I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 227 Anesthesia and preparation for surgery (want to subscribe)

Chapter 227 Anesthesia and preparation for surgery (want to subscribe)

Just as Dean Lin put down his phone, the brother on the left couldn't hold back anymore.

"Both of you are doctors?"

Dean Lin let out a "hmm", then took out the lighter and lit a cigarette.

"You two rushed to Liuquan Town in a hurry to save people?"

Dean Lin gave another "hmm" and at the same time exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

The brother there hesitated for a moment, then picked up the three hundred-yuan bills stacked on the driver's platform, and threw them on Dean Lin's lap.

"I can't accept this money!"

Dean Lin laughed and said, "What's wrong? This money is not counterfeit."

The brother sighed: "You two hurried back to save lives. If I charge you more money, I'm afraid I will lose my life!"

Dean Lin said amusedly: "I don't pay for the car ride, and I also lose my life. Tell me, how can we fix this?"

Yang Xi joked from behind: "Give me the money, I'm not afraid of losing my life."

The brother there laughed twice, and continued: "My dad was also a coal miner when he was young. When I first married my mother, he encountered a mine accident. Fortunately, the doctors at the General Hospital of the mine did not give up and made seven for my dad. The hourly operation brought my dad back from hell, otherwise, there would be no one like me in this world." That brother was addicted to smoking by Dean Lin, and he also lit a cigarette. "Two, tell yourself, if my dad finds out that I charge you two for the car, he won't break my leg? Please, you two, please keep the money."

Dean Lin let out a long sigh, and said, "There are still a lot of sensible and good people in this world!"

The brother there is skilled in driving and knows the road conditions well. Where is the speed limit to take pictures, and where is the accident-prone area, I remember quite clearly. When it is time to slow down, slow down, and when it is time to go hurricane, it only took 35 minutes. The director, Yang Xi, was sent to Liuquan Town Hospital.

When getting out of the car, Dean Lin still left the three hundred-yuan bills on the seat.


Dean Lin was patient and didn't deal with Gao Ming's actions and showed a positive side that day. After Gao Chao on duty finished reporting to Dean Lin, he immediately took on the responsibilities he shouldn't have, calling one by one, All the medical forces that can be mobilized in the hospital are concentrated in the hospital.Surgical films are naturally prepared, and medical technology is prepared as much as possible, while internal medicine doctors and nurses play the role of a reserve team, they can't do surgery, but postoperative management and nursing, they are by no means amateurs .

The first batch of three wounded arrived.

The diagnosis was simple. Two thoracoabdominal joint injuries, one open fracture of the left lower limb, and all three wounded were combined with hemorrhagic shock of varying degrees.

Complaints suddenly sounded in every corner of the operating room of Liuquan Town Hospital.

Such a serious injury, why not send it to the county people's hospital?Is this clearly embarrassing Liuquan Town Hospital?

Gao Chao was also puzzled, but he didn't join in the complaints.He already knew that the on-site commander of the mine accident was Dong Junhui, the former mayor of Liuquan Town, and he would not make any arrangements to intentionally embarrass the Liuquan Town Hospital.

"Okay, okay, everyone, let's stop talking a few words, hurry up and create a deep vein access, one way is not enough to go to two ways, first give the booster medicine and plasma substitute, and then correct the shock state of the wounded."

In the operating room, there are people with higher positions than Gao Chao. For example, Director Rong Liangqun of the Department of Orthopedics, although he is also an attending doctor, is at least a department director, and his position in the hospital is one level higher than Gao Chao.But at this time, the important thing is not the level, but whether you dare to take this responsibility.

But in the face of crisis, Gao Ming bravely took a step forward, while Rong Liangqun took a step back timidly. Therefore, in the operating room, an emergency team with Gao Ming as the core naturally formed.

There are two ways to create deep vein access, one is deep vein puncture, and the other is phlebotomy.For the wounded in hemorrhagic shock, deep vein puncture is quite difficult, and the only reliable way is venipuncture.

Phlebotomy is a minor operation, and a slightly talented surgeon can do it after only one look. Even an anesthetist like Li Ying, because he has seen a lot, can rush up to expose the deep vein and insert it. Infusion catheter.Of course, there were two or three surgeons in each of the three operating rooms, so it was naturally not Li Ying's turn to act.

Li Ying's basic skills were solid, but at this critical moment, she was still a little timid, so she called her cousin Yin Wei and reported the patient's basic diagnosis to Yin Wei.First aid for hemorrhagic shock caused by trauma should not be too simple for Yin Wei. Keep breathing unobstructed, quickly replenish fluids and blood substitutes, ensure effective circulating blood volume, and do not seek to restore blood pressure to normal levels, but ensure that blood pressure is maintained at a normal level. At the same time, closely observe the heart rate of the wounded, give cardiotonic drugs if necessary, monitor the acid-base balance of the wounded at any time, and correct it in time.

A master is a master, and the first-aid plans that he came up with after listening to the report on the phone are all so effective. After the venous access is established, various fluids are infused and various first-aid drugs are given, and the shock status of the three seriously injured patients is improved. relieved to varying degrees.

"Put on anesthesia and prepare for surgery!" Gao Chao took a breath and gave the second stage of first aid.

After the anesthesia was completed, Li Ying and Yin Wei kept talking on the phone. With Yin Wei's guidance, Li Ying's self-confidence suddenly rose to a higher level.But the problem is that the two patients with combined thoracoabdominal injuries need to open their chests for exploration, but Gao Chao lacks the ability in thoracic surgery. Among major surgeries, only Dean Lin has experience in this area.

The good thing is that the medical personnel involved in the rescue at the accident site were very professional. When the wounded was carried out, they diagnosed the wounded with hemopneumothorax, so they performed closed drainage for the wounded under the crude conditions at the scene, so as to delay the recovery time. The progression of the wounded pneumothorax.

"Open the abdomen first. When Dean Lin arrives, we will deal with chest problems!" After the three wounded were sent to the operating room, Gao Chao performed abdominal puncture. The dark red liquid was pumped out, which meant that the abdominal cavity of the two wounded must have ruptured and bleeding organs.

In the No. [-] operating room, Gao Chao led a doctor who had just entered the department to the stage. In the No. [-] operating room, Wu Weihua and Sheng Dajun were paired together. The wounded underwent amputation.

For open fractures, where the fractures are comminuted, the rate of scab formation is extremely low, and the postoperative infection rate is extremely high. In principle, amputation should be the correct choice.

Just as Rong Liangqun washed his hands and was about to go on stage, Dean Lin and Yang Xi rushed into the operating room.

(End of this chapter)

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