Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 307 Vampires and Werewolves in Part 2 (Part 1)

Chapter 307: Vampires and Werewolves (Part [-])
It's not impossible.

The bald girl in the movie version of the Marvel Universe will definitely not use the Time Stone.


This is a real world, and it is also a world spliced ​​with various people or things.

If the plot here is allowed to continue, the old man who silently guards werewolves and vampires from being discovered will play GG.

After that, no one wiped their butts with the ignorant werewolves and vampires here...

At that time, being yelled at by this group of rambunctious vampires and werewolves...

That's the end of it.

The human world and the dark world will go to war in an instant, and there will be no end to death.

Mark is more optimistic about the dark world's chances of winning.

But this world is still the world of ordinary people after all.

So, will the bald girl use the time gem when the human is about to play GG?
The answer is obvious.

In order to prevent Mark after the reversal is still Mark, the current Mark feels that it is necessary to prevent this incident from happening.

Even if the Time Stone is to be used, Mark thinks he should be the one to use it!
my fate!

I'm the ruler!
thinking about...

Mark put on his sunglasses again and walked towards the car, raised his chin slightly and said, "Let's go and meet an acquaintance of ours."

Debbie: "..."

Jack: "..."

Driving on the road in Budapest, there are no tall buildings around at all, and some are just medieval buildings that have settled for hundreds of years.

The property rights of the houses here are permanent. Even if the exterior of the walls has long been mottled, no one is willing to tear down their memories by themselves...

Perhaps it is for this reason that those vampires who have survived for hundreds of years will settle here.

As night falls, thunder and lightning!
After leaving the rented car at the hotel entrance and handing it over to the hotel doorman, Mark, holding a small yellow umbrella, led Jack and Debbie towards the subway entrance two blocks away...

Budapest's rail transit system is the oldest electrified railway system in continental Europe.It is also the second electrified subway line in the world after the London Underground.

Even its iconic Line [-] was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Organization last month.

"Boss, look!" After walking around a corner of the street, Debbie, who has always been loved by Mark for her eyesight, pointed at the raised balcony of St. Stephen's Cathedral towering among the many buildings. A woman in leather.

Mark looked up and shook his head.

In other words, why do these vampires honestly like to make trouble with God?
There is no such thing as God in this world, and even if there was, he would have been split in half by Odin's tomahawk just as Mark thought...

"Boss... I remember that you were rejected by this vampire." Jack, who had no eyesight and often did some hard work, said in a low voice and clearly once again worthy of his character.

Mark's mouth twitched slightly.

He swears!
Sooner or later, Jack will be sent to a Cuban prison by Mark because of his mouth.

Debbie next to him also raised her eyebrows, and kicked Jack's calf calmly. The latter was just about to get angry at Debbie, but when he saw Mark's twitching corner of his mouth, he immediately covered his mouth.

"Hehe!" Mark smiled coldly as he watched Jack cover his mouth with a funny expression.

Counting from now on, it's only three.

Twice more!

Mark promises to send Jack straight to a Cuban prison after his wedding and honeymoon...

Above the church!

Serena squatted on her knees on the raised balcony.

As the death walker of the vampire family, Serena's task is to find hidden werewolves in the crowd that can transform at any time, search for them, and kill them all, one by one.

Tonight is no exception!
Serena turned her face sideways and glanced at her teammates at the other end.

Her partner is using the lens produced by vampire weapons experts to search for werewolves among the crowd with umbrellas, looking for the werewolf mixed in.

The camera pans away from a conspicuous yellow umbrella and focuses on two black guys following an unknown person.

After two clicks and the shooting was completed, the partner put down the guy with the camera function in his hand, and looked up at Serena who was staring at him.

They nodded at each other, and after completing the communication silently, the man with a cold face turned over on a kite and took a leap of faith towards the ground about 100 meters away.

next second.

Serena, who was wearing a skin-tight leather trench coat to set off her perfect curves, followed closely behind...

The moment she landed on the ground without a sound, Serena's right foot stepped forward without any buffer, and walked gracefully towards the subway B entrance not far away.

Mark, who was standing not far from the entrance of A, stared at Serena's drooping curve, sighed and said rather melancholy: "I used to have long hair, why is it cut short now!"

Mark still thinks that girls with long hair look better.

Short hair... not his thing!

After sighing, Mark watched Serena, who had already walked into the subway entrance, take her own steps and set off towards the subway entrance...


The vampires and werewolves living in Hungary are the only ones that Mark has seen in so many years so unscrupulous.

Over the years, the vampires and werewolves here have launched dozens of small-scale battles, to say the least.

But no one can figure out a problem.

Why are they firing, transforming, exploding, etc. in public? Why haven't they revealed their identities yet?

None of the vampires or werewolves thought about it.

Ah shit.

Fortunately, they all brag about how many years they have lived?
All the shit lived in the dog's stomach.

This is also an important reason why vampires and werewolves were directly exposed to the sun within half a year after the old man who wiped his ass died.

The vampires and werewolves here are like sophomores.

Obviously this world is an online multi-ethnic networking game, but it has to be played as a stand-alone game.

Look at how low-key the vampire royal family in Europe is.

Look at the vampires and werewolves in Fox Town.

No more.

Look at the witches who live in seclusion in Portland...

If they have any unpleasantness, they will sit down first and use gentlemanly negotiations to resolve the dispute. If it is really impossible to fight, they will also make an appointment in no man's land to find a time to start the war.

Moreover, before each war, both sides will send their own people to let the wind around to prevent ordinary people from witnessing all this.

Look at how well people keep their secrets.

How does it look like here in Hungary?

Try not to talk nonsense if you can do it, let him do 32, let's do it first.

As for exposure or not?

It's none of his business if he dies.

If you are not dead, wait until the time comes...

 It's the second day of junior high school. Happy New Year, all book friends. I wish you good health and good luck in everything!

(End of this chapter)

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