I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 659 Seeing a doctor is difficult and expensive

Chapter 659 Seeing a doctor is difficult and expensive

It is said that the Americans have never had the habit of treating guests to dinner, but the facts have proved that the legends are just legends, and most of them are not worth believing.

Although he was very reluctant, Professor Daniel, who finally got off the operating table, immediately sent a sincere invitation to Yang Xi. He wanted to invite Yang Xi to have a French meal at one of the most famous restaurants of Brother Zhijia.

However, it's dinner.

As for lunch, due to time constraints, we had to barely deal with it in the restaurant inside the hospital.

During the meal, Yang Xi, through Lian Xiangdong's translator, asked Professor Daniel a question he had raised yesterday afternoon.

"I observed a detail yesterday afternoon. This patient was treated at your side two months ago. How could it be delayed until today to arrange surgery?"

Associate Professor Randall corrected: "Less than two months, with only seven weeks in between."

Yang Xi was quite speechless.

Damn, based on the progression rate of a cancer patient, how much difference can there be between seven weeks and two months?

However, when Associate Professor Randall said that the interval was seven weeks, there was a clear look of pride on his face.

Compared with Associate Professor Randall, Professor Daniel seemed very calm, but the look on his brows also concealed a trace of pride.

"Yes, our tumor patients have achieved a turnaround time of only seven weeks. In this regard, we occupy a leading position among major hospitals in Mimi."

Yang Xi was even more speechless.

The old man's translation was indeed not smooth, but the questioning meaning in the young master's words was clearly expressed. Why did it become praise and praise in the ears of these two old guys?
Lian Xiangdong asked instead of Yang Xi: "So, in major hospitals in the United States, what is the average turnaround time for cancer patients from diagnosis to hospitalization?"

Associate Professor Randall hurriedly responded, "Ten weeks."

Lian Xiangdong continued to ask: "If surgery is not possible and radiotherapy or chemotherapy is planned, how many weeks is the turnaround time?"

This time, Professor Daniel and Associate Professor Randall finally understood the potential doubts of Yang Xilian and Xiangdong.

"That's right." Professor Daniel personally explained: "If a patient is suspected of having a malignant tumor after the first diagnosis, according to the procedure, we will organize an MDT for him. After the insurance company approves, the hospital can put the case in the waiting queue."

Associate Professor Randall then added: "We need two weeks to arrange MDT, it takes about three weeks to apply for insurance and wait for approval, and the time for patients to wait for admission is actually only two weeks."

Professor Daniel shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "There is no way. We also know that cancer patients should be treated this morning once they are diagnosed, but there are too many patients, and we have tried our best."

Out of curiosity, Associate Professor Randall asked Lian Xiangdong: "In your country of China, how long is the turnaround time for cancer patients?"

Lian Xiangdong was brimming with pride, and was about to respond truthfully, but Yang Xi got ahead of him.

"Almost, just a few days less than you."

There are days in a week.

Two weeks can also be said to be a few days.

A month can also be expressed in days.

There is nothing substantial wrong with Yang Xi's statement.

Lian Xiangdong understood Yang Xi's intentions in seconds.

As Professor Chen Renran said, most American guys have become frogs in a well because of their innate sense of superiority. This is what Associate Professor Randall looks like, and Professor Daniel is almost like this. It is best not to communicate with two frogs in a well. Too much beyond their cognition.

After hearing Yang Xi's answer, Professor Daniel and Associate Professor Randall showed expressions of relief at the same time.

"We just said that the patients who take the national medical insurance, if it is a commercial medical insurance, the application and approval time will be shortened to a week and a half." After hearing that Huaguo will soon be a few days away, Associate Professor Randall regained his pride , and then introduced: "But if it is completely at your own expense, then this turnaround time can be compressed to two to three weeks."

Yang Xi smiled and gave the two thumbs up.

Not meant to be sarcastic.

It is really admiration from the heart.

Under the circumstances that each patient has to be delayed for more than two months, the three-year and five-year survival rates of its tumor patients can obtain a crushing advantage for Huaguo, so I have to say to them: Awesome!
Lian Xiangdong asked again: "In terms of cost, for example, for today's patient, how much is the overall cost of basic radiotherapy and chemotherapy after surgery?"

Professor Daniel replied: "In general, it costs about 25 to 30 dollars. Medical insurance will pay most of the proportion, and the personal burden will only account for a quarter."

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help but glance at Yang Xi.

No wonder that Xie Zhonghua dared to set the cost of surgery in China at the base line of [-] knives.It costs less money and you don't have to wait. The doctors who perform the surgery are even better than their big names in the United States. Only a fool would not be tempted by such an opportunity.

Yang Xi smiled knowingly.

The business that Lao Xie created is so reliable!
An American patient charges 60 knives, which doesn’t cost much a month. If 700 or [-] such patients are brought in, that’s a total income of [-] million knives, or [-] million knives a year.

It only takes two years, at most two and a half years, to repay Lao Xie's loan of more than 6000 million Ruanmei coins with interest.

However, there is one last doubt.

"I heard that most of you Americans don't have much savings. Is it true? If this is true, then how can most Americans do it if they have to pay tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses all at once? ?”

Yang Xi's inquiry completely inspired the national pride of Professor Daniel and Associate Professor Randall.

"That's right, we are really not good at deposits, because we don't know the benefits of deposits. As long as you spend money on yourself, it really belongs to you, and if you put it in the bank, the result can only be depreciation or continuous taxation. "

Professor Daniel took a sip of soda and continued to talk: "The financial system and financial system of the United States are the most complete in the world, so the worries you just raised do not exist for Americans, even if they are receiving unemployment benefits. Gold citizens can also apply for a loan within three days to pay their health insurance bills.”


You rice imperialism is awesome.

We have no intention of arguing with you on this point.

What we want to know is whether your American patients can afford the [-] knives that Huaguo paid for the surgery.

As for whether the citizens of your country have the problem of unsightly and expensive medical treatment, is it none of my business?
(End of this chapter)

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