I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 684 If you want to eat a small stove, tell the story according to your ability

Chapter 684 I want to eat a small stove, so I can speak according to my ability
Yang Xi also considered another issue.

Qian Xingjun's heart is not broad enough, he is already over [-] years old, and his competitive spirit is still so strong that he has to overthrow the academic tyrants of the northern imperial capital in his lifetime.

This should be criticized, but it is also worthy of respect.

As a human being, it should be that you respect me three feet and I return you ten feet.

Since the old man holds Yang Xi in the palm of his hand, it is completely appropriate to charge forward for the old man and fulfill his old man's wish.

Besides, who let those academic tyrants in the imperial capital offend him, Yang Xi?
A person stands in the world, repaying kindness with kindness, complaining with resentment, and being happy with kindness and hatred, is the true quality of a hero!

Or: "How about repaying grievances with virtue?"

The son said: "How to repay virtue? Repay grievances directly and repay virtue by virtue."

The spirit of Chinese people believes in the teachings of Confucius, who would dare not respect them?
But the problem is.

How much fun can it be if Yang Xi rushes forward with him alone, even with two slaps?

After being slapped, you only need to say "it's just an example" in an understatement, and the embarrassment can be resolved, and you can still continue to occupy the academic commanding heights with a cheeky face.

But if you change your tactics...

Elder Qian was sitting in the tent of the Chinese army. He Yang Xi and the senior brother lined up on both sides. Marshal Qian threw a command arrow and shouted:

Boss Gao, you go up and beat him to death.

Boss Gao is too strong, change to a weaker one?

Come on, Old Rabbit Lu, and wipe them out.

Lu Laotu is also too strong?
Then let the little inpatient boss even show his old butt casually.

Depend on.

Just a hospital manager!

If you big and small tyrants in the imperial capital can't handle the tricks anymore, do you have the face to wander around in the rivers and lakes?

This kind of script is so enjoyable to act out.

Well, that's what you have to do!
So, taking advantage of the lunch break, Yang Xi made new adjustments to the upcoming operation.

"Boss Gao worked hard last week. This week, I think it's time to take a break. You can just fix up the outpatient clinic. If you have time, you can go home and pay the public rations."

Gao Yong rolled his eyes.

I was really tired last week, and I really should take a break, and I should take some time to go home and return the public rations, but your kid's words... Damn, why are you old?Although Lao Tzu is the oldest in Koli, he has just passed forty, so he is not old!
On the other side, intern Jiang Yubei muttered in a low voice, "What do you mean paying public rations?"

Lian Xiangdong, who was the closest, heard it, and changed seats without hesitation.

"Old man, brother Zhi is doing well. Originally, you need to use continuous practice to consolidate your breakthrough at this stage, but considering that your honeymoon is not over yet, I should give you more free time, so, Your main task this week is to contract the outpatient work with Boss Gao."

Lian pouted and squinted eastward.

The grain fields of my boss belong to high-yield fields, and some of them are public grains handed over. Do you want to remove my boss's right to operate?

snort!Don't you know that my butt is always the well-known knives king in the city hospital back then?

Yang Xi ignored Lian Xiangdong's dissatisfaction, and then made arrangements: "Next Wednesday will be the new year. Once the new year is over, our surgery department seems to have entered a hibernation period. Therefore, this week can be said to be our Spring Festival." Last full working week before."

"And this week, I want to keep an eye on the two of you, Lu Laotu, Chixiang. Starting this afternoon, the two of you must use 100% power, especially you, Lu Laotu, who is about to arrive and go up. The bottleneck of the first floor, I hope this week's intensive training can help you achieve a breakthrough."


Lu Haoming couldn't help but took a deep breath, but the expression on his face was full of excitement and excitement.

The same goes for Chi Xiang.

He abandoned his family and business and came to the municipal hospital, and followed him to Liuquan Hospital without hesitation. What was the picture?
At the beginning, what he was thinking about was to follow Yang Xihao to learn his own skills, to fight for a better future for himself, and to let his family live a better life.

But two months later, this kind of thinking has subtly changed.

There is no need to think about a better future, as long as you can stay in Liuquan Hospital and not be eliminated, it is the best future.

Let the family live a better life and don't need to talk about it.

It can be said that Liuquan Hospital is changing day by day and going uphill every week. As long as Yang Xi is there, this prosperous development momentum will be maintained for a long time.

And his own income can only rise with the tide.

For him, Chi Xiang, there is only one thing, or one word, on his mind right now.


position in surgical academia.

Two months ago, Chi Xiang couldn't even think about this kind of thing, even if he was dreaming at night, he had to avoid it.

A small doctor in the general surgery department of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in a third- and fourth-tier city, whose highest education is only an undergraduate student of a medical school, how can he be recognized by the industry?

To be able to gain a foothold in Corey is already amazing!

But it's different now.

Standing behind me is Yaoyong Yang. With his support, why can't I become a little famous in the industry like Boss Gao?I don't lack arms or legs, and I'm not stupid on the operating table. Why can't I catch up with Lian Lu, Laotu and the others?
Therefore, when Yang Xi proposed to give him and Lu Haoming a small treat this week, Chi Xiang's little heart was so excited that he just wanted to jump out of his chest to dance an awkward dance.

"Brother Chao, Lao Bai, and you, Wu Weihua, you also have to be mentally prepared. After the Spring Festival is over, I will spare time to torture you one by one."

When the three buddies heard the words, they immediately cheered up.

come on!

Let the storm be more violent!
Even if my buddy was tortured and stripped off by you, Young Master Xi, he would never lower his head and say the first half sentence of confession.

On the side, Lian Xiangdong's dissatisfaction accumulated to the extreme, and he couldn't help asking: "Young Master Xi, what about my old man? I want to be tortured by you too, to be ravaged by you!"

Yang Xi patted his forehead subconsciously.

Nima, I really ignored Brother Ji.

That won't work!

Brother Xun is 'extraordinarily talented', and he is the best brother of the young master. Moreover, the young master has promised to pass on the peak equipment to Brother Xun in the future.

"As the chief hospital officer, you want to set a good example for your brothers. Therefore, no matter who I target for torture after the Spring Festival, you will always be the one to accompany me."

Lian Xiangdong immediately showed a satisfied and proud smile.

Young Master Xi is righteous!
It's not in vain that my old man treats him as a brother.

After appeasing Lian Xiangdong, Yang Xi continued to appease the rest of the people.

"In our department, there is no distinction between the doctors in the hospital and the doctors who are in training. If you want to eat the small stove sent by me, Yang Xi, you can only speak according to your ability. Whoever makes the most progress will be ranked first."

(End of this chapter)

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