I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 253 Who will host the right?

Chapter 253 Who will host the right?

On the first day after the holiday, just after returning to work, Lan Yaoxin held a meeting, focusing on discussing the adjustment of the doctor training skill competition that was originally planned to be held in October.

Attendees included not only the main leaders of the Municipal Health Bureau, but also representatives of the five major family hospitals in the city with qualifications for training.

Originally, Lan Yaoxin led the planning of such a competition, with the intention of arousing the importance of hospitals in training doctors, and prompting major hospitals to increase investment in training.It's a pity that things backfired, and the five major family hospitals all showed attitudes that regarded this activity as tasteless.

At one time, even the host hospital could not implement it.

Later, it was Jiangbei University of Medical Sciences who considered that the stalemate among the hospitals might have an impact on its undergraduate intern arrangements in the future, so it ordered the Jiangbei Medical University Affiliated Hospital to undertake this activity.

But no one expected that such a competition that was regarded as weak in the industry would be favored by the TV station. On the last day before the festival, a director team of the TV station approached Lan Yaoxin and made a solemn request to Live stream this contest.The leading director stood at a high angle and said, why is the relationship between doctors and patients so tense now?One of the important reasons is the common people's ignorance of medical care. Broadcasting this competition live will let the common people see more about the internal structure of the hospital and learn more about the principles and procedures of doctors' diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This will be of great benefit to both doctors and patients. benefits.

Lan Yaoxin very much agreed with the director's point of view.

That day, Lan Yaoxin chatted with the editorial team for a long time. From ten o'clock in the morning until it was time to have lunch, he was not idle during lunch. He chatted while eating. After lunch, he returned to the office to continue chatting. We chatted until we got off work in the afternoon.

Lan Yaoxin has experience in medical treatment and knows what kind of content should be compared in the competition to train doctors. The director team has experience in making programs and knows what kind of programs the audience likes to watch.

Among them, some contradictions and conflicts are naturally indispensable.

However, this is not important, and it can be resolved by flexibility and mutual compromise.

Therefore, even though I had a long chat with the TV station editorial team, Lan Yaoxin didn't feel tired at all.

However, the troubles that followed made Lan Yao's letter bigger.

The news spread quickly, and the other four hospitals heard that the game would be broadcast live on TV, and all of them were unhappy.

"Why do you give the right to host the hospital to the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital? Why can't my Central Hospital host it..."

"The Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital does not belong to the local area, nor does it belong to the director of Lanzhou University. You handed over the hosting right to the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital. Isn't that what's inside and outside..."

"Xiao Lanzi, don't talk nonsense, tell me, these years, when did my sister not support your work? But you are lucky, you have food and drink, but you are close to outsiders..."

These voices of complaints had long been expected by Lan Yaoxin. When there was no live TV broadcast, hosting this event was thankless, but with live TV broadcast, it was equivalent to a free advertisement for the hospital.Those deans are all the ones who can't afford to take the lead without profit, and they don't care about face. They don't recognize the fact that they didn't want to take over the hosting right at the beginning, and find various reasons to put pressure on Lan Yaoxin.

What's more terrible is that those four hospitals, under the instigation of someone, actually threatened Lan Yaoxin by withdrawing from the competition collectively.

How could Lan Yaoxin compromise with this kind of unreasonable and ungrateful behavior? In fact, even if he wanted to compromise, he couldn't compromise. Don't say what kind of rebound the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital will cause if the cancellation of the sponsorship of the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital is canceled. Even if the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital agrees to give up the right to host the event based on the overall situation, then it will be a big trouble to know who will get it.

Fortunately, having this long vacation gave Lan Yaoxin a buffer and time to think.

On the last day of the long vacation, he sent a notice to the five major family hospitals. At 9 o'clock this morning, a meeting will be held in the large conference room on the third floor of the Municipal Health Bureau to discuss the issue of the right to host the competition. Each hospital must send a representative to participate. Yes, being late or absent will be considered a waiver.

"It's good that everyone is here. No one is late or absent. This shows that everyone is very concerned about this competition. Now, who else plans to withdraw from the competition? If not, in the letter of commitment in front of you signature!"

Participation letter?
If this is signed, wouldn't the initiative fall into Lan Yaoxin's hands?

Of the five hospital representatives, only the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University signed the letter happily and handed over the letter of commitment to Lan Yaoxin.

"You should have read the meeting notice I sent yesterday. Since it is about discussion, everyone has a full right to speak. However, you don't even dare to make a promise not to retire, so why are you discussing it? Just abstain and retire!"

Why the rush to hold this meeting?

On the surface, it expressed the importance that the Municipal Health Bureau attached to this competition and respect for the feedback from each hospital, but in fact, Lan Yaoxin made sure that on the first day after the holiday, the compound of each hospital The chief has a lot of urgent and important matters waiting to be dealt with, and he has no way to separate himself. He can only appoint the vice president or other school-level leaders to represent him.

None of the 5 hospital representatives are top leaders, especially if the old woman Wu Hongmei is not present, so what else does the director of Lanta have to worry about? Just release the power in his hands as much as he wants. If you don’t believe it, you can’t control these hospital representatives.

Sure enough, under Lan Yaoxin's extremely strong persecution, the representatives of the four hospitals obediently signed the commitment letter.

"Let's not talk about what happened before, but just discuss what to do next. The TV station promised to broadcast a live broadcast for our health outlet. I think this will play an important and positive role in alleviating the relationship between doctors and patients and improving the influence of hospitals in society. , Therefore, no matter who the right to host ultimately belongs to, this competition is imperative and must not be cancelled. Do you have any different opinions?"

Representatives of the five hospitals remained silent.

Lan Yaoxin picked up the teacup, took a sip, and couldn't help but feel a bit of disdain in his heart, you're still playing tricks with me?See if I can't kill you.

"As for who will get the right to host, we can carry forward a democratic style and have a full discussion on this issue. Whoever can convince the other four hospitals, then whoever will host this competition will be fine!"

After saying that, Lan Yaoxin leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at the five hospital representatives with a smile.

Convince the other four hospitals to give up the right to host?
No bullshit!

This is not only a matter of interests, but also involves the face of the hospital. Who would give up?

Who dares to give up?

The five hospital representatives looked at each other, and no one dared to speak first.

Lan Yaoxin was satisfied enough in his heart, and then he said: "Since you can't persuade the other four hospitals to give up the right to host, then listen to my opinion carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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