Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 306 Protecting the Earth Horse Someone (Happy New Year to all book friends!)

Chapter 306 Protecting the Earth Horse Someone (Happy New Year to all book friends!)

the next day.

Mark rubbed his tired face and walked out of Amelia's castle.

He looked up at the clear sky.

Mark narrowed his eyes!
Behind him, Jack and Debbie stood quietly on both sides of Mark. They were very happy to be able to walk out of the castle behind them.

Although the two of them also saw the group of agile and outrageous vampires in Italy later.

But none of them can give them the sense of danger that Amelia brings...

Mark looked away from the sky and said lightly: "Is the chief prosecutor here still Dr. Bedell?"

Debbie nodded and said, "Yes, boss. Dr. Bedel took office in May [-]. According to Hungarian regulations, Dr. Bedel is a lifelong Supreme Prosecutor."

Mark nodded and said, "Let's go and visit the doctor I haven't seen for a long time."

"Um..." Debbie opened her mouth.

Mark turned around and looked at Debbie who was hesitant to speak and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Debbie laughed dryly and shrugged her shoulders before saying, "Boss, I don't think Dr. Bedell would be willing to see you."


"You forgot that you and his daughter broke up in the Ministry of Justice building."


In the afternoon, on the fifth floor of Hungary's Supreme Prosecutor's Office, in the office of the Supreme Prosecutor, a wrinkled old man was staring angrily at...Mark who was sitting carelessly on the guest chair in front of him.

"Mark Lewis!"

"Yes, it's me, Dr. Bedell!"

"...this is Hungary."

"I know!"

Dr. Bedel, who was over fifty and aged ahead of time, looked at Mark with an unruly smile on his face, took a deep breath and suppressed the impulse in his heart, and said, "After you humiliated the Bedel family, what kind of courage did you give you?" The illusion that you can stand in front of me."

Mark touched his nose, took out a gift box from his arms, stood up and put it on Bedell's table and said lightly: "I heard that Mary is getting married next month, and for some reason, I can't personally send blessings, so ..."

Mark said, pointing to the gift box containing a diamond with a smile on his face.

Bedell lowered his head and opened the lightweight gift box directly with the pen in his hand. After a glance, he closed the gift box again and looked at Mark and said, "What do you want?"

"What?" Mark blinked.

Bedel sneered twice, crossed his hands on the table in front of him and said lightly: "If it's just this one thing, then I received it, and you can go."

Mark patted his thigh and nodded, and walked out the door without hesitation.

This move directly made Bedel's eyebrows furrow deeper.

Am I guessing wrong?

At this moment, Bedell couldn't help but soften his heart.

next second!
"Oh, that's right!" Mark, who had already walked to the door, suddenly patted his forehead, as if suddenly remembering something, and once again sat back on his seat like a boy in the wind.

Bedell: "..."

After half an hour.

Jack and Debbie, who were a little bored at the gate of the procuratorate, leaned on the car and kicked the pebbles beside them, and the next second they saw Mark coming out of the gate of the procuratorate with a smile on his face.



Jack and Debbie caught what looked like a certificate thrown by Mark, and opened it with some confusion...

Agents of the Attorney General's Office!
Debbie blinked her eyes and looked up at Mark and said, "Boss, you are looking for Dr. Bedell just to prepare to give up the Federation... Aw..."

Mark withdrew his right hand, looked at Debbie who was clutching her forehead and complaining of pain, and said angrily, "Are the agents here as rich as the FBI?"

Debbie shook her head.

The FBI is a brilliant institution.

Although after the death of the first old leader, it was suppressed by various law enforcement agencies and Congress suppressed the power of the FBI.


The FBI is still a behemoth, and the director of any FBI branch cannot be suppressed by just any congressman or Congress.

Just in the five-story underground data warehouse of the FBI's New York office, there are the most complete files of various state congressmen and even the mayor's attorney general in New York State, including... black materials!


As long as he achieves the position of branch chief, almost the pension is already being prepared...

"Boss, then why are you taking such trouble to ask for this?" Jack asked beside him, also a little puzzled.

Mark put the newly released documents in his arms and said quietly: "Wouldn't it be embarrassing to avoid being caught by the local police in time."

"Why are we being..." Jack said half a sentence, and then closed his mouth directly.

It wasn't because he already knew why he was picked up by the local police.

But because...

how to say!

Although Jack is slightly inferior to Debbie in trying to figure out Mark's mind.

But the experience of following Mark for many years told him one very important thing.

As long as my boss says something is wrong.

That's bound to happen...

Jack suddenly felt that he should let Maggie replace him when he was in the mainland, instead of following up as soon as he heard that he was going on a business trip.

Thinking of this, Jack suddenly looked at Mark without tears and said, "Boss, I'm getting married on the tenth of next month."

"Oh, did the hotel contact you?"

Jack nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said: "During the break last week, the hotel called and said that a couple of newcomers canceled their order on the [-]th and asked if we would like to make it up."

"Don't you think it's too late?" Debbie frowned at the side and said worriedly: "I'm the chief bridesmaid, and I don't like holding a ceremony too hastily to affect my performance."

He was directly dumbfounded. When he heard the first half of Debbie's words, Jack thought that Debbie was thinking of himself.

Who would have thought...

Mark looked at the two people in front of him and couldn't help showing a smile.

At Commonwealth College, Jack also chased Debbie for a while.

But the levels of the two are not at the same level at all.

In front of Debbie, Jack was instantly overwhelmed like a little scum...without any chance of winning.


Mark looked up at the sunset that had already fallen and sighed directly.

Just to find a skilled handmade shop to inlay a broken diamond, it abruptly ruined the good time of Mark's day.


Who made Mark such a person who likes to maintain world peace.

no way.

If the plot here is allowed to develop on its own, it is estimated that the whole world will know that there are such creatures as vampires and werewolves.

By the time……

The ghost knows if the bald girl hiding on the snowy mountain thinks this is wrong, and directly activates a certain eyeball to reverse time and space.

If reversed...

Then the problem is coming!

How can Mark after the reversal prove that Mark is Mark.

This is not a sub-question.


Send a proposition! ! ! !

 In the new year, I wish all book friends a good year, remember to set off fireworks...

(End of this chapter)

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