Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 686 Iron Man Strikes Out (Guaranteed Part 1)

Chapter 686 Iron Man Strikes Out
three days later.

Tony reappeared in his basement.

His appearance has changed.

In addition to the addition of an energy core source in the chest.

The kernel has also been replaced.

The current Tony is by no means the Tony before three o'clock Eastern Time today.

he's changed.

Also became stronger.

Tony, who walked out of the bathroom in a white and gray vest, stared at the red and white golden bull he placed in the center of the studio.


This Taurus with horns in the pose of a Taurus screaming at the moon was made by Mark taking off his armor at that time.

Tony didn't bother.


When Tony saw this golden bull, he completely changed his ongoing Saint Cloth plan.

In the past, his holy clothes were replaced by Type [-] and Type [-].

but now.

In its place is the Zodiac model.


"Yes, sir."

"How long will it take for the brand new Taurus Saint Cloth."

"Ten minutes, sir."

Tony nodded expressionlessly, sat on the sofa and turned on the wall TV in the studio.

For an instant.

Almost every TV station is discussing the same thing.

Why did Tony Stark announce the closure of the arms department.


As time goes by, this news has not disappeared but has become more and more intense.

The falling share price curve of Stark Industries is proving how shocking this matter is to the market...

But there is good as well as bad.

At least in this short period of three days, Tony directly took back the shares in the hands of several shareholders at a price that had not fallen below the previous price.


a day ago.

Tony Stark once again held a press conference, Ms. Pepper Potts, the former assistant to the chairman, served as the executive president of Stark Enterprises.


This is how the media described it.

[This is Tony Stark's last madness. 】

[The definition of female sex is once again staged on Wall Street. 】

[Perhaps we will witness the end of a great company in the near future. 】

[Just to tell a joke, the arms dealer who started out with arms said that he would never sell arms again. 】

[We are expecting Tony Stark to enter the children's hospital industry. 】


All of the above screen almost any free time of New Yorkers.

Various targeted interviews on TV.

Newspaper headlines of all sorts.

Even on the radio, a variety of theorists were brought in to explore Tony Stark's motives.


In the eyes of the media, they don't care whether Stark Industries will go bankrupt, and they don't care whether Tony Stark is crazy.

The media said.

They're a bunch of newsworthy people.

Tony, who was sitting on the sofa and took the mechanical arm and handed it over to Bourbon, took a sip and switched TV channels indifferently.

at this time.

Tony changed the channel.

The TV screen freezes.

"...The mountainous area located 25 kilometers from the outskirts of the small town of Gemila has become a purgatory on earth. This is a new bloody colony."

"...the farmers and herdsmen in the village were forced to leave their homes, and they were driven away by bloody warlords supported by a new force..."

"...the refugees can only live in the wilderness, or stay in the same ruins, and take refuge in the oil refinery left behind by the former Soviet Union behind me."

Screen transformation.



The sound of a grenade exploding.


With an indifferent expression, Tony watched all kinds of guns and weapons flashing by on the TV.

Produced by Stark Industries.

"As you can see, anyone who tries to stop is a dead end. It is reported that this is a group of soldiers who moved here two days ago and call themselves freedom fighters..."

"...In this war-torn land, the freedom fighters active here are the most brutal and tyrannical warlords. They are well-equipped... You can see the equipment of this group of people from the video..."

"...there is no police and international pressure testing, and the chances of life for the refugees are very slim."

"...the father and daughter next to me are waiting to hear from his husband, either by this gang of freedom fighters or forced to join them..."


Tony got up and shattered the entire screen.


"Test self-test completed."

"start up!"


Accompanied by the tense sound of welding and vibration under the floor, the Taurus in the center of the studio moved away to the right.

Under the control of Jarvis, the red-gold Mark Taurus Saint Cloth was grabbed by the intelligent manipulator.

As for why it is named Taurus?

Tony's zodiac sign is Taurus, so naturally the first thing named after a zodiac sign must be Taurus.

Tony took off the gloves used to test the power, and walked over with a gloomy face.

Step your feet onto the assembly platform that rises from the ground.

next second.

iron Man……

and many more.

Obviously, under Mark's intrusion, this should no longer be called Iron Man.

Cloth man?
Taurus Saint?


Forget it, let's call it Iron Man.

50 seconds later.

The moment Tony stared blankly at a golden steel mask covering his sight.

At the moment with the small ark reactor palace on his chest, Jarvis successfully started the Taurus Cloth self-check procedure.

Six miniguns on both shoulders.

A tiny missile hidden in the arm.


Today's Taurus Saint Cloth is far from what Mark saw at that time.

The current Taurus Saint Cloth can be said to be armed to the point of teeth.

next moment.

Tony soared into the sky.

Tony, who was above the clouds at a height of thousands of miles, instantly accelerated and detonated the air with powerful energy, and once again accelerated and blasted towards Gemila in the Middle East.

at the same time.

Mark and Pepper, who were walking out of the House of Representatives together, looked up under the sudden sonic boom.

Mark, who successfully won a financial grant from New York State, looked back and said happily: "Look at him, he has finally grown up."

Pepper, who was still a little worried, was immediately annoyed when he heard this sentence.

next second.

Pepper, who seemed to have such a bad consciousness, immediately put away his smile and looked at Mark and asked, "Aren't you worried about Tony?"

Ma Keha smiled and said, "Don't worry, have you forgotten who I am?"

Pepper blinked.


Mark is not human.

Pepper silently recited it three times in his mind to remind himself, then asked curiously: "By the way, what are you doing here at the State House today?"

Mark sighed.

The president decided not to sign the agreement to increase the funds.

Anyway, it is impossible to return to Fox Town to make amends.

But how do you say it?

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.


In order for the federal case rate in New York State to remain the same, Mark must find some funds for his office.

Fortunately, Mark or the FBI has black materials on the current governor.

Not to mention the negotiation process.

all in all.

Mark won a fund for the office that could support the normal operation of the office for about three months and reimbursed himself a lot of expenses.


Wealthy Horse Bureau is resurrected.

Mark is very proud.


(End of this chapter)

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