I'm really a gamer

Chapter 529 Children

Chapter 529 Children
In the Ling Pavilion, there are singing and dancing, as if you are in a fairyland.

After Du Xiao and the others finished their meal, Huang Qingqing opened her curious and beautiful eyes wide, overlooking the entire Lingge, as if overlooking the whole world.

"This manager... has the ability to make the Ling Pavilion so luxurious." Huang Qingqing somewhat admired Manager Zhang, and also admired Lei Meng's vision.

No matter how you look at it, Lei Meng is just a big boss, he doesn't seem to have a business mind at all.

Du Xiao just smiled. When he met Lei Meng, it was because he was hungry.

At this moment, Du Xiao did not expect that Lei Meng would have such an opportunity.

After sitting in the Ling Pavilion for a while, Du Xiao took Su Yuyan to wander around elsewhere, and Huang Qingqing naturally would not continue to follow, and went back to Beijing University to handle her own affairs.


Du Xiao brought Su Yuyan out. The two were young couples who had just fallen in love. They were walking on the street holding hands.

"You seem to have grown up in this place." Su Yuyan blinked and said, "I thought you were from Yangcheng, but I didn't expect you to be from Beijing. You are really at the feet of the emperor."

Du Xiao rolled his eyes at Su Yuyan, looked at her stunning face, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Yuyan asked strangely.

"I'm not laughing at anything."

As he was walking, Du Xiao saw Dongshan in the distance, and nostalgia flashed across his dark eyes, and he said softly, "It's just that I suddenly remembered many things from the past."

"The past is in the past, and the most important thing is to cherish the present." Su Yuyan smiled and held Du Xiao's hand even tighter.

In fact, she was still a little worried. After all, Du Xiao was too outstanding. He was not like an ordinary person. He only wanted to pick up girls, get married and have children, and work hard to earn money to support his family.

For Du Xiao, money and power are almost at his fingertips.

Therefore, Su Yuyan even has some prospects for her future.

After all, they are still young, at most 20 years old, and they still have a lot of time.

Du Xiao took Su Yuyan to Dongshan, and said softly, "This is where I have lived since I was a child."

Su Yuyan looked at this mountain, and even the foot of the mountain was guarded by guards, so she could imagine who lived inside.

"Take me in to have a look?" Su Yuyan smiled.

Du Xiao nodded, and then walked over there.

The guards saw someone coming, and one of them was about to stop, but his companion came out and stopped him.

"Young Master Du, you're back." A guard looked at Du Xiao and greeted him with a smile.

"Go in and have a look." Du Xiao said.

"Okay, no problem." The guard nodded, and then opened the door to Du Xiao.

Walking inside, Su Yuyan looked around like a curious baby. She was very curious about the difference in the places where the red children lived.

However, the guard who was about to stop Du Xiao just now asked his companion, "Old Li, who is that person? I haven't seen it before."

The companion rolled his eyes and said, "You've just come here, so if you've seen it, you'll be a ghost. He was the little marshal of the old Du's family, the invincible little overlord of the Dongshan compound. He provoked him and ran to your place every day to make trouble. , do you have a headache?"

Hearing this, the guard suddenly felt his scalp tingle, and said with a dry smile, "Thank you, Lao Li."

These three red generations are the ones that give them the most headaches, and their scalps will tingle when they get involved with one, not to mention the invincible little bully that Lao Li said, he is almost the most troublesome one in Dongshan compound.


Old Li smiled, but looked at the backs of Du Xiao and Su Yuyan suspiciously, and murmured: "But... the little Marshal seldom comes back. The last time he came back was to trouble Old Li's family. Why?"

The guard hurried to guard his post to avoid any mistakes.

Su Yuyan followed Du Xiao and looked around curiously. She knew what Du Xiao had experienced before, and she had heard about it from Huang Qingqing and Lin Jie, so she was also a little worried, afraid that Du Xiao would do something. .

The compound is not far away, and there are two guards guarding the entrance. Because it is an important residence, there is basically one guard outside and one guard at the entrance of the courtyard.

"Little Marshal." The captain of the guard immediately gave a military salute when he saw Du Xiao.

Du Xiao nodded and said with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Where, it's all part of the job." The captain of the guard grinned and said, "My old comrades-in-arms have told me that now the little marshal is a hero, and he is completely different from when he was a child."

Du Xiao raised his eyebrows and said, "How was it when I was a child?"

The captain of the guard was at a loss for words, and said with a dry smile: "It was fine when I was young."

Du Xiao shook his head and smiled, but didn't expose it, and then walked in with Su Yuyan.

Su Yuyan covered her mouth and smiled lightly. It seems that Du Xiao's reputation in the compound was not very good when she was a child.

Returning to the old place, Du Xiao came to the old house of the Du family, which had not been moved all this time. When Du Xiao walked outside the door, he stopped.

Seeing this, Su Yuyan didn't say anything.

She knew that Du Xiao didn't want to go in.

The members of the Du family had chilled his heart a long time ago.

However, in the yard, there was an old man looking at Du Xiao, with a hint of guilt in his cloudy old eyes, and he sighed deeply.

Du Xiao also saw the old man, his eyes narrowed, and he didn't say anything, even though they were related by blood, but in such a big family, they could completely ignore it.

Du Xiao didn't know how strong the Du family used to be, but at least he understood that it was when the old man Du was alive, and the Du family was at its peak.

"Yeah, yay, ball ball..."

At this time, a child was holding a ball, threw it on the ground, raised his little foot and kicked the ball out.

The ball rolled to Du Xiao's feet and stopped.

The child ran out with a smile on his face, but when he saw two people at the door, he immediately stretched out his little finger and called, "You guys, bring me the ball."

Su Yuyan was taken aback, do children now know how to order people?
"Xiaowen, be careful..."

A female voice also came out from inside, and after chasing after them, seeing two people standing at the door, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback on her pretty face.

"Are you... all right?" The woman looked at Du Xiao and Su Yuyan and asked.

Su Yuyan looked at Du Xiao.

Du Xiao didn't answer the woman's words. With a hook on his toe, he kicked the ball up and caught it with his left hand.

The child stretched out two fleshy little arms, ready to follow.


Du Xiao shook his right hand and directly blew the pinch of the ball.

The sound of the ball exploding was loud, and besides, it was a child's toy. The child saw the ball being pinched and exploded by Du Xiao with his own eyes, and his body shook for a while, and then his little face was suffocated, and he burst into tears.

Du Xiao's face was also a little dark. This little guy really thinks this is his territory?

Dare to order him?
(End of this chapter)

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