I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 774 One is inappropriate

Chapter 774
After a week.

Yang Xi took Lian Xiangdong back to Liuquan Hospital.

Entering the department, Na Lian faces east, with deep eyes and a serious expression.

"The old man is back."

"Don't call me old man!"

"Oh, I should call you Boss Boss."

"It's not right to call him Boss!"

"Then... call you Dr. Jun?"

"Hmph! You nest of sparrows, can't you see that my old butt has grown up? You can only call me Xier Shao from now on."


Kicked in the ass.

Lian Xiangdong turned around and smiled contemptuously at Gao Yong.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands..."

Gao Yong made a gesture to raise his leg again.

"I'm moving his feet."

Lian Xiangdong shook his head slowly.

1 minutes.

It only takes 1 more minute.

There are times when you, Boss Gao, Lao Tu, Chi Xiang, Lao Bai, this nest of chicks cry bitterly!
In less than a minute, Yang Xi entered the office carrying a suitcase.

The suitcase containing the peak surgical instruments.

"Master, I keep my word. From today onwards, this set of peak surgical instruments will belong to your old man." Yang Xi solemnly handed over the suitcase to Lian Xiangdong.

Lian Xiangdong held the suitcase in both hands, and looked around...

next second.

"Come on, old rabbit Lu, what the hell are you doing?"

"Damn it, you eat Xiang's stuff, we two are close classmates!"

"Wai Ri, Boss Gao, take it easy, I made a mistake, can't I treat guests to dinner tonight?"

The gang fights couldn't drag back Lian Xiangdong's heart that had already taken off.After tidying up his clothes, Lian Xiangdong picked up the suitcase again and continued to look around...

"Old man, I heard that you are going to represent Shanghai to participate in the surgery competition for young doctors held in the capital?"

"hold head high……"

"I heard that your mentor, Professor Chen Renran, gave you a death order to win the championship?"

"hold head high……"

"Then what would you do if you were defeated in the imperial capital?"

"hold head high……"

Ang you paralyzed.

Gao Yong made a gesture to make another move.

Lian Xiangdong hid behind Yang Xi with his suitcase in his arms. "That laurel wreath is already in our old man's pocket. Little Cass, who is in his hands, how could he miss it?"

Yang Xi promptly endorsed Lian Xiangdong's humming.

"I performed a small operation for Lao Ren in Shanghai for a week, but he didn't exhaust me to death. However, Lao Ren has indeed lived up to his expectations. The improvement in the level of surgery is not a star and a half. To participate in that level of competition, it should be No one can pose a threat to him."

Thinking back on this week, Yang Xi wished that Boss Gao could beat his butt again.

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen someone as shameless as Lian Laofu. It was agreed to take him to do 57 surgeries in a week at most, but this guy is begging for nothing, and he insisted on as many as [-] surgeries. .

However, the rewards are also quite large.

In the most beautiful operation performed by the old man, the little epilepsy actually gave a high score of 81 points.

It also indirectly helped Yang Xi complete several system tasks. While reaping a lot of benefits, he also increased his integration with the little maniac by nearly two percentage points.

After hearing Yang Xi's explanation, everyone was stunned, no wonder this old man is so embarrassing.

I can't mention any more about the surgery competition, so as to save the old man from squeaking and looking angry, let's talk about the interesting things about Xi Shao's trip to the United States.

There was still some time before the evening meal, everyone raised their ears and surrounded Yang Xi in the middle.


Yang Xi thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "There's really nothing interesting to tell. Daniel accompanied us all the way, and those American bigwigs are also very well-behaved, but I have seen the night over there..."

Yang Xi's words stopped abruptly.

Because he heard familiar footsteps.

Classmate Xiao Jiang is here.

Of course we can't mention anything about that night.

A look of extreme regret appeared on the faces of a group of elders.

"Teacher Yang, I want to sue Director Gao for bullying me."

With her hips on her hips and her head tilted, when Jiang Yubei saw Yang Xi, her energy was extraordinary.

"I want to learn laparoscopy, but Director Gao refuses to teach me."

Gao Yong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This girl even asked her to take the stage and hold the gun, but she was still not satisfied, and insisted on grabbing the first assistant position.

Whose interns are qualified to serve as the first assistant in tertiary surgery?

"He doesn't teach you, I will teach you, but the premise is that you have to wait for you to graduate and pass the doctor's qualification examination."

Jiang Yubei pouted immediately.

"Then you have to take me to the young doctor surgery competition next week!"

Yang Xi couldn't help frowning.

"You just promised me!"

Jiang Yubei hugged Yang Xi's arm in public, shaking it back and forth vigorously.

Girl, can we be more reserved?
In front of so many people...

"If you don't agree again, I'll cry!" Jiang Yubei grinned before she finished speaking.


Liuquan Hospital might as well be renamed Laipi Hospital, because the whole litter is full of rascals.

"Okay, okay, okay, I promise you, okay?" Yang Xi sighed.

Immediately, heartless laughter resounded in the office.


The third floor of the administration building.

Dean Lin sat behind his desk and was listening to the report from the chief of the hospital's finance department.

"Our financial statements for the first quarter have been prepared. In terms of revenue, it has increased by 120% compared with the same period last year. Expenses..."

At this time, Vice President Liu pushed the door open and entered.

"Principal Lin, Young Master Xi is back. I just called you but didn't get through."

Dean Lin quickly picked up his phone and glanced at it.

Nima, this broken phone has been making troubles lately, breaking down every now and then, it's time to get a new one.

"Then what, Section Chief Li, you put the report here, I'll read it when I have time." Before finishing speaking, the man got up and left his seat, and went straight to the door.

Vice President Liu followed closely.

"Call the Lin's Mutton Restaurant and book the largest private room." Dean Lin gave the order as soon as he left the office.

Vice President Liu responded, "It's already booked."

Dean Lin said again: "Tell him to prepare some good food quickly, Yang Xi loves his haggis the most."

Vice President Liu responded steadily: "It has been arranged."

Dean Lin nodded in satisfaction.

Almost trotting all the way, the two deans rushed into the inpatient building.

It feels a little bit inappropriate.

It seems, as if, maybe...

It should be Yang Xi who came to see us!
I can't manage so much anymore, those who do big things need to be informal.

It is not unreasonable for us to be the dean, and it is not unreasonable for the corporal to be respectful.

Besides, Yang Xi is no ordinary person.

Oh no.

That kid was not human at all.

Although our two deans hold high leadership positions, we are mortals after all. It is only natural for mortals to worship God!
Amidst Jiang Yubei's heartless laughter, the two deans, Lin and Liu, appeared at the door of the general surgeon's office panting heavily.

"Call Director Shangjiang, Director Ma, and give Young Master Xi a clean-up!"

(End of this chapter)

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