, running is their nature and fun. If you can't run with your master, it's really a pity, and you can't lift your spirits!

Qin Yi patted Xiao Hei's horse's face and said a few words of comfort.After running in the morning, Xiao Hei took off the saddle. At this time, he took him back to the stable, found out his own saddle cushion and put it on. Run away with him.

Qin Yi rubbed its big head, got on the horse, lightly clamped the horse's belly with its calf, Xiao Hei jumped up, and ran happily into the distance with Qin Yi, Hei Mimai immediately followed, and Maggie shook Xiaoyuan Ears, look at Qin Yi who ran away, and turned back to the main house with Teddy screaming.

Xiao Hei ran too fast, and the ink-stained brown bear mother and child couldn't keep up!Of course, if brown bears run vigorously, they can reach a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, but their endurance cannot keep up. Unless they run for a few minutes while hunting, brown bears are generally slow and leisurely.

Teddy straightened his upper body, looked at Qin Yi who had run away, whimpered twice, turned around and walked back with Maggie Bear, but this little guy was very curious, and was attracted by a jumping grasshopper on the ground after a while Lost his attention, he ran around and flopped, until he found that McGee was far away, he ran a few steps to keep up, and then he was attracted by other things, and it was a lot of noise!
Qin Yi rode Xiao Hei and galloped for half an hour, until he was sweating all over, so he slowed down.But now it is far from Xiao Hei's limit. Although he is sweating all over, he is obviously breathing smoothly. The average horse would have to pant. Haha, Xiao Hei has strong explosive power and good endurance. If he goes through professional training, he may be able to participate in horse racing competitions Woolen cloth.

At this time, the speed was reduced mainly because of black rice and wheat, Qin Yi didn't want his dog to suffer!At this moment, they were panting with their tongues out, obviously running hot, these two guys can't sweat, they can only dissipate heat like this.

Seeing thousands of cows scattered on the pasture in the distance, Qin Yi trotted over on Xiao Hei.As they got closer, a cowboy on the opposite side rode up to meet him. It was Little Cooper.

Now he is in charge of this pasture, and his brother Big Cooper is in another pasture.Although these two people seem to be big and simple-minded, they are just honest people, their IQs are not bad, and they are proficient in ranch work. It is more than enough to manage a few cowboys to graze. Besides, they are old people on the ranch, so you can use them with confidence. .

"Well, young Cooper, is the calf doing well?"

"Don't worry, Yi, if the grass is good, the calves will be fine. Come and see, they are all strong calves!" Little Cooper led Qin Yi to come to observe the calves grazing.

The calves are a circle bigger than when they first arrived at the ranch. They are grazing leisurely at this time, and they are not vigilant about their surroundings. , There is a faint tendency to become a cow. I will ask Ryan another day, and focus on cultivating these calves with the potential to become a cow.

"Little Cooper, is there anything missing here?" The cowboys set up tents here at night, so that they can keep watch over the cattle nearby. Only when the weather is bad, they will drive the cattle back to the cowshed.

"I have everything else, as long as I have some more beer!" The cowboys said so, and Cooper looked forward to it when he mentioned it.

"I'll get some sent back later, but remember, the night watchmen shouldn't drink too much. It's late autumn now, and the animals on the Rocky Mountains are about to go down. Be careful."

Qin Yi gave a few more words of warning, and didn't say any more. Little Cooper was also a cowboy since he was a child. He has been in this industry for more than ten years, and he has a bottom line in his heart.

When I got home, Susa had also come back and was playing with Teddy, but Teddy was not familiar with it, so when she saw Qin Yi, she ran over, regardless of Susa's shouts, leaving her speechless for a while. .

(End of this chapter)

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