I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 433 This Dude Came After All

Chapter 433 This Dude Came After All

On stage at twelve o'clock, Yang Xi performed the operation himself, and cut off a spleen in less than half an hour.

The patient suffered from a splenic hemangioma, a benign lesion.Splenic hemangioma generally does not produce clinical symptoms, unless the tumor is too large and oppresses other organs.The vast majority of patients with splenic hemangiomas are discovered occasionally during CT or color Doppler ultrasound. If the tumor is not large and the location is slightly deep, no special treatment is required, nor is it necessary to take medicine and injections, let alone surgical resection.

But this patient is an exception.

The hemangioma on this old lady's spleen is not small, and it is close to the left outer edge of the spleen. Although it did not cause a space-occupying effect, if a little carelessness causes the hemangioma to rupture due to external force, the consequences will be unimaginable. .

Therefore, it is definitely a correct choice to operate early and kill the danger in the unexplained state.

And because the patient found signs of hypersplenism during the preoperative examination, the choice of surgical method was simple. It was not necessary to perform a simple resection of the hemangioma, but simply removed the entire spleen, which was straightforward and thorough.

The operation was over, and the takeaway just arrived. The two operating room nurses who followed the stage were eating claypot rice and drinking hot drinks in the lounge, but they praised Yang Xi like a flower.That's right, if it were someone else who performed the surgery, how could it be so neat?When I got off the stage, the claypot rice was cold, and the hot drink was also turned into a cold drink.

Wen Yanyan was even more embarrassing, didn't do any work, just called Yang Xi, not only got a delicious lunch, but also didn't delay the lunch break of the sisters.

Hearing all the beauties' compliments on Yang Xi, even Xiang Dong is not happy, sir, these three claypot rice and three cups of hot drinks are paid for by my old man, you should at least say a few words of thanks to me .

Recalling an hour ago, in the office on the 18th floor, under the persecution of Boss Gao holding a glass of water in each hand, he begged for the full price and ordered a takeaway and a hot drink. Even Xiang Dong's tears were about to fall.

Back in the department, Dai Hui, the housekeeper at noon, reported to Yang Xihui: "Xi Shao, a crooked nut came to you just now, and I told you to go for surgery, and let him wait in the department for a while. Ken, let me tell you that he is waiting for you at the old place, by the way, that crooked mandarin mandarin is really good, and he has a Chinese name, Xie Zhonghua."

Yang Xi's heart trembled.

Not out of horror but out of surprise.

After all, this buddy still came, which means that his original guess was probably right.

Want to use my master's hand to challenge the surgical robot?

Take advantage.

As long as the benefits are enough, let alone challenge the surgical robot, even if he wants to challenge the surgical robot's father, I won't frown.

"Thank you, brother." Yang Xi was about to turn around and leave, when he saw Lian Xiangdong's smirk on his face, he couldn't help but shudder, and quickly reminded Dai Hui: "Old Te, remember brother In a word, it is fire prevention, theft prevention and aging protection.”

Lian glanced at Yang Xi to the east, then chuckled and said, "My old man is kind-hearted, loves world peace, green is harmless, what is there to guard against?"

Dai Hui suddenly became vigilant, this guy has even learned the catchphrase of Yang Yaoxie, he must have a heart of cheating brothers, Xi Shao reminded him in time, and when dealing with a guy like the old man, he must be strictly guarded.

But seeing that Dai Hui was alert, Yang Xi left in peace. The old place Xie Zhonghua mentioned was nothing more than the coffee shop on the first floor of the surgery building.

Leaning on the door frame of the office, watching Yang Xi get on the elevator, Lian Xiangdong turned around and entered the office. With just one sentence, Dai Hui's psychological defense was defeated.

"Director Gao Chao of Liuquan Hospital called me in the morning, explaining that there will be two elective surgeries tomorrow, Dean Lin is too busy to spare time, Dr. Wu has asked for leave due to family affairs, and unfortunately he has a cold and is in poor condition , and asked me if I could spare some time to go to Liuquan Town to help him open those two knives." After speaking, Lian Xiangdong took out his mobile phone and opened the call history, the top call was this morning At 10:43, the caller's name was indeed Gao Chao.

This Dai Hui was so innocent, he actually believed it, and asked excitedly, "Then how did you reply to him?"

Lian Xiangdong shrugged his shoulders, and said: "Both operations are to cut the gallbladder with a large knife. You also know that this kind of operation is not challenging for your old brother, so..."

Dai Hui asked anxiously, "You pushed?"

Lian Xiangdong sighed, and said: "I didn't push it, but I didn't agree to it. I just told him that I won't know if I can spare time tomorrow morning until I discuss it with Boss Gao at work in the afternoon."

Let Lian Xiangdong and Dai Hui often go to Liuquan Town to practice swords. That was Yang Xi's suggestion, and Boss Gao also nodded. As long as it does not affect Corey's work, he can leave at any time by saying hello.Therefore, Dai Hui's understanding of even Xiangdong's reply was equivalent to a polite refusal.

"Old brother, you can't push this away! Cholecystectomy is no challenge for you, but it is a rare opportunity for me!"

Lian Xiangdong patted his thigh, made a sudden look, and said: "Yes, how come brother forgot this point?"

Dai Hui said: "Old brother, I beg you, brother, tell Director Gao quickly that our brothers will be here on time tomorrow morning. For Corey, I will say hello to Young Master Xi."

Lian Xiangdong smacked his mouth twice, showing a rather embarrassed look, and said: "It's not that I don't give you face, brother, it's really that I'm not interested, or, I told Lao Gao that tomorrow You go by yourself?"

Isn't that a joke!
There were only three people in Liuquan Town who were able to get the gallbladder. Dean Lin didn't have time, Dr. Wu took leave, and only one director Gao was sick with a cold, so Dai Hui went there alone. He didn't say he couldn't help. If they make trouble for others, can that work?

Dai Hui looked at Lian Xiangdong with a begging look, and was about to speak, but his heart moved, and he quickly changed his words: "Brother Gao, didn't Boss Gao send me a soft sous two days ago, I haven't moved yet What about it." Said, Dai Hui opened the drawer, took out the soft sous, handed it to Lian Xiangdong, and continued: "Brother Tie, are you interested now?"

Even Xiang Dong couldn't close his mouth with joy.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

The little fish Lian Xiangdong, who was cheated by the two big fishes of Yang Xi and Gao Yong, could only stare at Xiami Dai Hui. Originally, he just wanted to dispel his grievances on Dai Hui and get some cheap money by the way, but he didn't. Thinking that Dai Hui was really easy to deceive, not only was he easily fooled, but he also paid a tribute of soft sous seriously.

How can you not be happy?

As for whether the conscience will hurt...

Quack, you're an outsider, aren't you?

In the business of cheating brothers, he can't talk about conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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