I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 318 You guys are really narrow

Chapter 318 You guys are really narrow
As soon as Dean Wu went to work, Yan Xianliang knocked on the door of her office.

"This list of team members... Dean Wu, look, this is not nonsense!" As the chief of the science and education department, Yan Xianliang can accept Dean Wu's decision to delegate the power of selecting players to Yang Xi. But he couldn't accept the list in front of him.

"Dai Hui...Huang Daliang...Zhong Shilin?" When Wu Hongmei saw the name of Dai Hui and Huang Daliang, she couldn't correspond to others for a while, but she remembered Zhong Shilin's name clearly, and she also knew that Zhong Shilin's major was laboratory testing, and clinical medicine. The disciplines are not closely related.

Yan Xianliang said indignantly: "Dai Hui and Huang Daliang are undergraduates recruited by us to prepare for the basketball game, and their grades in school are above average, and their performance in the department can only be regarded as average. Well, this At any rate, the two of them also came from clinical studies, but what is this Zhong Shilin?"

Wu Hongmei was also a little confused.

Yes, although clinical disciplines cannot lack the support of laboratory disciplines, it is difficult for laboratory personnel to master the knowledge of clinical disciplines. What is it to put Zhong Shilin on the list?
Judging from the scope of the questions in the qualifying competition, it basically focused on rare and difficult diseases of women and children inside and outside the hospital. When other hospitals reorganized their teams, they paid great attention to the complementarity between the team members, but Yang Xi was lucky. Basically, it is tantamount to wasting the quota of a participating team member in vain.

However, Wu Hongmei did not show the state of being on the verge of a heart attack that Gao Yong was worried about. She just smiled lightly and asked back: "Chief Yan, don't you think that Yang Xi is a bit evil?"

Yan Xianliang responded emotionally: "It's not a bit evil, in my opinion, it's simply evil."

Wu Hongmei smiled and said: "That's not what I mean, what I mean is that what happened to him always makes people feel unbelievable, Section Chief Yan, think about it carefully, did I say that?" how about this?"

Subordinates naturally cannot directly refute their superiors in person. At the same time, Yan Xianliang recalled a little under the reminder of Dean Wu, and he really agreed with Dean Wu's opinion, so he nodded and said: "Listen to what you said... um , it really is like this!"

Wu Hongmei continued: "From the perspective of the competition system and competition content, of course, all five players must be strong, and they should be as dispersed as possible professionally. What will happen if you outperform other players?"

Yan Xianliang couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Will there be such a person?

Could it be that alien civilizations have invaded the earth, and that Yang Xi is an undercover agent sent by alien civilizations to mix with the humans on earth?
What a sci-fi.

Seeing that Yan Xianliang lost his composure, Wu Hongmei smiled lightly, and changed his words: "Since the power and responsibility have been delegated to Yang Xi, let's wait and see. Besides, last time I took the last place, The municipal hospital has already lost face, so what if they come to the bottom this time? It is said that they want to fight a turnaround, but they can't win the live broadcast championship. To be second and third is not something to be proud of. After all, the scenery has been snatched away by the Affiliated Hospital of Jiang Medical University. Whether it is at the bottom or second, it is a foil for the champion. It is better to let Yang Xi give it a go. Well, what do you say?"

Yan Xianliang sighed, you, as the dean, have spoken out, so what else can a small section chief like him have to say.Of course, through this conversation and observation of Dean Wu, Yan Xianliang also felt the helplessness of Dean Wu. Who made her trust Yang Xi so much? Swallow it down.

At the same time, Gao Yong, Yang Xilian and Xiangdong entered the operating room.

The atmosphere in the operating room was rather strange.

The operation in each operating room has not yet started, and the nurses in the operating room are actively making various preparations before the operation. When they met Gao Yong, Yang Xi, and Xiangdong, they all expressed admiration, respect, and encouragement smile.

Yin Wei wanted to conduct a live broadcast of surgery on Xinglin Garden. Not only did he make an online preview on the website, but he also made a pre-announcement in the operating room.This is an excellent opportunity to show the operating room team of the Municipal Hospital. Everyone must be full of energy and show their excellence to their colleagues in the industry with a full-fledged mental state.

However, surgeons in other departments showed a completely different attitude.

The doctors who had a good relationship with Gao Yong, Yang Xilian and Xiangdong just nodded their heads briefly when they saw Gao Yong, Yang Xi, and Xiangdong.Those doctors with average relationships only thought that they were short-sighted and couldn't see anyone, and occasionally sneaked a glance, which was full of resentment and jealousy, wishing that the three guys made a big mistake in the operation.

What's more, it directly sent cold language and violence.

"Isn't it good to have a local surgery? We're not that kind of top-notch hospital. What kind of live broadcast of surgery is it? It's just not doing business properly!"

"That's right, the knife is opened, and not many people look at it. If the knife is broken, it will definitely leave a joke in Xinglin Garden. At that time, who dares to say that he is a surgeon in the municipal hospital? Can't lose it?" Think of that person!"

"It's nothing more than a few jokes from colleagues in other cities and provinces. The problem is that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Don't the other hospitals in Jiangbei know? If something goes wrong, they will definitely take the opportunity to suppress our hospital. Sometimes, it will not only hurt our face, but also hurt the source of disease in each department!"

Of course, these mocking words cannot be said in front of Gao Yong, Yang Xilian and Xiangdong and the other three.

Everyone is afraid of being blasted, but Gao Yong, who is big and thick, Yang Xi, who is super explosive, and Lian Xiangdong, who is super resistant, if these three guys join hands, ten or eight may not be them. opponent.What's more frightening is that there is a boxer hidden behind. If that guy comes in again, I'm afraid he will be able to turn over the entire surgical film.

However, the space is so big, some of these taunting words still drifted into the ears of Gao Yong, Yang Xilian and Xiangdong.

"Ignore them, keep a good mood, and complete the operation smoothly is our top priority." In the locker room, the three gathered together, and Gao Yong whispered.

Lian Xiangdong gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, Director Gao is right, we should slap them in the face with a flawless operation!"

Yang Xi shook his head and sighed, and said, "You guys are really narrow-minded! Who are they? They are our colleagues and comrades-in-arms. Their consciousness is not high and their thoughts are despicable. Don't we have the obligation and responsibility to help them improve?"

(End of this chapter)

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