Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 650 The Arrival of Little Morgan

Chapter 650 The Arrival of Little Morgan (Fifth Change)


The sound of violent explosion resounded in a certain time and space.


call out!
With a buzzing sound, the faint blue portal opened rapidly from point to point in the basement of the Malibu seaside villa.

Mark and everyone's eyes were fixed on the past.

A little girl came out.

To be precise, a very cute looking little girl with big watery eyes and a chubby face walked out of the portal.

Mark's expression became very strange.

Laili frowned and looked at Mark.

As for Tony?

Tony is also in a complete crash state.

There is also Lao Mo who has become very low in existence, and Lao Mo turned into decay and left after seeing this...

The moment Morgan Stark saw Tony when he walked out of the portal.

Morgan's eyes lit up and he ran towards Tony.

a jump.


Tony went straight to the street...

Morgan, who is five years old this year, lay on Tony's body and said happily, "Daddy, Morgan misses you very much."

Tony with a confused face: "..."

Lailis next to him also looked at Mark curiously and said in a low voice, "You did it?"

Mark didn't take his eyes off the portal that was still glowing with a faint blue light, shook his head and said, "No."


Before Lailis could ask another question, the faint blue teleportation light flourished again.

With the faint blue light opening again, Mark could even see the shocking battle on the other side of the portal.

The same goes for Lyris.


Lyris looked at something opposite to the portal and opened her mouth wide.

She...sees herself.


Two people poured out of the portal again.

Pepper Potts and... Big Dorothy.

"Quickly close the time tunnel."

"What about you?"

"I'm fine for the time being, close it quickly, and notify Dad and Hela and Kate to come after finishing the work. Are the five origins here crazy? Isn't it just robbing someone? As for robbing their beloved toys, is it the same? "

"...Are you sure you can withstand it?"

"Of course, Diana and I can delay for a while."

"……All right."

The big Dorothy squeezed her right hand, and the faint blue portal of the time turbulent tunnel disappeared instantly.

The big Dorothy tidied up her clothes, then turned around and waved to the silent Mark with a smile: "Hi, Dad, we meet again, are you surprised?"

Mark was expressionless.

Lailisi was completely dumbfounded, staring at Dorothy who was wearing a certain combat uniform, Lailisi swallowed her saliva and asked involuntarily, "...Dorothy?"

The big Dorothy looked at Laili and smiled and said, "Yes, sister, I am Dorothy."

Lailisi, who also turned into a confused face: "..."

Dorothy then said to Mark, "Well, Dad, I've brought Aunt Potts back, and I'm going back as soon as possible."

"...Which timeline do you go back to?"

"You know I can't tell you, and I really don't have time, I need to go back to my timeline as soon as possible and open the Hades channel to support..." Dorothy smiled apologetically at Lailis and then turned to Mark. He said again: "Go to support Laris."

Mark frowned deeply and looked at Pepper who had not spoken.

Dorothy immediately explained: "It's just a soul collision. It's a normal phenomenon. It should recover soon. I have to go."


Directly above Dorothy's head appeared a long river of time that was extremely mysterious and second only to life and death.

There are countless tributaries in the long river of time with thousands of twists and turns.

For an instant.

Dorothy disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving behind a few people in a state of confusion.

Laili looked back at Mark.

Mark patted his forehead and shrugged: "Dorothy's talent, she can travel freely on the long river of time."

Lyris opened her mouth wide again.

What she needs is an explanation, and this is obviously another surprise news rather than an explanation.

at this time.


Morgan over there looked at Pepper who stayed in the same place, and the small mouth began to evolve from the shape of the duck's mouth...

Tony, who had just been bumped into a full body, rubbed his messy hair and looked at Mark to express that he needed an explanation.

Mark sighs.

How does this make him explain?

God knows what's going on.

The portal appears again.

The big Dorothy poked her head out of it and looked at Mark and said, "By the way, Dad in this timeline doesn't seem to know what's going on."

Mark nodded expressionlessly.

The big Dorothy stuck out her tongue in a funny way and stretched out her right hand.

next second.

Mark closed his eyes to accept the information transmitted by Dorothy.

After half an hour.

Mark opened his eyes, and the big Dorothy had already disappeared.

His daughter, Lailis, looked at Mark with an expectant expression.

As for Tony?

Tony hugged Morgan and comforted the little girl. After seeing Mark open his eyes, he also looked at Mark puzzled.

Mark glanced at Pepper who was still in the process of soul fusion, then smiled at Tony and said lightly: "This is indeed your daughter."

Tony said directly, "What I need is an explanation, not a result."

Mark shrugged and said: "It's obvious that Pepper is dead here, so my daughter broke through time and barriers and brought your daughter and Pepper here so that you in this world won't die alone. Surprised? Surprised?" ?"

Tony's face was extremely dark.

This is a surprise?

Tony glanced at Morgan, who was teary and cute with big eyes in his arms, and fell silent.


This can also be called a surprise.


He's not ready yet...

at this time.


Pepper, who was standing there motionless, suddenly yelled and regained consciousness instantly.

Pepper squatted on the ground and tried to cover her forehead with a painful expression.



"Aunt Potts."

Mark directly waved his hand and used the power of Pluto to separate the three people with different expressions, saying: "Don't go, Pepper is still in the stage of soul fusion."

"Soul fusion?" Tony looked at Mark.


Tony blinked his eyes and looked at Mark who only said this word. Mark didn't seem to intend to continue explaining...


Mark is still confused now.

That seems to be the case.

Pepper here is dead.

But Pepper from other worlds is not dead.

It is clear.

Several of his daughters seem to join forces on a certain timeline, relying on Dorothy, who can travel in time, to reproduce a process similar to Kate's rebirth...

Take Pepper from Mephisto's Hell at the exact time and send him to another parallel universe...

Just why do you have more children?
Is there any accident in this?

and also?

The Tony of that world is dead?
Mark glanced at Tony who was holding Morgan in a daze.

quite a while.

Mark's eyebrows relaxed.


That world should be a world where Mark does not exist.

The Marvel Universe numbered [-]?

 How do you say something?The same person still wrote the original plot, why not go home and sell sweet potatoes?Well, Lao Mi also thought it was right, so the following plot is like this, Tony^&#&$%@*#^#then #...&*¥¥...@#*#...¥¥* And then #...¥*#¥...*@#...¥*#..., um, that's it, stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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