I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 434 This...is Too Difficult (Monthly Pass Plus)

Chapter 434 This...is Too Difficult (Monthly Pass Plus)
In the cafe in the lobby on the first floor of the surgery building, Yang Xi met Xie Zhonghua.

"Have you eaten yet?" Xie Zhonghua not only spoke Mandarin, but also localized his greetings. If it wasn't for that standard Western face, he could really be regarded as a compatriot.

"I haven't eaten yet, invite me?" Yang Xi sat opposite Xie Zhonghua, waved and called the waiter.

Xie Zhonghua took it seriously, handed over the drink list, and said, "No problem, just order whatever you want."

After the waiter came to him, Yang Xi said: "A glass of warm water, no need to add lemon, thank you."

Xie Zhonghua was a little confused, and couldn't help asking: "Have you eaten or not?"

Yang Xi smiled evilly and replied, "The ghost knows whether you are asking about lunch or dinner?"

Xie Zhonghua was choked speechless.

Yang Xi took out the cigarette case and took out a cigarette. For the time being, he couldn’t smoke as Director Ma did regardless of the occasion. He could only play with it in his hands, and occasionally put it under his nose to sniff the scent of tobacco to get rid of the pain in his heart. addiction.

"Tell me, why did you come all the way to find me?"

Xie Zhonghua smiled and said, "Is the set of Peak Surgical Instruments I gave you last time still useful?"

The foreigner's way of talking is always used to straight-forward, but Xie Zhonghua has long been used to the roundabout and outflanking of the Hua people. He obviously came with a purpose, but he was not in a hurry to express what he thought in his heart. After expressing their feelings, they took a few detours before finally explaining their intentions.

Xie Zhonghua is not in a hurry, and Yang Xi is not in a hurry. He has pinpointed Xie Zhonghua's pulse. Since this foreigner has something to ask for, he must deal with it patiently, and will not give up until he finds satisfactory benefits.

"Easy to use, very easy to use! Because of this set of equipment, I have performed several operations that others thought could not be performed."

Xie Zhonghua showed a knowing smile and said, "So, I'm here to seek your thanks this time."

Yang Xi's heart trembled, and he secretly took a deep breath, old fox, if you continue to follow this conversation routine, won't the benefits of the young master be wasted?

"Mr. Xie, your words have exposed your identity. I bet you are definitely a crook, not a real Chinese."

Xie Zhonghua said with great interest: "Ou? How do you say it?"

Yang Xi said: "You have an extraordinary talent for languages, and you can learn Mandarin so fluently that the people of Huaguo feel inferior, but you know very little about Huaguo culture."

Xie Zhonghua said with a smile: "Received the kindness of dripping water from others, and should spring up to repay each other. Isn't this the culture of Huaguo?"

Yang Xi said with a smile: "There is another saying in Huaguo that it is not a gentleman's act to repay favors."

Xie Zhonghua was speechless, looked at Yang Xi blankly, and suddenly smiled: "Are we friends?"

Yang Xi nodded and said: "As far as the present is concerned, it should be counted, but if you have to ask me to repay you, then it can't be counted."

Xie Zhonghua shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, then I can ask Dr. Yang to do a little favor for my friend, right?"

Yang Xi smiled slightly and said, "Please tell me."

Xie Zhonghua took a sip of coffee, adjusted his breathing, and said, "Dai X Qi surgical robot, have you heard of it?" But seeing Yang Xi nodded, Xie Zhonghua continued: "Next month's 1 For two days on the 2nd, there will be an academic promotion event about surgical robots at the Nanjiang Provincial People's Hospital, and I would like to invite you to participate."

Yang Xi shook his head and smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Xie. I have something to say. Of course, I, Yang Xi, am full of admiration for surgical robots, but I'm just a small doctor who can't be smaller. It cannot affect the decision-making of the hospital leaders, and with the strength of the municipal hospital, it is impossible to purchase surgical robots. Therefore, inviting me to participate in that kind of promotion meeting is a waste of quota. Besides, I can’t see it, but that’s all. I attended that meeting and witnessed all kinds of miracles of surgical robots, and I only felt itchy and uncomfortable, you said, why should I bother to make trouble for myself?"

Xie Zhonghua patiently listened to Yang Xi's nagging, and said calmly: "Listen to me and finish. I invite you to attend the meeting, it's not just as simple as watching, I hope you can stand up bravely, To challenge the various miracles of surgical robots, such as peeling grape skins. Yes, being able to completely peel off the skin of a grape is the famous stunt of surgical robots. Since then, countless surgeons in the world have made similar attempts. I don't know how many people have achieved success, but in public, no one can do it. Doctor Yang, I have seen your technique, especially the set of peak equipment I gave you is even more powerful , I believe that at this promotion meeting, if you stand up bravely, you will be able to challenge and succeed!"

Yang Xi smiled, and looked a little excited.

Smile, naturally a sincere smile, Xie Zhonghua, an old fox, was forced by himself to tell the truth first, and then he could only be led by the nose.

Excitement does not rule out elements that confuse Xie Zhonghua, but on the main body, it is also genuine excitement.Since this old fox can build such a powerful set of surgical instruments, it means that he still has a lot of treasures waiting to be discovered and looted. Thinking of the benefits that are about to be obtained, can you not be excited?

"May I ask you, what is the best score for peeling grapes with a surgical robot?"

Xie Zhonghua said without hesitation: "Three minutes and five seconds."

Yang Xi asked again: "Then what do you estimate the results of this promotion meeting will be?"

Xie Zhonghua said: "I have invited Professor Chen Renran, the eldest disciple of Professor Qian in Shanghai, and his ability to operate surgical robots can be ranked in the top three in China, and the other two in the top three cannot be ranked ahead of him. It can only be placed on his left and right, you know what I mean."

Yang Xi smiled and sighed: "The point is, all I want to know is the grades."

Xie Zhonghua said: "Professor Chen Renran created the world's best time of [-] minutes and [-] seconds. I think his time this time should be between [-] minutes and [-] minutes and [-] seconds."

Yang Xi looked distressed, and said with a wry smile: "This...is too difficult."

Xie Zhonghua hurriedly said: "When we met last time, you only took three minutes and 40 seconds to peel off the skin of a grape, and you were also influenced by me in the process. I think that if you can If you practice hard during this period, you should be able to beat them!"

Yang Xi shook his head slowly, and said: "You don't know something! Mr. Xie, after that day, I practiced peeling grape skins with peak equipment many times. The success rate is quite satisfactory, but in terms of time, it stayed at three I can't break through half of the time. I think this should be my limit, and you should be able to understand how difficult it is for a person to break through the limit."

(End of this chapter)

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