I'm really a gamer

Chapter 530 And...

Chapter 530 And...

"You, what's the matter with you?" The woman immediately stood up when she saw her child crying, and scolded.

"Xiao Yao."

At this moment, Mr. Du said, "Forget it."

"Grandpa, why are there still people making trouble here?" The woman said dissatisfiedly, "Let the guards arrest him!"

The guards were there, but they looked embarrassed. Both of them stood upright, with cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

Miss, this is the little marshal, the little marshal dares to slap the old man in the face, let them arrest him?
"Xiao Yao, what happened?"

At this time, another young man walked out quickly, but when the young man saw Du Xiao, he was obviously taken aback.

"Yunzhou, get someone to arrest him, and you dare to act fiercely at the door of Du's house." The woman with an ugly face walked over to coax the child, and said to the young man.

However, Du Xiao looked at the young man and asked, "Your child?"

Du Yunzhou nodded and said, "His name is Du Mingwen, and he has a naughty temper, just like you when you were a child."

Du Yunzhou then glanced at Su Yuyan, and asked Du Xiao, "Your girlfriend?"

Du Xiao didn't answer, and then pulled Su Yuyan away.

"Xiao Xiao!" Du Yunzhou hurriedly chased him out, shouted, and said, "Things were complicated back then, Grandpa had no choice but to drive you out of the house."


A gust of wind blew, the spiritual energy condensed, a big hand emerged in the void, and then grabbed Du Yunzhou.

"Yunzhou!" The woman's pretty face immediately changed when she saw it.

"Wow, wow, wow..." The child cried even more when he saw this scene.

"No, it's fine."

Du Yunzhou blushed, looked at Du Xiao's back, and said with difficulty: "If you are still under the shade of the Du family, then those people will not let you go, nor will they let the Du family go, this is the rule, too Grandpa is gone, we can't change it, if you don't follow the rules, not only you can't live, we can't live either!"

Du Yunzhou smiled bitterly, and continued: "The Du family disarmed and went into business not because of money, nor because of power, but because they were afraid of being coveted by others. After the death of my grandfather, I can't suppress these young people. If I continue to join the army, then everyone in the Du family, Almost all survived."

"For eight years, no one in our Du family has dared to step out of the country, even the one-third-acre land in the capital, because they are worried that those people will not abide by the rules."

Hearing Du Yunzhou's side, Du Xiao turned his head to look at the other party. He could see the tiredness and bitterness in Du Yunzhou's eyes.

"Du Xiao." Su Yuyan could sense the change in Du Xiao's mood, and reached out to hold Du Xiao's arm tightly, her face full of worry.

Du Xiao smiled at Su Yuyan, indicating that it was all right.

Mr. Du also chased after him. Compared with two years ago, Mr. Du now looks a little older, at least his hair is all gray.

"Tiger, the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring..."

Du Yunzhou gritted his teeth and said: "No matter how cruel grandpa is to outsiders, he always cares and cares for his own children. If you think about it carefully, after the third uncle beat you when you were young, who is it? "

At this time, the aura disappeared in smoke, Du Xiao frowned, looked at Mr. Du, and asked, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You were so young back then, what's the use of saying more."

Mr. Du's voice was a little hoarse, he shook his head and sighed, and said: "At the beginning, you were not allowed to take back Jinghong's real estate because you were worried that you would return to live in the capital. If this scene really happened, the creators would not let you go. They More worried that you will enter the army."

"Because my great-grandfather said that I was the little marshal?" Du Xiao asked.

Mr. Du nodded and said, "You should have heard your great-grandfather say more than once that you are a born leader, and you are born to lead troops to fight."

Of course Du Xiao had heard of it, and it was related to his dual personality, but after he reached the ninth level, the dual personality had gradually disappeared, and it would no longer bother him.

The woman was shocked. She never expected that the person in front of her was an abandoned son of the Du family.

Du Yunzhou also took a few breaths, and he kept hearing the cry of his own child, signaling to the woman to bring the child in.

The woman hurried in with the child, not daring to say more.

Su Yuyan was even more shocked. If this was the case, then Du Xiao's life might be rewritten.

After all, Du Xiao was born in the family environment, without any accidents, he entered the army almost step by step, and then practiced in it.

It's not the same as before. She went to Yangcheng to study, lived like ordinary people, and even lived with her sister.

"Come in and have a seat." Mr. Du was already walking on crutches, step by step into the old house.

Du Xiao followed and stepped into the old house again.

The inside of the yard has not changed at all, the trees are still there, and there is a swing there, which he clamored to build when he was a child.

Walking into the hall, Mr. Du asked someone to take out a box.

The box was placed in front of Du Xiao, and Mr. Du said, "Let's have a look."

Du Xiao saw that the box was very clean, as if it had been wiped often, spotless.

I opened the box, and there were many photos and items inside, including necklaces, bracelets, and bullets.

The first photo, Du Xiao knew, was his grandma, who seemed to have passed away shortly after he left home.

Du Xiao reached out and flipped through the yellowed photos. In addition to the photos of grandma, there were also photos of Du Jinghong from childhood to adulthood.

And... Du Jinghong's meritorious service medal and certificate of honor in the army.

And...the photo of Du Jinghong and Ouyang Lan getting married.

And... photos of Du Xiao's elder brother and second brother, including meritorious medals and certificates of honor.

And... Du Xiao's newborn baby photo.

When Du Xiao saw his photo, he was stunned.

When he was a child, he seemed to be different from other babies. Other babies' hands were clenched tightly, but his was spread out serenely, staring with a pair of round eyes, as if full of curiosity about the world.

It seems... not afraid of life at all...

Su Yuyan was watching from the side, and she suddenly saw pea-sized tears fall from the corners of Du Xiao's eyes, dripping on the photo.

Du Xiao is crying?

Su Yuyan's heart was touched by the side. It was the first time she saw Du Xiao cry. In her heart, Du Xiao never cried when he encountered difficulties in life, but now he is crying...

Du Yunzhou beside him also gritted his teeth.

They have been coming to the Du family, but it's actually not easy. After growing up, they realized that there is still a big mountain pressing down on their heads.

They couldn't lift their heads under the weight of this mountain!
Pressing them down, even dare not go out of this place in the capital!

 Chapter 3 may be delayed tonight, about one o'clock.I wish you all a happy Tanabata, hehe...

(End of this chapter)

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