I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 361 Ice and Fire 2 Heavens (Monthly Pass Plus Update)

Chapter 361 Two Heavens of Ice and Fire (Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

Yang Xi made her debut.

Don't talk nonsense, just watch the movie.

That's right, your medical insurance bureau can easily block a department, punish it so much that it can't even afford to wear underwear, and even a third-level hospital can be wiped out by you.But that's something that the director of the department and the head of the department need to worry about. My little doctor, I can't see so high or far away. In my eyes, patients don't distinguish between high and low, only the disease type.

Without a viewing light, you can only hold the facing fluorescent lamp with your hand.

Yang Xi couldn't help frowning as he watched the film.

Beside him, Gao Yong, who was also watching the film, looked even more serious.

The reason why Professor Su refused to operate on him was definitely not due to improper relationship or insufficient red envelopes, but because the disease progressed too late, the operation was quite difficult, and it seemed a foregone conclusion that it would not be clean. A little carelessness can easily cause complications such as postoperative pancreatic fistula.

In this case, it is not a wise move to choose argon-helium knife treatment.

The argon-helium knife is not such a magical knife, even the tumors that Professor Su dared not perform surgery can be safely and completely removed.In fact, like Gamma Knife, Thom Knife or Cyber ​​Knife, it is a vivid appellation to indicate that this treatment method is comparable to a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon.

Gamma Knife, Thom Knife, and Cyberknife all belong to radiation therapy equipment, but Argon Helium Knife is different, it belongs to the category of physical therapy.

When the argon gas is released, it will absorb a large amount of surrounding heat. If a catheter is inserted into a piece of meat and the argon gas is released through the catheter, the meat at the tip of the catheter will be quickly frozen into an ice ball.Helium is just the opposite of argon, and when it is released, it will radiate a large amount of heat energy. In the same experiment, when the released gas is helium, the temperature of the meat at the tip of the catheter will quickly rise to [-] or [-] degrees.

Under such a principle, medical researchers try to use it to treat tumors. Using a special metal catheter, under the guidance of CT images, puncture into the tumor tissue, release argon gas first, freeze the tumor tissue into an ice ball, and then After a few minutes, the helium gas was released, so that the temperature of the tumor tissue frozen into an ice ball quickly rose to more than 60 degrees.

This cold and hot, the tumor cells couldn't bear it, so they had to burp and die.

Two heavens of ice and fire... Does anyone want to try it?
This attempt is obviously successful, so there is an argon-helium knife, a tumor treatment device.

"Has your father ever made an argon-helium knife?" Yang Xi changed a CT scan, and after just looking at it, he asked a question.

Mrs. Li replied: "I did it on the 12th of this month. Professor Su said, wait a month and then observe it. If necessary, you can add it again."

Yang Xi's brows were furrowed even tighter.

No matter whose meat or where it is, it is a poor conductor of heat.Although the principle of the argon-helium knife sounds quite good, it has an insurmountable disadvantage in actual clinical application. When the argon gas is released, although the shape of the frozen ice ball is not regular, it is indeed spherical as a whole. Then release helium gas, and the tumor tissue cooked at a high temperature of [-] to [-] degrees is similar to the shape of a hockey puck.

After all, there must be quite a large gap between the balls, and the tumor cells in this gap cannot be killed by the argon-helium knife.

In other words, argon-helium knife therapy can only be classified as a means of tumor burden reduction, which belongs to palliative treatment, and the probability of tumor recurrence in situ after surgery is quite high.

At the same time, if the ice puck is formed and then scalded to death, necrosis and liquefaction will inevitably form in the middle, which also adds some requirements out of thin air to the already very difficult operation.

No wonder Yang Xi frowned even more after seeing the CT scan after Ar-Helium Knife treatment.

Gao Yong, who was beside him, simply shook his head after watching the film Yang Xi handed over.

Seeing this, Ju Li sighed softly, and said: "It's really not possible, so forget it. Alas, although I am not a medical student, I can tell that this operation is really too difficult."

Mrs. Li gouged out her husband's eyes, and then turned her gaze to Yang Xi, persistent and earnest.

Gao Yong put down the film in his hand, and looked at Yang Xi, whether he could do it or not, he had no say, only Yang Xi nodded or shook his head, that was the final decision.

Yang Xi took out a cigarette, regardless of others, lit one by himself, and puffed out a puff of smoke. Yang Xi asked Li Bureau: "Did you specially approve the medical insurance procedures in our department?"

Director Li nodded and sighed: "It's really hard to say, but I have to admit that there is selfishness in it, but Director Gao, Doctor Yang, don't worry, since the approval document has been signed, there will be no influenced by other factors."

Yang Xi smiled lightly and said, "But we have to be influenced by you. If we say that this operation cannot be done, wouldn't it be disappointing to your expectations?"

Mrs. Li's eyes sparkled, and she said eagerly: "So, you are sure about my father's operation?"

Yang Xi took another puff of cigarette, nodded solemnly, and said, "If we just use the conventional equipment in our operating room, I'm not sure..."

Mrs. Li rushed to ask: "What equipment do you need? Doctor Yang, tell me, I will do everything possible to buy it back."

Yang Xi smiled again and said: "No need, I just got a set of high-end surgical instruments a few days ago. With that set of instruments, I think I should be able to take your father's surgery."

Behind him, Lian Xiangdong added in time: "Don't get me wrong, we Xishao are used to being modest and don't like to brag. He should be right, and you can understand it as a certainty."

Mrs. Li looked at Yang Xi eagerly, is that so?

Yang Xi smiled and said nothing.

That is the default, um, people who are used to modesty are always so introverted.

Mrs. Li's brows were beaming with joy.

Li Ju was also very excited, he grabbed Gao Yong's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

When Li Ju stretched out his hand to Yang Xi, Yang Xi did not rush to shake hands with him, but asked a question: "Li Ju, I have to say something that is not very pleasant, pancreatic cancer, the median of palliative care. The survival period is about half a year, and the median survival period is only increased by four or five months after radical surgery combined with chemotherapy. Is it worth it to let your father-in-law suffer for the survival period of less than half a year? ?”

Li Ju didn't answer, but looked at his wife.

Mrs. Li replied firmly: "It's worth it! Even if we can live one more day, we will never give up."

Yang Xi didn't speak any more, but looked at Gao Yong and nodded.

Gao Yong understood and made arrangements: "Then hurry up and transfer over! Next Monday, our department will start. If you transfer over earlier, you can arrange surgery sooner."

Mrs. Li said excitedly: "Then we will go to the provincial people to go through the formalities today, and we will come to the hospital on Monday morning."

(End of this chapter)

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