Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 157 The Dog Who Re-Finds an Owner (Guaranteed Part 1)

Chapter 157 The Dog Who Re-Finds an Owner
"Stick to justice?"

"Fight against evil forces?"

"...Mark, I'm curious about the thickness of your skin!"

On the lawn adjacent to the Hudson River, many invited guests sang and danced, and the attendants who passed the background review were carrying champagne and fine wine like butterflies wearing flowers!
Holding Qin's slender waist, Mark smiled slightly and said, "It's because of justice that I came here tonight."

Qin Hu flashed her long and moving eyelashes, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Are you sure?"

Mark nodded without hesitation!
The highest state of a lie is to deceive yourself first and believe it.

Only if you believe it yourself, this lie is truly invulnerable!
Just like when it originated on Earth.

Once again, someone reported Mark for accepting bribes. When the organization came up to review, Mark happily sent the review team away with his superb acting skills and sauna bath...

Looking at the righteous and serious expression on Mark's face, if she hadn't already understood Mark's nature, Qin probably would have believed it.

Raise your right hand high, and start dancing with the piano!
Sweeping forward again, the flower-like Qin nestled in Mark's arms, staring at Mark's chin with a faint beard.

Mark lowered his head and looked at the flaming red lips close at hand, his heart trembled involuntarily.

Kiss down!
Not far away, a reporter from the Bugle Daily flashed a camera in his hand.

Completely stopped for this period of time!
quite a while!

The sound of the music gradually became peaceful, and Mark took two glasses of champagne from the attendant, and handed a glass to Qin standing on the bank of the Hudson River!
After taking a sip, Mark looked at the goddess of the torch on Liberty Island, where lightning appeared from time to time not far away.

"Aren't you afraid that Orolo and the others will fail?"

"No, I believe in the X-Men!"


Mark smiled slightly, but didn't answer the question, so it can't be said that he knows the direction of the plot.

Sometimes, mystery is also the poison that attracts women...

A gentle middle-aged man with glasses who had been watching here before slowly walked over!
"Hello, Chief Lewis!"

Mark and Qin turned their heads and looked at the person coming. Mark raised his eyebrows inadvertently, while Qin frowned in disgust!
"General Stryker, I didn't know that you were also invited this time. It seems that I have to find someone to check if there are other unknown things mixed in!"

"...The lady next to Director Louis must be Ms. Jean Gray who gave a speech in Congress six days ago."


"I didn't know that mutants were invited to the party this time."

Mark narrowed his eyes and looked at Stryker, who was smiling but not smiling. After a while.

Mark pressed his headset and said in a deep voice, "Who is in charge of the guest list."

"Boss, it's me!" Debbie's voice sounded in Mark's ear!

"Is William Stryker on the list?"

"...No, but General Stryker is on the Vice President's list of guards."


Mark cut off the communication, blinked, looked directly at Qin beside him and smiled slightly: "Qin, do you know what will happen to his dog if the owner of the dog dies?"

Qin shook her head pretending not to know!

Mark shrugged his shoulders, glanced at Stryker with a pale face, and said lightly: "The dog will immediately find a new owner who can feed him, and wag his tail, showing his butt to the new owner unceremoniously!"


Mark nodded and said: "Yes, just like in the farm, the new owner will stamp the dog's butt to show that it is his!"

Stryker: "..."

Mark's peripheral vision has been falling on Stryker's body. To be honest, the thickness of Stryker's skin is far beyond Mark's imagination!
It's all run down like this. Although Stryker's face is ashen, he still maintains the posture of a superior.


If he can succeed, he must be as shameless as Stryker!
Or, just like Mark, not only handsome, but also chic!

Minister of Justice Justin noticed Mark here, walked over, and just when he was about to talk to Mark, he also saw Stryker beside him!
"General Stryker!"

"Minister Oren!"

With a forced smile on Stryker's face, he raised the champagne in his hand, and then left on his own!
A new generation replaces the old.

This is not only the case in the romantic field, but also in the political world!

Stryker's rise is inseparable from the vigorous promotion of the previous president.

But then!
When the current president was the governor of Texas, Stryker did one thing to evil the president.

In [-], when the president had just become the governor of Texas, Stryker led a small team to encircle and suppress a mutant organization in the capital of Texas.

Success is success, but the number of casualties has directly exceeded three digits!

The president at the time directly attacked the federal government and demanded that Stryker be severely punished!
At last!
The result of the investigation ended with a reasonable loss!

It directly caused the president's approval rating of the governor at the time to plummet.


Last year, when the presidential throne was in sight, Stryker resigned as the Minister of Defense automatically...

And now!
As the position of the president became more and more stable, Stryker also felt the pressure from time to time.

In order to be able to sit firmly in the current general position, Stryker can only hurriedly find a next family who is willing to accept him.

After all, the incumbent president cannot succeed without the support of the mysterious society!

And now, a member of the club took a fancy to the position under Stryker's buttocks and wanted to squeeze up...

"Ma'am, don't you mind if I have a few words with Mark." After Stryker left in a despondent manner, Justin smiled and said to Jean Gray!
"Of course!" Qin smiled slightly, took advantage of the opportunity to kiss Mark on the cheek, and then slowly walked aside!
Justin stood beside Mark, and the two looked at the calm Hudson River and asked curiously, "Why did Stryker come here just now?"

"Say hello, and give him a few words by the way!" Mark shrugged, talking about the thing that just mocked Stryker as a dog!
Justin smiled slightly, and then said, "Strike has caught up with Cheney."

Mark couldn't help being taken aback!
Cheney, the current vice president, is said by the media to be the closest person to the current president's family!

Justin nodded and said, "You also know how much the secret society spent to get the president to come to power. Otherwise, why did the president vigorously promote global defense when he came to power!"


"Congress is not immune to the president's expansion of global wars. It just so happens that Justin has provided an imaginary enemy that can shut Congress up!"


Justin looked at Mark, smiled and nodded...

 Looking for a monthly ticket, I'm in a cute mood

(End of this chapter)

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