Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 649 Lailis who wants to become a public prosecutor (4th update from time to time)

Chapter 649 Lailis who wants to become a public prosecutor (fourth update from time to time)
How many majors has my daughter changed back and forth?

The first is wanting to be a protector of the ocean.

After that, he wanted to become an agent protecting land, sea and air.

What now?
Lawyer Qualification Examination?

real or fake?

What happened in the past three years, why do you feel that there are too many things when you come back?
Mark is messing around in the wind here.

Similarly, Lailis, who was far away in the library of SHIELD Academy, also felt dazed.

She... Did she just blew herself up?

Lily had a weird expression on her face.

at this time.

Gwen, who had just come out of the laboratory with Peter, walked into the library, looked at Laili, who was obviously in a daze on the chair, shook her arm and said, "Hi, Laili, what's wrong with you?"

Recovering, Laili looked up at Gwen and said, "Gwen, Mark is back."

Gwen was taken aback for a moment and then said, "Uncle Louis is back? That's great. Did you tell him that Georgetown allows you to pursue two degrees?"

Lily smiled reluctantly.

Also tell?
She just blew herself up.


When Lailis returned from Earth 38, she applied to Georgetown University for permission to be a fellow initiate with two degrees.


And...a law degree.


Georgetown University is special.

Graduates of Georgetown University can immediately take the bar exam in any state in the contiguous United States without waiting...

Plus some unspeakable reasons.

For example, Aegis.

In, say, some stubborn old man who was chief for life in the Court of Appeals.

Lailisi's application for two studies was quickly approved.


As long as she takes the bar exam this year, she will be 100% successful.


Lyris felt that way.

Especially when I went to Anglis's house for Thanksgiving the year before last, old Louis was so happy after hearing her decision, thinking that someone finally took over the family business.

As for Aegis?

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s strategy for Lai Lisi is to win over Lai Lisi as much as possible, but now Lai Li Si seems unwilling to enter S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is amazing.

Lailis smiled again and tidied up the books in front of her and said to Gwen, "Gwen, I might have to go out for a while."

Gwen nodded and said, "When are you leaving?"

Gwen's words just fell.

The faint blue flame burst out abruptly.

Lailisi looked at Gwen with a big mouth and shrugged, "Now."

The faint blue portal blasted open.

Mark in a suit and leather shoes came out of the portal. When he saw Gwen, Mark smiled and said, "Gwen, I haven't seen you for three years and I've grown taller again."

Gwen greeted with a smile while hugging the book Riris stuffed for her, "Uncle Louis."

Mark then looked at his daughter.

Laili spread her hands and looked at Mark and said in a complaining tone, "You should call first."

Mark laughed.

After complaining, Laili waved at Gwen and then walked towards the portal on her own.

Seeing this, Mark could only say goodbye to Gwen: "Gwen, tell George that we will have dinner at the manor this weekend."

"I will." Gwen nodded.

Mark then glanced at the corner of the mouth of an animal hidden outside the library, and then walked towards the portal.

The portal disappears.

Gwen turned helplessly to her boyfriend Peter who was hiding at the door and said, "Why do you feel like a mouse has seen a cat every time you see Uncle Louis?"

Peter appeared at the door of the library with a smirk...

Can you not hide?
Who knows if Mark will fulfill his promise and directly remove his three legs.

Peter didn't dare to gamble.

It is impossible to gamble, so the only way left is to hide.

In the Malibu basement.

After Lailisi appeared, she was also very surprised by Tony who did not fit the image.

As for Mephisto next to him?
It's as unobtrusive as a little transparency.

quite a while.

"Hell? Why am I going to hell?"

"You really didn't go?"

"I was in the library yesterday and today, after all... who told Georgetown University to allow me to pursue two degrees."

"Two degrees? Aren't you in SHIELD Academy?"

"It's going to be a long story..."

"Just tell me."

"I'm not joining S.H.I.E.L.D."

Mark's eyes lit up when he heard this sentence.

Lailisi looked at the introverted expression on Mark's face and hurriedly said: "Don't get excited, I will still join S.H.I.E.L.D."


Laili pursed her lips and said, "I'm just vacillating between ocean and law. Maybe I'll choose ocean. If that's the case, I'll join Aegis's research institute. After all, you know, Aegis's research institute is far away. Better than the agencies outside."

Mark nods.

This is true.

After all, the victorious countries worked together to support a SHIELD.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have any advantage in scientific research, isn't the so-called joint support a joke?
As for joining a research institution?


"What about choosing a lawyer?"

Lailisi looked at Mark and smiled, "If I pass the New York State Bar Examination, I think I should become a public prosecutor."



"Are you sure? The prosecutor has no money"

"I've saved all the pocket money you've given me over the past few years. It's probably enough for me until I'm 30."


Tony, who was eating a cheeseburger next to him, saw that the conversation between the two had gone completely wrong, he stood up from the ground and said out of breath again: "Hi, Mark, hi, Lairise, It's important."

Mark and Lairis hurriedly made an apologetic gesture towards Tony.

Lailis said apologetically, "Uncle Stark, I'm very sorry about what happened to Aunt Potts."

Tony smiled reluctantly.

Mark frowned and said, "If you didn't go, then..." As he spoke, Mark turned his gaze to Mephisto, who had not spoken.

Lao Mo hurriedly said: "No one dares to pretend to be the breath of the underworld, Mr. Lucifer."

Lairis is her own daughter, so it is impossible to lie.

As for Lao Mo?Old Mo didn't have the guts to lie to him.

Then the problem is coming.

Who went to hell, who took Pepper's soul, and what was Pepper's soul going to do?
Mark was silent.

Tony even stretched out his hands towards Mark in a daze, as if to say: "Shet, what the hell happened to this, where is Pepper's soul? Was it eaten? Or was it taken away by someone? talk."

For a moment Tony was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Lailisi also looked at the silent Mark with some puzzlement, what on earth is she doing here?

at this time.

Mark suddenly thought of a possibility.

at the same time……

(End of this chapter)

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