I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 252 The East Wind Blows, The Battle Drums Beat, Who Was Young Master Xi Afraid Of

Chapter 252 The East Wind Blows, The Battle Drums Beat, Who Was Young Master Xi Afraid Of

Although the long vacation is a false proposition, but because the schedule is relatively loose, so from the feeling, the days pass quickly, and the one-week vacation is over in a blink of an eye.

For the remaining few days, whenever Yang Xi is free, he will show up and read those two e-books.

Yang Xi thought that he was proficient in the treatment principles and clinical applications of the linear accelerator and Gamma Knife, but the system refused to send a signal that the task was completed, so Yang Xi had no choice but to continue to deepen his memory over and over again.

After staying up late on Saturday night, when Yang Xi was already too sleepy, the electronic sound from the system finally sounded.

The rewards are not huge, but they are very strange. In addition to the expected rewards of life and experience points, there is also a novelty, [the system loads a 50-day commemorative gift coupon].

Yang Xi's sleepiness disappeared for a while, and he couldn't hold back his curiosity. He didn't want to delay for a second, so he poked the gift roll.

Immediately, three gifts appeared on the system page to choose from.

[SCI (impact factor) 5 academic articles. 】

[A set of Peak Surgical Instruments (General Surgery). 】

[The system cash is 99999 yuan. 】

Finish the calf!
Yang Xi's sudden attack can choose difficult syndrome.

An article with an SCI score of 5 points is precious. With such an article, it is enough to be promoted to the deputy high school, not to mention the promotion.The authorship right of the first author of such an academic article can definitely be sold for 10 yuan in the market.

And what peak surgical instruments are full of temptation because of their mystery, Yang Xi couldn't help thinking, could the instruments sent by this system be made of gold?Also, how does the system deliver the equipment to its own hands?
As for the system cash of 99999 yuan, let alone, when there is a shortage of money, this 99999 yuan can be said to be a timely help.

The old way, and the only strategy that can solve the choice-difficulty syndrome, is to choose nothing and sleep with your head covered.

At eight o'clock the next day, the system routinely dispatched a new weekly task, and Yang Xi didn't need to guess that it would definitely not be easy to complete based on that little epileptic's urination.If you poke it open, it is indeed the case. A nearly thousand-page "Practical Oncology" requires you to understand and memorize the 107 anticancer drugs, dozens of chemotherapy-related adjuvant drugs, and 37 types of tumors. A detailed introduction to the principles of chemotherapy and chemotherapy regimens.

It's too much!
Such a book, even those specialists who are engaged in chemotherapy in the medical oncology department, who have worked in the clinic for three to five years, or even eight or ten years, dare not say that they can understand and memorize the whole book, let alone memorize it. What's more, I only have one week, and this week is still working time.

Unless, another super memory card is drawn out in the lottery.

It happened to be the last day of vacation, and I was idle, and those lottery opportunities would not give birth if I stayed there, so after seeing Director Ma, I went back to the dormitory, Yang Xi lit a cigarette, and started to draw the lottery.

These days, I have earned a lot of charm points. The first and second in command of Dongshan County alone have contributed no less than 65 points to Yang Xi. Coupled with the sporadic contributions of other people, the chances of lucky draw have increased from 70 to [-] times.

I used up all the chances in the lottery in one go. I got the cash prize several times, the experience value prize two or three times, and the life value reward once or twice, but the super memory card I was looking forward to was not even a shadow. See you.

7 days a week, 24 hours a day, consumes 1 point of health per hour, and then estimates the extra life required to use the skill card with 100 points, then, if there is no life in the account for two consecutive weeks Only 536 points were consumed.Looking at the accumulation of his life value which was close to a thousand points, Yang Xi couldn't help showing a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

With the east wind blowing and the war drums beating, who was Young Master Xi afraid of?
What a shitty weekly mission, let it run its course!
At this moment, Yang Xi does have the capital to make a big deal.

Not only is the life value as high as 948 points, but the system cash has exceeded the 30 mark for the first time, reaching 30 yuan.

There are also a lot of experience points gained. I remember that when the system was sorted out last time, it was still [-] or [-] points away from being promoted to Silver II, but today, it is only less than [-] points away.

Do you want to take a look at it?

Curiosity failed to overcome the stingy rational heart in the end.

Yang Xi hesitated for several minutes, and finally heaved a long sigh, without doing any operation, and directly hid the system interface.

Lie on the bed, took out the phone, just about to read a novel, but there was a knock on the door, got up and opened the door, only to see Lian Xiangdong standing with a big bag of unknown stuff with a charming smile on his face. the door.

"Hey, when did Brother Ji come back? It's been a hard journey, please come inside quickly."

Lian Xiangdong was very particular, he didn't forget Yang Xi when he went back to his hometown, and brought a big bag of local specialties from his hometown, although it was not worth much, but it was a thoughtful gesture.

"I came back last night. It was too late, so I didn't bother you." Lian Xiangdong put down the big bag of souvenirs in his hand, took out a cigarette, and the two brothers lit each. "By the way, there is something, have you heard?"

Yang Xi shrugged his shoulders and replied, "There are so many things going on every day, how would I know which thing Brother Ji is referring to?"

"The thing about the training doctor skills competition." Lian Xiangdong said mysteriously: "Haven't you heard about it?"

Yang Xi smiled disdainfully, and said: "Why are you still thinking about this shit? Boss Gao's oncology surgery is a certainty, and it doesn't make much sense whether we two participate in that kind of competition. It's all about it, that's our brother." The two of them can get a bonus of 5000 yuan, you say, just for this 5000 yuan, is it worth fighting so hard?"

Even Xiang Dongji was patient, and after Yang Xi finished nagging, he explained: "You have no information, and you must not know the latest development of this matter. Let me tell you, Jiangbei TV station is interested in this event, and it was just a plan. When the news was broadcast for 1 minute and 2 minutes, but now, it is very likely that it will be made into a live broadcast during the prime time of the weekend.”

Yang Xi disapproved, pouted, and said, "So what? If you show your face on TV, you can become a famous doctor? Old man, tell me the truth, do you treat Ling Shuaishuai?" Envious and jealous?"

It was good not to mention Ling Ran, but when Ling Ran was mentioned, Lian Xiangdong gritted his teeth involuntarily.

It's no wonder that Lian Xiangdong is well-informed, not only has the latest news about the Guipei Doctor Skills Competition, but also learned that Ling Shuaishuai has just made a girlfriend, a beautiful woman who looks like a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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