I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 226 There is no child's play in the face of human life (want to subscribe)

Chapter 226 There is no child's play in the face of human life (want to subscribe)
Dean Lin put on the appearance of a rich and powerful boss, but in fact, his heart was bleeding.

It's not easy for anyone to earn money, like Lin Tong'an, who has become the dean, and after a month, his pure income is only seven thousand two or three hundred.

Don't look at him as if he is in power and can go to the hospital for reimbursement, but in fact, every penny spent by the hospital must have a reasonable purpose, and it is absolutely not allowed to exceed the standard.Especially for the money spent by yourself, you must be more cautious when reimbursement, otherwise, if the audit department above finds something wrong, it is no joke.

But today, the extra 200 yuan for the fare must not be reimbursed. Although 200 yuan is not much, it is also the salary of Dean Lin for a whole day.

After working hard all day, he won such a big benefit for the hospital. In the end, he still had to pay for this day's salary. This frustration can only be digested by himself, and there is no place to reason.

The taxi sped out of the city, and Dean Lin calmed down a bit.

God favored Dawu Town and gave Dawu Town an anti-scientific superficial coal seam, making Dawu Town a star town with an output value of over 30 million yuan [-] years ago. A wound that heals.

The more than [-] abandoned coal mines in the whole town are like boils born on human bodies. Not to mention bad Feng Shui, they will always bring people all kinds of stinging pain.

The accident that happened today was the result of unscrupulous merchants collaborating with the technicians of the mining group to detect residual leaking coal seams on the basis of abandoned mines and continue mining.

Buried is a popular description of mining accidents, while the professional description term is landslides. Coal kiln landslides are divided into two types, one is roadway landslides, and the other is coal face landslides.The difficulty of rescue from roadway landslides lies in the difficulty of opening rescue channels, leading to the death of trapped people from starvation and thirst, while the danger of coal mining face landslides is reflected in the direct damage to coal mining workers caused by the collapsed coal seam soil and rocks.

The hardware condition of Dawu Town Hospital is much higher than that of Liuquan Town Hospital, and there are two more operating rooms alone, but its software, that is, the medical level and emergency response capabilities, is almost the same as that of Liuquan Town Hospital. .Of course, this kind of judgment is based on two months ago. At that time, Yang Xi hadn't opened his mouth yet, and he was still a little doctor who couldn't even do an open abdomen.

But now... For Dong Junhui, the commander-in-chief of mine disaster rescue, the overall strength of Liuquan Town Hospital is still similar to that of Dawu Town.The reason is very simple, the so-called number one scholar is nothing more than the overlord in the examination room, on the operating table, those who are not the number one scholar are still only playing soy sauce.

As for Yang Xi right now, even if he doesn't cheat, his surgical level is comparable to that of a first-class expert in a municipal hospital. No one wants the county party committee and county government to make a special report on this kind of thing.

Dong Junhui was able to be entrusted with the important task of on-site rescue commander, not because of his professionalism in this area, but because of his fate.On this day, Dong Junhui, who was supposed to rest, couldn't stay idle and went to Dawu Town to do research. Just in time for the accident, he was naturally appointed as the commander-in-chief of on-site rescue.

This kind of emergency order is not a good thing for his official career. It is his job as the commander-in-chief to do a good rescue and minimize the casualties. Then he, the commander-in-chief, is to blame.

Fortunately, Dong Junhui had a clear mind. After understanding the nature of the mine accident at the scene, he pointed out the most critical point of the rescue—the allocation of medical resources.

The medical resources he can control and make full use of are three hospitals, the Dawu Town Hospital 37 kilometers away from the mine accident site, the Liuquan Town Hospital [-] kilometers away from the mine accident site, and the county hospital [-] kilometers away from the mine accident site People's Hospital.

From the numbers alone, the three hospitals share the wounded, so the problem is not too big.

But the problem and difficulty is how to distribute the seriously wounded and critically wounded.

In terms of medical conditions and technical strength, the critically wounded should be sent to the county people's hospital as a matter of course. However, the extra distance of more than 10 kilometers is equivalent to delaying the treatment time by at least 10 minutes. These [-] minutes could very well determine his life or death.

After thinking about it again and again, Dong Junhui finally decided to take the risk and bet the fate of the seriously wounded on Dean Lin's ability. As early as seven years ago, when he was the mayor of Liuquan Town, he thought that Dean Lin Chang is a person with a strong ability to resist pressure. If the seriously injured are handed over to him, it will save 10 minutes of travel time, and perhaps save one or more lives.

As for what tactics Dean Lin would use to deal with it, Dong Junhui didn't think too much about it.

The first batch of wounded were rescued, and the coordinating and coordinating work of all aspects of the on-site rescue had achieved initial results. Dong Junhui finally had time to catch his breath, so he took out his mobile phone and called Dean Lin.

After getting into the car and feeling relieved, Dean Lin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, lowered the window and took out a cigarette. Before he could light it, he received a call from Dong Junhui.

"Well, Minister Dong, it's me... I'm working in the municipal hospital, and I'm on my way back now. It will take four or 10 minutes at most, and I will definitely be able to get back to the hospital... Hmm? No need, it's a holiday now, and I will look for it in a while Can't get experts... Seriously wounded? Seriously wounded don't need experts, as long as it's not craniocerebral injury, I don't have a big problem here."

Yang Xi, who was sitting in the back seat, was unhappy, and patted Dean Lin on the neck, and said, "What about head injury? It's just a brain drain, what a big deal?"

Dean Lin listened, without hesitation, he immediately changed his words to Dong Junhui on the other end of the phone: "Craniocerebral injury is fine, Director Dong, you can arrange it, but if you can't take it, I, Lin Tongan, will go see you with my head up." you!"

There is no child's play in the face of human life. Dean Lin dared to say that, Dong Junhui naturally believed it, but Dong Junhui didn't have time to think about why he believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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