I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 362 is a chapter that tells the man

Chapter 362 It's a word that a man with a belt said

Time is so useless.

Before 18:[-], Gao Yong and the others went up to the [-]th floor, chatted and laughed, and looked around. An hour later passed. After seeing Li Ju's father-in-law, they sent Li Ju and his wife into the elevator. It was gone in the morning.

After sending Li Ju and his wife away, he was about to go back to the office and brag about his awesomeness, but Nie Yadi called Yang Xi's cell phone.


In a hurry!

Must meet immediately!

Just 5 minutes after hanging up the phone, Nie Yadi rushed to the 18th floor out of breath.

"Tell me, what did you do to the elevator? Why are you so tired?" Yang Xi joked about Nie Yadi as soon as they met.

Since Yin Wei solved the unsolved case a few years ago, Nie Yadi is no longer hateful in the eyes of Gao Yong, Yang Xi and others, but cute.

"It's all here! Then what, I am ashamed of Nie Chu not once or twice, there is nothing that I can't say in front of everyone." Ever since Yin Wei cleared his injustice, Nie Yadi has been in front of Director Ma's gang. He is also much more confident, even saying things like self-defeating animals are so easy to say. "Yang Xi, did you save a sanitation worker last Sunday?"

Yang Xi was a little embarrassed, and waved his hands in response: "It's not worth mentioning, ha, it's not worth mentioning! If you don't tell me, I have forgotten the embarrassing thing about breaking a rib."

Nie Yadi sighed and said: "I came to you because of this matter. Half an hour ago, I went to talk to the patient's two sons, but the conversation fell apart. Those two unreasonable people swore to sue you ,well……"

Gao Yong was confused, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? Old Nie, don't be in a hurry, let's make things clear first."

Nie Yadi told the story in detail.

"Ma De, those two guys are rascals. They use this as an excuse to get rid of their old father's hospitalization expenses. I reasoned with them, but instead they provoked them and threatened to see them in court." It can be seen that, Nie Yadi was really angry.

Gao Yong said: "How can there be such a person? He deserves a beating!"

Lian Xiangdong followed, "What's the attitude in the courtyard? You can't just sit and watch Xi Shao being sued in court, right?"

Nie Yadi replied seriously: "Of course, I came to Yang Xi just to ask his opinion. If it doesn't work, I will submit a report to reduce or exempt the old sanitation worker's hospitalization expenses. Quandang hospital ate a fly." After saying that, Nie Yadi looked at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi pushed away the cigarette that Lian Xiangdong was handing over, took out a Sanwu, put it in his mouth, lit it with the cigarette that Lian Xiangdong was handing over, took a slow puff, and then slowly exhaled.

"No concessions!" Yang Xi's voice was not loud, but his tone was very firm: "Facing this kind of unhealthy tendencies, if we take a step back, more people will follow suit. In the face of real money, how much is face worth?" Money? How much is morality worth? Sadly, there are not a few such people.”

Nie Yadi tentatively asked: "Then what do you mean..."

Yang Xi replied firmly: "You can treat as you want, and you can charge as much as you want. Before the patient is discharged from the hospital, if he can't pay the fee in full, he will sue them in court. As for the fact that I broke a rib of the old man If they want to sue, let them sue, and the court will determine how much they should pay!"

Gao Yong said: "I agree with Yang Xi's attitude, and I must not give in to this kind of scoundrel. Ma De, he saved people and even rescued the lawsuit, so who can he ask for reasoning!"

Nie Yadi excitedly said: "We want to go together, and I also think that we must not give in. Doctor Yang, Director Gao, don't worry, if there is a lawsuit, I, Nie Yadi, will do nothing and fight them to the end!"

Yang Xi gave a thumbs up and praised: "Tough! Director Nie, that's what you say."

This is exactly what Nie Yadi wanted to say to Yang Xi, Gao Yong and the others.

Whether it's the directors of the clinical departments or the doctors, they are always accustomed to saying things like "the principle of keeping things calm and making peace with others is the principle, more things are worse than less things", and they would rather the hospital suffer than cause themselves a little more trouble. As long as it doesn't affect their interests, how to deal with it is good, but if they have to pluck out a few hairs, no matter what the reason, it is incompetent of the medical department.

There are very few people who are as reasonable and upright as Yang Xi and Gao Yong.

With the support of the client, Nie Yadi was full of confidence. After returning to the office, he immediately made an appointment with the legal counsel hired by the hospital, not only to prepare for Yang Xi's defendant, but also to prepare for the hospital to sue the sanitation worker's two sons.

After Nie Yadi left, Yang Xi looked calm, as if nothing had happened, smoking and bragging, only missing a cup of tea.

Lian Xiangdong couldn't understand it, and asked, "Young Master Xi, seeing that you are getting involved in lawsuits, why are you talking to someone who has nothing to do with you?"

Yang Xi pursed his lips and replied: "Then what do you think of my young master? Frowning, depressed? That will disappoint your old man, let alone the lawsuit has not been filed, even if it is, and my young master, I will still fight." If you lose, you will lose money, and you will never be sad for a second."

Gao Yong said: "It's well said, life is too short to live a day crying, and a day laughing is also a day, in short, each day is less than a day, so it's better to live each day with a smile."

Lian Xiangdong stared blankly at Yang Xi, and after listening to Gao Yong's emotion, he slowly shook his head and said, "Director, it's not my old man who deliberately pissed you off, the bowl of chicken soup you stewed has long been cold, at least, Young Master Xi doesn't know how to drink, right? Young Master Xi."

Yang Xi nodded. Cry when you should cry, and laugh when you should laugh. That's called happy life, but I really can't cry. I just participated in a live broadcast match and piled up my personal assets to 100. Wan, this kind of life, even if you lose the lawsuit and have to pay a hundred and eighty thousand, you can't cry!

Well, you can remind me that the opportunity of a live broadcast match is something you can come across but never ask for. I won’t and can’t refute it. However, I want to remind you that the “anesthetized Yin Wei” on the Xinglinyuan website Is your account for cooking?

It is a fact that the first live broadcast failed to bring charm points to Xiaoye, but the second live broadcast has already gained a little charm point, and Xiaoye has already figured out what is wrong. Those colleagues in Xinglin Garden do not know I, Yang Xi, performed the surgery, so of course I can't contribute my charm.But the young master's reputation is not enough after all. As more and more colleagues in Xinglin Garden know my identity as Yang Xi, will I still worry about my charm?

Do one game a week, and earn one hundred thousand per game.

Live delivery is nothing more than that!

Thinking of the live broadcast, and seeing the CT scan left by Li Ju and his wife, Yang Xi quickly took out his mobile phone and found Yin Wei's short number.

(End of this chapter)

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