I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 653 Can You Give Me Some Opinions

Chapter 653 Can You Give Me Some Opinions

Professor Daniel's impression of this patient is quite clear.

The first consultation should have been three months ago. At that time, he was arranged to make an appointment for an enhanced CT examination. The examination results should have come out in late November last year, which is only a week away from now to two months.

Wasn’t the lower edge of the tumor shown on the CT scan three centimeters from the anal tooth line?How could it have violated so much in less than two months?
Facing the CT scan of the patient two months before and after which Associate Professor Randall hung up on the film viewing lamp, Professor Daniel read the measurement carefully.

Sure enough, only two centimeters...

In the TaTme operation, the distance between the lower edge of the tumor and the anal dentate line is required to be more than [-] cm. Otherwise, after the tumor is resected, intestinal reconstruction will be very difficult.

For Professor Daniel, three centimeters is not the limit. Historically, he has performed many TaTme operations in which the lower edge of the tumor was less than three centimeters from the anal dentate line, and the smallest case was only [-] centimeters.

But this time, it was only two centimeters!

Professor Daniel frowned and shook his head subconsciously.

This operation can be tried, the so-called limit is used to be broken through.And, intuitively, he doesn't think bowel reconstruction can't be done with just two centimeters of space.

But the question is, is it appropriate to use such a highly risky operation to deter the young doctors in that country?

What if on stage...

"Is this case going to undergo TaTme surgery? The difficulty is not small!"

A young voice suddenly came from behind Professor Daniel, speaking words that he could not understand at all.

Yang Xi?

Professor Daniel couldn't help turning his head.

Sure enough it was him!

Xie Te, didn't we agree to let you stay in the hotel for a rest in the afternoon or go for a stroll around Jujiage's city?
George was in charge of the candid filming, so he hid behind Conley. At this time, Mr. Kin was replaced as the translator.

Bi's English level is not bad at all, and he can express the meaning clearly.

Although Professor Daniel was displeased, he couldn't show his face to drive people away, so he had to patiently listen to Lian Xiangdong's translation.

"You also understand TaTme surgery?" Professor Daniel's reply was full of disbelief.

After pretending to listen to Lian Xiangdong's translation, Yang Xi responded: "There is a saying in Huaguo that says that you have never eaten pork but you have seen pigs run away. TaTme surgery is not so mysterious, although I have never had the opportunity to operate a surgical robot. , but I know a lot about the various reports of the TaTme operation.”

A good translator can use the proverbs of the other country to replace the proverbs of his own country, but he is not at that level. The result of the literal translation made Professor Daniel blink for a long time, and he finally understood the meaning of Yang Xi's words.

"In your opinion, what is the limit distance between the lower edge of the tumor and the anal tooth line during the TaTme operation?" Professor Daniel was asking Yang Xi, but in fact he was asking himself. .

Yang Xi smiled and waited for Lian Xiangdong to translate, then replied: "If a surgical robot is used, the limit distance should be [-] cm. If it is less than this distance, postoperative complications are really difficult to control."

Lian Xiangdong immediately translated it into English.

After listening to Professor Daniel, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He fully agrees with Yang Xi's conclusion.

In this case, it was difficult for Daniel to resect the tumor and complete the intestinal reconstruction when the lower edge of the tumor was only two centimeters away from the anal dentate line, but the difficulty did not reach the point of daunting him.

What made him hesitate was precisely what Yang Xi said about postoperative complications.

Yang Xi went on to analyze: "The advantages of precision and stability of the surgical robot are very prominent, but the disadvantages are also obvious. The surgeon cannot grasp the texture of the tissue in the patient's surgical area, which leads to poor control of the force during the actual operation. Therefore, When the distance is less than [-] centimeters, bowel reconstruction often has complications due to improper suturing of the anastomosis."

The intestinal tract, including the lowermost rectum, has good extensibility. When the rectal stump that has removed the tumor has a certain length, the extensibility of the intestinal tissue can effectively reduce the tension of the anastomosis.

But in the case of less than [-] centimeters, after resection of the tumor, the remaining rectal stump is less than [-] centimeters. If the length is not enough, its stretchability must be insufficient.

Professor Daniel fully agrees with Yang Xi's analysis.

The three elements that determine the level of the surgeon are precision, stability and strength. The surgical robot has achieved the ultimate in the first two aspects, but it is quite weak in grasping the strength.

Regretful, and helpless.

"Yang, your analysis is right, and I completely agree. However, although it is rare to be able to ask questions, what is more important is to have a solution to the problem. I wonder if you can give me some advice on this aspect? "Professor Daniel's tone was gentle and humble, but in fact he dug a deep hole for Yang Xi.

The implication is that you have nagged and said so much, although it is right, but if you can't come up with a solution, then what you said before is all nonsense.

Can this young Chinese doctor come up with an effective solution?

Professor Daniel smiled contemptuously in his heart.


He, a well-known professor who has been immersed in surgical robots for [-] or [-] years and has experience in more than a hundred TaTme operations, can't think of an effective solution. A young doctor in Huaguo who has only learned about the relevant knowledge can think of an effective solution?

After the translator translated his words into Chinese, Professor Daniel saw that Yang Xi shook his head as he expected.

"If a surgical robot must be used to complete the operation, I can't offer any advice, but..." Yang Xi didn't finish his sentence, but after saying a word, he signaled that Lian Xiangdong could translate.

Lian Xiangdong smiled knowingly.

Listening to Lian Xiangdong's stammering English translation, Professor Daniel tried his best to suppress the pride in his heart.


When Lian Xiangdong blurted out the last word forcefully, Professor Daniel couldn't help being startled.

What else is good but?

"We can abandon the surgical robot and use bare hands to complete this TaTme operation!"

When the translation was halfway through, a disdainful smile appeared on Professor Daniel's face. When the translation was over, Professor Daniel couldn't help laughing.

"Young man, do you know what you said? Performing TaTme operation with bare hands? Don't you know that the complication rate of this operation method is almost over 40.00%?"

At this moment, Professor Daniel showed disappointment towards Yang Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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