I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 652 Only 2 cm away

Chapter 652 Only two centimeters apart
Professor Daniel has a big head.

Out of curiosity, but also out of subconscious rebellious psychology, Daniel agreed to Conley's suggestion and sent an invitation letter to the young doctor of Nahua Kingdom for guest exchanges.

I wanted to expose the collusion and fraud between Kang Li and the young doctor from Nahua, but I didn't expect...

A well-peeled grape skin does not mean that the operation can also be done well. This point is absolutely tenable in theory.However, judging from Professor Daniel's many years of surgical skills and experience, it seems inappropriate to apply this theory to the young Chinese doctor named Yang Xi.

Especially the powerful aura emanating from the young doctor is telling Daniel, don't give me a chance, otherwise, I will make all of you embarrassing.

After dismissing Yang Xi Kangli and others in an unseemly way, Daniel hurried to the medical school and met Professor Constantine.

After listening to Professor Daniel's statement, Professor Constantine also frowned.

A prestigious medical school with a century-old history, a medical center with high prestige in the global medical system, and a general surgery whose academic influence ranks among the top ten in the world, if it is replaced by an underdeveloped Chinese The young doctor in the lowest hospital in the country was repaired, then...

What's the face?

Not only will it become a joke in the medical center, it will almost become a laughing stock in the medical school, in the university, and even in the entire American surgical community!

What's more terrible is that in three months' time it will be the day when the Medical Association selects the National Academy of Medicine, and he, Professor Constantine, has already been nominated as a candidate. If the protagonist in this joke is widely praised, how will he leave his place in the general surgery academic circle in the future?

"How old do you think he is?" Professor Constantine pondered for a long time, and finally found a trace of order in the mess of thoughts.

Daniel responded, "25 years old."

"25 years old...that is to say, this Dr. Yang Xi entered clinical work after completing his undergraduate degree... Well, this is in line with Huaguo's training mechanism for medical talents."

Daniel continued: "Yes, it was precisely because of this that I made the judgment that his surgery video must be fake, but now it seems that this judgment may not be correct."

Constantine shook his head and said: "But this is not logical. Daniel, although we all know that Huaguo has a large population, and their doctors are never short of surgical opportunities. Therefore, it is possible for young doctors to train their surgical skills. More than us. However, how long can a 25-year-old young doctor walk out of school and start receiving surgical skills training? One year, or two years? Even three years, it is impossible for him to master so many surgical techniques .”

Daniel retorted: "However, we have seen three videos of his operations, namely the resection of the transverse colon space occupying operation, the extremely complicated radical resection of pancreatic cancer, and a hepatic hilar space occupying that will give you and me a headache." Surgery. My feeling this morning is that these surgery videos are not fake, and he is absolutely sure to re-demonstrate them in front of us."

Constantine waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, Daniel, you misunderstood. I didn't question your judgment. What I want to express is that the Huaguo doctor is likely to be a surgical genius. Such an illogical result. However, I believe that if he is really from a basic hospital in Huaguo, he must have never seen surgical procedures using surgical robots, such as TaTme surgery."

Constantine's reminder immediately made Daniel feel enlightened.

Zhijiage University Medical Center is the first batch of hospitals in the United States to use surgical robots. In terms of using surgical robots to perform TaTme surgery, Professor Constantine and Professor Daniel should be said to be the two most authoritative voices in the United States and even the world. .

If, then, Yang Xi is indeed from a primary hospital in Huaguo, as the Chinese couple Jiang Lai and Han Chunying said, even if he has inextricable relationship with Manager Kang Li of the surgical robot manufacturer, it is absolutely impossible for him to own the surgical robot. surgical experience.

Let that doctor Yang Xi experience the most mature TaTme operation in the world, which can not only suppress the opponent's arrogance, but also preserve his own decent hospitality. This is a double win!

But seeing Daniel showing a knowing smile, Constantine smiled slightly, showing the appearance of a wise and wise man, and said: "For small and medium-sized operations, you can still invite the young doctor from Huaguo to show it, Daniel, you I know that Chinese people love vanity, and just using TaTme to frighten him may not achieve the desired effect, we still need to give him some opportunities to show off and satisfy his vanity."

Professor Daniel happily accepted Professor Constantine's suggestion.

A very good suggestion indeed.

The TaTme surgery performed by the surgical robot is Professor Daniel's forte. Although he seldom appears on the stage in person now, the Doctors Association also hired him as the chief surgical training professor for the promotion of TaTme surgery because of his excellent prestige in this surgery.

Moreover, his general surgery has never been short of patients with low rectal cancer. On average, there are three to four TaTme operations waiting to be arranged every week.And tomorrow morning, there will be a TaTme operation in the operation plan of the department.

All that needs to be done now is to replace the chief surgeon with Professor Daniel.

After returning from medical school, Daniel first asked Wellington to inform Conley of the new exchange arrangement. In order to create an unexpected effect for the visiting Dr. Yang Xi, he specifically told Wellington to hide the arrangement of the surgical visit tomorrow morning.

Subsequently, Professor Daniel notified the members of the planned TaTme surgery team tomorrow morning, and planned to organize a case consultation in the department when they got to work in the afternoon.

He needs to fully grasp the progress of the disease in order to obtain the most perfect process and results in the operation tomorrow morning.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, all parties required to participate in the consultation were in place one after another.

But at this moment, Associate Professor Randall, who was originally planned to be the chief surgeon, hurried over with an information bag, leaned over and whispered a few words in Professor Daniel's ear.

Professor Daniel's expression instantly became serious.

"Only two centimeters apart?"

Associate Professor Randall shrugged regretfully, and responded: "Yes, I just got the latest CT scan of the patient, and the distance is indeed only two centimeters."

Professor Daniel took a deep breath and said, "Hang up the film, God bless, other than that, it won't add new problems for me."

(End of this chapter)

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