I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 319 Hunger Marketing

Chapter 319 Hunger Marketing
Hearing this, Gao Yong and Xiang Dong immediately understood that Yang Yaoxie might not be able to hold back the bad water in his stomach, and he had to spray it outside before he would give up.

"What are you going to do?"

Yang Xi snorted, and said with a smile: "That's not easy? Write down the sarcastic remarks and tell Yin Wei, the three of us just beat the drums and watch the big show."

"Good idea!" Gao Yonglian and Xiangdong praised at the same time.

Especially Gao Yong showed a sinister smile.

Surgeons and surgeons, even if it is a department, are relatively independent in business, so there are not many opportunities to cut each other, unless they become angry and rush forward to start a shameful hand-to-hand fight, otherwise, you are really There are not many ways to take others.

But Yin Wei is different.

As a master of the anesthesiology department, Yin Wei can prepare a hundred pairs of small shoes of different styles and colors for anyone who is in any of his departments. You can choose at will, and you will not be left with a suspicious life. Even Yin Wei dares to take your last name.

Unless, you dare to say that your operation does not require anesthesia.

Entering the operating room, Yin Wei was preparing for anesthesia. Yang Xi stepped forward to comfort Principal Zhu, and then asked Yin Wei in a low voice, "Has the live broadcast started?"

As soon as Yang Xi asked about the live broadcast, Yin Wei's face was full of arrogance.Damn, in just two days, the number of fans of 'Anesthetic Yin Wei' has tripled, and now it's almost approaching the [-] mark. The last time I did a live broadcast, I said that it would take three months at most Overtake Professor Su Dongming Su... Well, I admit that I am short-sighted, I have to admit my mistakes and correct my mistakes, how can it take three months, maybe by the end of this month, I will have more than [-] fans and overtake Professor Su Dongming Su.

"Not yet, it will officially start at 08:30."

Without the live broadcast, Yang Xi became more courageous. As for Principal Zhu lying on the operating table, he is one of his own, so you don't have to worry about him when you speak.

"Your brother is quiet in the operating room. Do you know what those people outside are talking about you?"

"I know." Yin Wei pointed to his mobile phone and said, "Before the live broadcast, there is a trial broadcast, and I have heard some mocking remarks from those buddies."

Yang Xi said fiercely: "Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, I feel indignant at you, brother Yin, when I hear those words."

"They seem to be targeting the three of you?" Yin Wei rolled his eyes, unwilling to be fooled.

Yang Xi said: "What! What they slandered was the live broadcast, and Brother Yin, you are the leader of the live broadcast of this operation. The three of us have suffered on your behalf."

"I understand. Tonight, I'll treat guests to dinner. It's okay." Yin Wei said with a smile on his face, refusing to follow Yang Xi's words.

Yang Xi lowered his face and threatened: "Brother Yin, don't pretend to be confused. Believe it or not, I did something on purpose in this operation to make you unable to step down in Xinglin Garden?"

Yin Wei smiled and said: "Don't say that the patient is your teacher, even if it is an irrelevant patient, you boy would not do that! Don't use this to blackmail brother, brother will not follow your tricks."

Yang Xi sneered three times, and made his final killing move.

"Okay, you're ruthless. After I step down, I will study with Boss Gao and open an account in Xinglin Garden. By the way, I will ask Dean Lin to spend more money to install an account when renovating the operating room." A camera kit."

Yin Wei immediately changed his face, and shouted at Gao Yong: "Old Gao, what kind of grandchildren are talking about outside? You can make a list for me later, it seems that I have to teach them well." How they should behave."

Yang Xi finally smiled, and then said to Gao Yong: "Boss, supervise Brother Yin's education courses well. If there is any slack, our arrangements will be launched at any time."

At [-]:[-], the live broadcast room opened.

The two live broadcast rooms with a capacity of [-] people that Yin Wei applied for were quickly filled to capacity in less than half a minute.

Those who came late and couldn’t catch up could only be said to deserve it, but the problem was that many people had been waiting since before eight o’clock, but they were in a trance or the network was not good enough to make it to the live broadcast room. If you grab a position in the middle, you will be a little resentful.

You must scold your mother.

Under the page of 'Anesthetic Yin Wei', there was a sound of frogs for a while.

The website administrator promptly sent a private message to Yin Wei, asking for Yin Wei's opinion on whether to open another live broadcast room.

Just don't!

Although hunger marketing is immoral, it works really well. What I want is a group of people who are anxiously scratching their heads because they can't see it.

Start anesthesia here, and wash your hands quickly there.

At 25:[-], the anesthesia was completed, and the three of Gao Yong and Yang Xilian Xiangdong returned from washing their hands, put on clothes and gloves, and boarded the operating table.

The main knife, Yang Xi.

One help, Gao Yong.

The second assistant, even Xiangdong.

One of Yin Wei's students, who was in charge of the live broadcast, gave the three of them a close-up shot.

At 08:30, Yang Xi picked up the scalpel and greeted, "It's started."

The laparotomy process is nothing to look at, because it is so simple that it does not show how clever the surgeon is.If you insist on looking for advantages, it is nothing more than that the incision of the skin is straightened, the bleeding is less, and the operation is fast...Fast?It doesn't seem to be an advantage.

In the live broadcast room, the discussion among colleagues focused on the evaluation of the difficulty of this operation.

Colleagues who can understand CT films are naturally aware of how difficult it is, and they just give ABC three-level evaluations based on their own level and knowledge. Grade A, the operation is very difficult, and it is impossible for a city-level hospital to do it, at least you have to go to a provincial-level hospital. Grade B, provincial first-level hospitals may not be able to do it. Taking Nanjiang Province as an example, it is estimated that only Professor Su can do it. C level, Professor Su probably also hangs on, this level of difficulty, even if it is placed in the hands of the biggest professor in a top hospital like the Imperial Capital, I am afraid that I dare not say that it is [-]% able to win it.

Between expectations and doubts, someone suddenly issued a soul torture.

"What is the significance of such a difficult operation to the patient?"

In the discussion area, the direction of the wind changed immediately.

That's right, the surgeons and broadcasters only cared about their own fame and reputation, and didn't take the interests of patients into their hearts at all.For the resection of malignant tumors, if the cut is not clean, it is better not to cut it, and the so-called tumor reduction surgery is only considered because the mass effect of the tumor causes the patient's physiological function disorder, and accepts it. The colon tumor of the patient undergoing this operation was obviously in an outward infiltrative growth pattern, and the impact on his intestinal function was far from reaching the level that required surgical treatment.

For a time, voices against criticism had the absolute upper hand.

At this time, Yang Xi completed the laparotomy with the cooperation of Gao Yong.

(End of this chapter)

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