I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 658 This is definitely not an operation

Chapter 658 This is definitely not an operation

At this moment, although Professor Daniel had no doubts about Yang Xi's surgical skills, he couldn't understand even Xiang Dong's bragging.

How can the chief surgeon take care of the first assistant doctor's surgical level and performance?

In the United States, if a surgical assistant can't keep up with the pace of the surgeon, he can be forgiven once, tolerated the second time, and if he fails to meet the requirements for three operations in a row, he will be cast aside by the surgeon.

And, no sympathy from anyone.

The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the laws of nature, are justified.

Otherwise, how can society progress?

However, when Professor Daniel looked at Yang Xi unconsciously, he felt the encouragement and affirmation from Yang Xi again.

Like a scumbag getting encouragement and affirmation from his most respected teacher, Professor Daniel regained his confidence.

The operation officially begins.

Yang Xi deliberately slowed down his hand speed so much that he couldn't even look down on Xiang Dong. After Professor Daniel finally overcame his psychological barrier and entered the state of surgery, he began to speed up slowly.

Objectively speaking, Professor Daniel is able to occupy a place in the highly talented surgical field of the Rice Empire, and his surgical level is still quite high.Even today's Gao Yong, apart from performing the TaTme operation with bare hands, is probably slightly inferior to him in other surgical procedures.

And he was so nervous at the beginning, firstly because he was overwhelmed by the speed of Yang Xi's operation, and secondly, starting from his own culture, he was afraid that if he made a mistake during the operation, he would be spurned by the chief surgeon, Dr. Yang Xi.

As a doctor, fame is so important. Although it is not easy to gain, it is easy to lose it. No matter how deep one's morality is, at this moment, it is impossible not to have no psychological waves.

However, as the operation began, Professor Daniel immediately felt Yang Xi's warm care.Without the psychological burden, the psychological turmoil dissipated naturally, and Professor Daniel quickly found the feeling and entered the state.

In addition, he is very familiar with the operation method of TaTme operation. Although he discarded the surgical robot and changed it to the manual operation method, there is not much difference between the two.

Therefore, after only a quarter of an hour, the cooperation between him and Yang Xi produced a chemical effect.


On the operating table, whether it was the first assistant, Professor Daniel, or the second assistant Lian Xiangdong, including Yang Xi, the chief surgeon, they all had the same surgical experience when the operation entered the middle stage.

At five minutes to twelve, the tumor in the lower rectum was completely removed.

At 12:30, intestinal reconstruction ended successfully.

Three minutes after one o'clock, the lymph nodes in each group of abdominal and pelvic cavity were cleaned.

one o'clock.

The whole operation ended perfectly.

Yang Xilian and Xiangdong stepped down easily, but Professor Daniel stayed on the operating table and refused to come down.

"This is not an operation!"

"To me, it's never an operation."

"This is a national treasure-level world-famous painting, and every stroke is so wonderful."

"This is a piano piece played by Chopin himself, and every note is so beautiful."

Professor Daniel turned around slowly, and excitedly said to Yang Xi who had already stepped off the stage and took off his gloves and surgical gown: "Yes, everything I said just now came from the bottom of my heart, thank you , Dr. Yang, thank you for allowing me to see and personally participate in a perfect surgery that is comparable to a world-class work of art in my career!"

Yang Xi was very low-key, just smiled lightly, and responded: "Thank you too, Professor Daniel, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Daniel categorically objected, saying, "No, that's not the case. As your assistant said, you gave me a chance, a very, very rare learning opportunity."

The two big coffees compliment each other, how peaceful the atmosphere is!

However, Lian Xiangdong on the side had black lines all over his face.

When the operation was about to start but Daniel called a timeout, he faintly noticed something strange, but he was not sure at the time.

But right now, when the two were flattering each other, Lian Xiangdong finally realized it.

Well, young master Xi, the fox tail can't hide at last, can it?
Don't you understand English?

Don't you speak English?

Depend on!
The truth is that you can hear and speak better than my old ass!
If it weren't for my old man being extremely smart, thoughtful, and meticulous in his observations of affairs, how long would he have been fooled by you!


Even Xiang Dong thought about it, and the anger caused by being played by Yang Xi disappeared immediately.

Since you want to pretend, then my old butt will follow you to pretend.After we go back, let's take this matter to make a bet with Gao, Dalu, Laotu and the others, and the custody will make a lot of money.


Associate Professor Randall, who stayed in the operating room and observed the whole operation carefully, couldn't help it. After following Professor Daniel, he praised Yang Xi endlessly.

"Yes, this is definitely an incomparable and flawless operation, Dr. Yang, your superb skills have completely impressed me. As far as the TaTme operation is concerned, I think your performance on the operating table completely beats Surgical robot!"

In Huaguo culture, the rule that can sink to the lowest level is the rule of "come and don't reciprocate".

Therefore, although Yang Xi was comfortable listening to the other party's flattery, he did not forget that it is only appropriate to praise others.

But just when he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered the "fact" that he shouldn't know English, so he turned his face and gave the big translator a wink.

Lian Xiangdong was thinking about how to bully Gao Yong and Lu Haoming when he got home, when he suddenly saw Yang Xi give him a look, although he was rather hasty, he could understand Yang Xi's intentions.

"Our Dr. Yang said that Professor Daniel's surgical skills are very good, and his understanding of TaTme surgery is absolutely incomparable. He is very fortunate to have the opportunity to operate with Professor Daniel on the same stage. He hopes that Professor Daniel can come to our Liuzhou if he has time. Quan Hospital continues to exchange other surgical procedures.”

Isn't it just to say a few nice words!

My old man is absolutely good at this.

Before Yang Xi could open his mouth, Lian Xiangdong had a chat for Yang Xi, and after finishing speaking, he smiled proudly at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi was so angry that she wanted to grit her teeth.

Damn old man, who the hell let you make up your own mind?Do you know that these foreigners don't know what Huaguo-style courtesy is?

Damn, what benefits can you get from inviting this American guy to Liuquan as a guest?

Why do you have to spend money to entertain him.

When Professor Daniel heard this, he was extremely excited, and without hesitation, he agreed to Lian Xiangdong's invitation instead of Yang Xi: "I am always waiting for the invitation from Dr. Yang."

Yang Xi sighed in his heart, okay, when this foreigner really goes to Liuquan, all the expenses will be charged to your old man!
(End of this chapter)

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