Chapter 775
Youth Day.

The "National General Surgery Young Doctors Exchange Conference and Surgical Skills Demonstration Competition" sponsored by Imperial North China Hospital was grandly held.

All provincial professional associations across the country have sent teams of young doctors. Except for the chairmen of the five provincial associations who were unable to attend the meeting due to special reasons, the other 29 were all present.

In addition, Professor Daniel from the University Medical Center in the United States, Professor Larson from the Affiliated Hospital of Bocheng University, and Professor Butline from the School of Medicine of New York University, as well-known foreign experts and representatives of the imperial capital Chen Renran from Jin Minghui Magic City formed the presidium of the competition judges.

Naturally, the gang of seniors from the imperial capital also had to dress up to attend.

Ha ha.

Just look at this row...

Can you even do it?

Only our imperial capital has such an appeal!

Professor Xiao Jin is excellent.

We old guys are right.

In March, that Professor Chen in Shanghai created a training class, which caught us old guys by surprise and couldn't come up with an effective countermeasure for a while. It was Professor Xiao Jin who was capable and withstood the pressure. After a few days, he came up with a countermeasure and planned such a big event.

In comparison, those training classes are nothing more than a strange move, but the event hosted by our imperial capital is the right way!
Evil does not suppress righteousness!

The devil must be defeated!

Seeing that the nearly [-]-seat academic lecture hall was fully occupied, the seniors all showed a satisfied and contented look.

In the culture of Huaguo, whenever the word cum appears in the name of the event, it shows that the content before the word cum is just a cutscene, and the meaning after the word cum is the core.

Therefore, none of the industry representatives from all over the country who came to participate in the conference would take the communication to heart. What everyone was staring at was the competition that started at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Such an excellent opportunity to become famous, no team is willing to give up easily.

Of course, before coming to the imperial capital, apart from Nanjiang Province and the Shanghai team, none of them dared to set the goal of winning the championship.

Because of the existence of Yang Xi, the title of champion seems to have been assigned to Nanjiang Province by default.

Advance to the top three, keep the three and compete for the second!
Such a slogan is already the most heroic and passionate goal among other representative teams.

However, after coming to the imperial capital, the mentality of each representative team immediately changed drastically.

There is no Yang Xi's name in the Nanjiang provincial team?

Was it dug up by the devil?
Do not!
There is no Yang Xi in the Modu representative team.

Since Yang Xi didn't come to this event, the champion...

It's really hard to say who will win and who will die!

Did Yang Xi really not come to this event?


If he dared not come, then Jin Minghui, who hosted the event, would have to overturn the table.

Depend on!
Believe it or not, Professor Ben is in a hurry... Cough cough, in a hurry, he hired three thousand urban managers to level your Liuquan Town.

In fact, Yang Xi came to the imperial capital a long time ago, and last night, together with Jin Minghui and three friends from the United States, he inspected the famous Donglaishun mutton with his mouth.

To be honest, the taste is really good, only a little bit worse than Lin's mutton restaurant.

At this moment, Yang Xi was at the venue, and his position was still on the rostrum where everyone was watching.

However, among nearly 400 people, no more than ten people could recognize him.

The imperial capital Jin Minghui and his subordinates lead the group Director Zhang, the magical capital Chen Renran and the Lian Xiangdong competition team, and the rest are the three great professors from the United States.

Oh no.

There is one more.

A little girl sitting in the back seat between Professor Daniel and Professor Larson.

This little girl is dressed plainly, and her face is not very handsome, but she is also dignified and quite attractive. The biggest feature is that she likes to laugh and pout.

Obviously, the little girl and the young man sitting side by side between Professor Daniel and Professor Butlain should be the translators invited by Professor Jin Minghui for the three professors from the University of America.


These two translators look very unprofessional!
Have you ever seen an interpreter who lowered his head for a moment and seemed careless when interpreting for the main guest, and patted the back or shoulder of the three American professors from time to time?
Have you ever seen a translator who failed to translate in time but was not too shy to wink at the guy next door?

Fortunately, the three American University professors are tolerant and generous, and they don't care too much about these two little translators.

Under the rostrum, in the third row of seats, Lian Xiangdong raised his mobile phone and took a few photos of the two little translators.

I don't know if I can blackmail Young Master Xi with this ugly photo after I go back, but if I don't try it, I will be unwilling.

At this time, Lian Xiangdong had already learned the true purpose of this event from his teacher Chen Renran.

"If your old man can crush the other teams from all over the world, then the junior brother can save a lot of thought. If you miss by accident, it doesn't matter, the most is to let the junior brother suffer again and show his skills. No matter what happens, it will have little impact on the overall situation and the result. So, you old man just relax and play."

On the flight from Shanghai, Lian Xiangdong couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing Chen Renran's words.

I should have thought that this event was originally organized by that monstrous young master Xi. The format of this competition is very similar to the Jiangbei Medical Training Skills Competition half a year ago!
I should have thought of how important my old man's gun is in the evil plan of Mr. Xi. Don't listen to what the teacher said. It has little effect on the overall situation. My old man said Ranked second, no one dares to say ranked first.

That evildoer has already advanced from the stage of bright show to the stage of dark show. The dirty work like this kind of publicity in front of others is no longer his hobby. It's what he likes to do most now. Just push his gang of brothers to the fore.

And he, hiding in a quiet place, enjoys it.

An example to prove: In the live broadcast of surgery on Xinglin Garden, the current protagonists have been occupied by Gao, Lu, and Laotu.

Another example: During the trip to the United States last month, he actually entrusted Professor Daniel to vaccinate the department directors of the four hospitals in the four cities in advance.

Therefore, it can be concluded that, in this grand event, the monstrous young master Xi should have repaid his high hopes for him.

If you don't make a move and don't make a move, you can easily solve it by sending a brother at random. This is the demeanor that a generation of grandmasters should have!

Even the old man, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations, Young Master Xi.

It might be difficult to talk about crushing.

But winning the championship is a must!

It's just, if I figured it out earlier, wouldn't I be able to trick you more and less?

(End of this chapter)

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