Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 158 Hanmer Industries with a Gun

Chapter 158 Hanmer Industries with a gun
Democracy and republic!
Here, this is an unavoidable topic.

To put it bluntly!

A republic is a rich man who spends money like water, and a democracy, in a more figurative metaphor, is a poor man!
Mark, Attorney General Justin and even Tony Stark, Norman Osborn, Justin Hammer are all members of the Republican Party!
As for the Democrats?

Frankly, Mark knew one!
The president came to power and vigorously promoted global battles for the benefit of certain military companies of the Republican Party...

As the Democratic Party with the most poor and black people, it must quit.

As long as it is implemented by the republic (democracy), the democracy (republic) will definitely oppose...

Mark looked at Justin and said, "There are not a few local mutants."

"But their destructive power is obvious to all." Justin replied: "I heard in Washington that Congressman Kelly was protected by you in the federal hospital and no one was allowed to visit?"

Mark nodded and said, "Yes, Senator Kelly is still unconscious..."

"I heard from the media that he is a mutant. Is there such a thing?"

"Nonsense!" Mark said sternly: "When Congressman Kelly was sent to the congressman, he did show a strange superficial symptom, but after laboratory tests, it was confirmed that it was because Congressman Kelly's plane was destroyed and fell into the sea. A peculiar emergency response that arises from it."

"So... Senator Kelly is okay?"

"I promise you that!"

Justin looked at Mark with a serious face, and nodded after a while. When he was about to leave, he glanced at Stryker, whose gaze was still on this side, lowered his head and whispered to Mark: "If You want to deal with that one, as soon as possible!"

Mark nodded slightly!
quite a while!

Qin walked to Mark's side and looked at Mark curiously.

Mark smiled slightly, took a sip of the champagne in his hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What were you guys talking about?" Jean asked!

Mark just shrugged, silently watching the torch in the hand of the torch goddess suddenly light up with a trace of white light!
Having said that, not everyone is devastated by mutants.

Justin's wife is a gentle and virtuous mutant with special abilities.

Let the food you make yourself have a unique flavor!
That's why Justin almost never goes out for a game meal, or comes home a second late!
After all, if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach!

Obviously, Justin is firmly in the hands of her wife!
at this time!

But seeing the torch of the torch goddess, the light of day bloomed suddenly!

The guests on the lawn couldn't help being startled by the sudden white light!
next second!

The strong wind swept all around, directly blowing up the corners of Qin's red dress, and also shaking the champagne table placed in the shape several times!
But the strange thing is that the shape of champagne on it is actually solid.

Mark withdrew his right hand calmly and looked at the plainclothes special agents who appeared directly around the lawn.

quite a while!

Smiling slightly, he said to Qin, "Let Orolo and Scott leave quickly, and don't arrest them when I arrest them."


Mark turned on the headset again, and after saying hello to the leader of the secret service team from Washington.

Go straight to the outside of the venue!

As soon as he walked out of the venue, he saw Stryker who was about to run towards the helicopter not far away!

Mark smiled.


A cold light bloomed in an instant, directly across the distance of the space, and nailed to Stryker's toes!

Stryker paused, turned around, and looked at Mark who was following Jack and Debbie!

"... General Stryker, what are you planning to do?" Mark said with a smile on his face, "There was just a commotion in the venue, and General Stryker is about to leave now?"

"I'm going to Liberty Island to check!" Stryker said with a gloomy face!
Mark laughed and nodded directly at Jack!

The latter understood, walked straight to the door of the helicopter cockpit, and pointed the pistol at the driver's head with a blank expression!

Debbie also pulled out her own weapon and pointed it at a soldier beside Stryker!
"Louis, what do you want?" Stryker shouted loudly as his expression changed!

Mark smiled coldly: "Shut up if you don't know the status. When will the military intervene in federal cases?"


"The jurisdiction of Liberty Island is the Federation, not the military. Moreover, General Stryker couldn't wait for the commotion at the venue just now. I'm curious, does General Stryker know something?"

Stryker's face suddenly changed!
Before he could speak, Mark looked at Stryker with a mocking smile and said, "Either General Stryker is concerned about national security, or General Stryker is absconding in fear of crime, guess which answer I choose? "

Carey Ralph from the Washington Secret Service Office came out in a deep voice, looked at Stryker expressionlessly and said, "General Stryker, please come with us!"

"What?" Stryker said in disbelief: "Are you kidding me? I want to go to Liberty Island to check and confirm the safety issues!"

"You are just a guest, General Stryker!" Carey reminded in a deep voice, "Besides, my people told me that when the white light just appeared, you went outside..."

Mark next to him smiled.

If you are within the system, you will be constrained by the system. If Mark does not mention this matter, Stryker's move may not be approved by the White House.

However, Stryker is just a guest, not a security guard!

This involves the issue of ultra vires!

The security of the venue tonight is the responsibility of the FBI and the Secret Service.

According to the rules, when the white light caused the riot just now, Stryker should have gone indoors like the other generals, waiting for the FBI's investigation results and the Secret Service's report.

Rather than self-assessment ready to board the helicopter to check!
Want to step on the face of the Secret Service and the FBI?

quite a while!

Mark looked at Stryker, who was guarded by two secret service agents, and smiled faintly towards Adam who was rushing over. He pointed to the driver and Stryker's follower and said, "Bring these two people back. Let the bureau investigate, I suspect that these two people have something to do with Bai Guang just now!"

Nameless two people: "..."

10 minutes later!

Mark opened the door of the helicopter directly and looked at Brother Wan who fell unconscious on the torch rail!
With a slight smile, he signaled Jack, who was driving the helicopter, to lower his altitude.

When it was about 50 meters away from the ground!
Mark jumped straight off the plane!

He took something out of the utility room and threw it next to Lao Wan!

Dragging the back of old brother Wan, he entered the helicopter cabin again under Jack and Debbie's familiar eyes!


"... Mark, what was found there!"

"Found a flashbang casing here!"


"That's right, there is also the logo of Hanmer Industries on it..."


 Asking for a monthly ticket every day, I am in a cute mood
(End of this chapter)

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