I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 683 Two Kings 4 2

Chapter 683 Two Kings Four Twos

Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is a difficult operation for the vast majority of urologists, but in Yang Xi's hands, it is like the number one student in the college entrance examination facing the college entrance examination paper. It is really simple. Can't think of any other adjectives.

35 minutes, easy to get done.

Yin Wei also controlled the anesthesia process to the limit. Only 10 minutes after the operation, Vice President Cui woke up completely.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you perform an operation on me?" Vice President Cui felt nothing strange except for some discomfort in his throat. He couldn't help questioning Ye Qiushan who was accompanying him by the bed.

Ye Qiushan replied with a smile: "Isn't that right, I didn't eat breakfast with you, I just wanted to go out to eat something during your operation, but in the end, I finished my breakfast in a hurry, and the operation on your side is over. Alright. Here, look, the operating room you entered at 09:30 is now only 10:[-], and you have been lying here for [-] to [-] minutes because of anesthesia and recovery.”

Vice President Cui glanced at Ye Qiushan's wristwatch, frowned, and said, "Xiao Ye, tell me that Dr. Yang has only spent so much time, isn't he just fooling me?"

Ye Qiushan snorted and replied: "Our Hua country can build a [-]-story building in three months. If this speed is placed in other countries, is it fooling people?"

Although Vice President Cui was stunned, a smile appeared on his face.

Ye Qiushan stroked the back of Vice President Cui's hand, and continued: "At the beginning, when Dr. Yang operated on my sister, I had the same thought as you. The surgical director of another hospital performed such a breast cancer operation. It took two hours to run, but he said it only took [-] minutes. This is like a high-speed rail and a green leather train. Although they are both called trains, they are not at the same level at all!"

Although Vice President Cui is awake, his muscle tension has not yet fully recovered, and it is difficult to nod, so he blinked instead.

"Xiaoye, you have to thank Dr. Yang for me. He doesn't want to take red envelopes, so why not treat them to dinner? If you don't have time at noon, then at night..."

Laparoscopic surgery must be performed under general anesthesia, and endotracheal intubation must be performed under general anesthesia. After endotracheal intubation, it will inevitably have a certain impact on throat pronunciation.

Although the operation time was short and the general anesthesia process was short, Vice President Cui's throat was not seriously damaged, but it was still quite difficult to speak so many words in one breath.

Ye Qiushan quickly persuaded him.

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements. Doctor Yang likes to smoke three-five cigarettes. I asked a friend to get two pieces of the highest-grade three-five cigarettes, and they will be delivered tomorrow. Also, I have already made an agreement with Dr. Yang , invite them to dinner tomorrow night, and then you can attend in person!"

Vice President Cui wondered: "Can I recover so quickly?"

Ye Qiushan replied firmly: "Dr. Yang said yes, then yes!"

Vice President Cui closed his eyes slightly, and carefully checked his body's sensations.

It's normal here, and there's no pain there, but I feel my head is a little foggy and my body is a little weak, as if I drank too much last night and haven't recovered this morning.

What is a proven revolutionary fighter?
two standards.

One is to have a fearless spirit against Jiu Jing in a single battle.

The second is that you must have the courage and confidence to dare to fight continuously.

Under these two standards, Vice President Cui has continued to grow through criticism and self-criticism, and is now definitely a role model.

"I'm still relieved that you, Xiaoye, are doing business!" Vice President Cui blinked his eyelids a few times again.

Ye Qiushan got up and tidied the quilt for Vice President Cui, and responded with a smile: "Director Yin told you to let you rest more, Cui Xing, you didn't sleep well last night, and now your mind is full, so sleep well Go to sleep!"


Yang Xi was not at home for more than a week, which had some impact on the number of patients in the department. Although the overall number of patients was still increasing, and the newly expanded [-]-bed ward was almost full, but in the case of low rectal cancer, However, there are fewer patients.

In the first two days of last week, three patients with low rectal cancer were admitted to the hospital, but since Wednesday, the patients with this disease have disappeared.

Interestingly, yesterday, on Yang Xi's journey back from Shanghai, there were four more patients with low rectal cancer.

The reason is very simple. Although Gao Yong's strength is strong enough, his reputation is still a little off.

This is a good interpretation of the two sides of the contradiction.

As the saying goes, it is good to enjoy the shade under a big tree, or one person can ascend to heaven when he attains enlightenment.With Yang Xi such a gold-lettered signboard, whether it is Gao Yong or others, not only has he benefited a lot in terms of surgical skills, but also in terms of reputation in the industry, it is also a sesame blossom.

But on the other hand, because of the existence of Yang Xi, Rao Gao Yong is already familiar with the TaTme operation, but he still cannot get the trust and respect that he deserves from the peer group and the patient group.

Very normal!
There is nothing to be reconciled to, and nothing to be depressed about.

After the brothers have practiced their skills with you, a monster, they will join hands to destroy you, Young Master Xi.

The brothers are still young, and my eldest brother Gao is only just forty, so there is plenty of time and opportunities.

Yang Xi didn't take Gao Yong's ridicule seriously.

In terms of strength, Najiang Pujun was inferior to Ma Zongtai in terms of laparoscopy, and Ma Zongtai was incomparable in other surgical procedures. In the Jiangbei general surgery arena, no one can beat him. However, the general surgery of the municipal hospital has never been successful. Domineering.

However, it was passed down to Ma Zongtai's generation, but it was easy to reach the top.


It's just because Ma Zongtai's subordinates have grown into five tiger generals, and during Jiang Pujun's period, apart from himself, Ma Zongtai was still able to do it.

From this conclusion, if the general surgery department of Liuquan Hospital wants to dominate the Nanjiang surgery arena, Yang Xi alone must be alone. Four Aces and four Ks can be called an invincible card.

He, Yang Xi, should be the great king, and Mr. Gao is the little king, and the remaining four two...

Lu Laotu can be the second of spades, and even Lao Ren must occupy the second of hearts. Gao Chao, Chi Xiang, and Lao Bai can compete for the remaining two of spades.

On the third echelon, Wu Weihua will lead the team, and then select outstanding doctors from the trainee doctors to make up four A's and four K's.

In this way, just throwing out a card at random is considered too big and trivial in the eyes of others. Then, this hospital and this department can be said to be truly powerful, and only then can they be respected by both peers and patients. and trust.

(End of this chapter)

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