Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 685 Expensive Documents (Fifth Change Everywhere)

Chapter 685 Expensive Documents (Fifth Change)
Opposite the coffee shop.

Pepper stirred the coffee in front of him with a silver spoon and stared through the window at the Stark Industrial Building, which was in an uproar.

She even clearly remembered her expression in another world when she heard Tony announce the news.

The expressions of those reporters who almost ran out from inside were no different, even worse...

The reporters swarmed out of the gate with exaggerated expressions.

They have one more thing in common.

Whether it's a male reporter or a female reporter, or a tycoon in women's clothing who is looking forward to Tony's change of orientation, they all dialed the phone and yelled something almost similar in meaning to the person answering the phone at the same time.

"Fack, hurry up and publish the manuscript. The topic is Tony Stark's announcement of the closure of Stark's corporate weapons department."

The strong and powerful anger vented the inner excitement of the reporters at the moment.


jesus and christ.

This time it's really big news.

Stark Industries, which started with arms, actually announced the closure of their foundation?

are you crazy?
Or is it just as they predicted when Obadiah Stan was on the most wanted list?
Tony Stark completely let himself go?

Is it...

Will they see the collapse of a huge arms empire in their lifetime or even in the near future?

The reporters present looked at their colleagues and thought in unison.

next second.

The block of Stark Industries Building is completely blocked...

Inside the cafe.

After hearing the news reported by his agents, Phil Coulson, the old village head of SHIELD, put down the phone and was a little dazed.

He came here this time to investigate a matter under the order of their boss.

A steel war that took place in a desert area in the Middle East at noon.

and also.

How did Tony Stark manage to be in the Middle East at noon and return to New York in the afternoon.

These are all things Coulson needs to understand this time.

But right now?
Coulson is more curious about one thing, what happened in the Middle East?As a result, Tony would announce the closure of the weapon research and development department in the afternoon after announcing the launch of the Jericho missile into the market in the morning?

Coulson has too many questions.

But these questions probably won't be answered before meeting Tony, but there is one question that he may be able to answer now.

Coulson looked at Pepper, whose expression had not changed at all, and asked curiously, "Ms. Potts..."

"Call me Pepper." Pepper smiled and looked back at Coulson.

Coulson said kindly: "Pepper, you don't seem to be worried at all."

"of course."

Pepper smiled, what is there to worry about?She has a memory from another world, so if you close the weapon department, it will be closed. Anyway, the profit from weapon sales in Stark Enterprises only accounts for about 60.00% of the total profit.


Pepper has even begun to end some of the small mistakes he made in another world when he was just appointed CEO by Tony.

Pepper said.

In this life, she will do better.

Maybe it's time to make an appointment tomorrow with the state legislator in charge of the energy deal.

Pepper thought secretly in his heart.

Pepper, who has the memory of another world as a foundation, is not panicked at all and is even eager to try.

But Agent Phil Coulson panicked.

In other words, he panicked from the moment he approached Pepper in Stark Industries.

The rhythm was all mastered by Pepper.

He was miserable.

But Coulson is a SHIELD agent anyway, so Coulson intends to regain the rhythm, Coulson coughed and said: "Pepper, I am here this time to represent the national strategy..."

Pepper, who was sitting opposite and dressed in white, drank a cup of coffee gracefully and interrupted directly with a smile: "Hasn't it been changed to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Coulson, who was already numb, said with a smile: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is our internal abbreviation, and the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency is our official name."

Pepper nodded pretending to know for the first time.

It feels so good to be in control.

Pepper had some inexplicable thoughts, especially looking at the bewildered expression on Coulson's face from time to time.

Coulson said: "That's right, Pepper, I'm here this time mainly to understand..."

Before Coulson finished speaking.

A black shadow directly enveloped his pupils.

To be precise, there are two.

Mark sat directly next to Pepper and waved to the waiter in the coffee shop, then looked at Coulson with a smile on his face and said, "Wow, isn't this a good old man from S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why? Take our FBI The certificate is ostentatious, and you don’t say hello when you see me, the bureau chief?”

Coulson smiled stiffly and said, "Hello, Director Louis."

Mark smiled and said, "Take out your fake ID and have a look."

Coulson smiled reluctantly.

Mark squinted his eyes and stared at Coulson like a tiger laughing.

quite a while.

Coulson could only take out the FBI ID with his face printed on it in his arms.

Mark took over and praised it.

this material.

This works.

Mark laughed directly and took out his own ID and put it together with Coulson's fake ID.

It is clear at a glance who is genuine and who is pirated.

Mark smiled and looked at Coulson, who was straight-eyed, and said, "What? Haven't you seen the first document made of 24K pure gold leaf?"

Coulson opened his mouth and said, "But weren't your documents in silver last month?"

Mark laughed and said: "No way, there are always some people in New York State who not only pretend to be us federal agents, but even plan to throw the blame on us. In view of this, we have developed a new certificate, and the cost is [-] U.S. dollars The price of knives virtually eliminates any further incidents of impersonating us federal agents."

Coulson was dumbfounded.

In addition to the total of 1 new federal agents and trainee agents, the number of official federal agents in New York State is about 380 or so.

The amount of money spent to equip more than 5000 agents with new documents is simply massive.

But compared to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Mark did the math at the time.

Let's say that.

If it is possible to stop some shameless institutions from continuing to impersonate and damage the reputation of the Federation, Mark feels that the money is well spent.

After all, Mark only needs to be equipped with the credentials of more than 5000 agents.

But what about S.H.I.E.L.D.?
If you want to pretend to be the FBI in New York State, you basically have to be fully staffed.

How many agents does S.H.I.E.L.D. have?
Ha ha.

Of course.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. can no longer pretend to be New York State federal agents to handle cases.

But obviously.

The gold content of New York State federal agents is far higher than that of other branches, and most of the scope of Aegis's activities is here...


S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot get around Mark.

Pepper couldn't help smiling at the dumbfounded Coulson, and then asked curiously, "Mark, where's Tony?"

"You should know what Tony will do next." Mark looked at Pepper and smiled without saying a word.


Seaside villa.

Tony, who got off the Pontiac sports car, said in a low voice to his Jarvis when he got into the bathroom:

"Jarvis, re-export the Saint Cloth Project and set up a new file, named Mark Taurus Saint Cloth Project."

"... Received, sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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