I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 115 The legend is just a legend after all

Chapter 115 The legend is just a legend after all
Continue to outpatient.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, a girl who seemed to be only 26 or [-] years old came in.

The girl was slender and good-looking, with a pair of stylish black frames on the bridge of her nose, and a half-length windbreaker made of light-colored thin material, she had the demeanor of an intellectual woman.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xi took over the girl's case.

Director Ma is not a god, but a human being, and there will always be times when he is lazy.Director Ma looked at Yang Xi's cleverness, and taught him that everything can be done with one click, so he simply handed over the task of receiving medical consultations, while he himself sat behind and checked.

The girl handed over the medical records, but refused to answer Yang Xi's question. She looked at Yang Xi with hesitant eyes, and then at Director Ma behind Yang Xi.

Director Ma smiled and responded, "I'm tired, so I'll ask my apprentice to do a consultation for me. Is there any problem?"

The girl pursed her lips and smiled, "Of course it's no problem."

Taking advantage of this gap, Yang Xi glanced at the girl's outpatient medical records. It was written clearly that the girl's name is Ye Qiuhe, and she is 26 years old this year.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xi asked again.

Ye Qiuhe said: "A few days ago when I was taking a bath, I accidentally felt a lump on the right breast. Later, I consulted the doctor online and said it was a fibroid, but I was still a little worried, so I wanted to find a lump. Director Ma has a look."

Yang Xi frowned and asked, "How many days was it a few days ago?"

Ye Qiuhe was slightly displeased, and said, "It's the end of last month."

Yang Xi snorted slightly and said, "You are really big-hearted."

Ye Qiuhe raised her eyebrows angrily, and said, "What are you talking about? Do you know how difficult it is to get Director Ma's account? I've been waiting in line for Director Ma's account since last week. Didn't I just wait for it?"

Hearing this, Director Ma couldn't help but sighed softly. "Come here, I'll show you." Director Ma stood up and pointed to the curtain in the corner of the consultation room.

Not called Yang Xi, Yang Xi can only sit in the distance.

Five minutes later, Director Ma called out behind the curtain: "Xiao Yang, come and have a look."

Only then did Yang Xi get up, took two steps around, and came behind the curtain.

As soon as she showed her face, Ye Qiuhe quickly wrapped her clothes tightly like a conditioned reflex.

Director Ma smiled wryly: "Girl, for doctors, patients don't distinguish between age and gender. For patients, shouldn't doctors also distinguish between age and gender?"

Ye Qiuhe blushed, hesitated, but finally opened her shirt.

Yang Xi's face was as calm as water, and he calmly palpated both breasts for Ye Qiuhe. The expression on his face couldn't tell whether it was serious or relaxed, but he nodded slightly during the process.

If an experienced patient encounters this kind of situation, his heart will definitely be cold. The lump is obviously there, and it is either benign or malignant.If it is benign, the doctor's expression is probably relaxed, and he will even make a small joke with the patient.But at this time, although the faces of Director Ma and Yang Xi could not be said to be serious, they were definitely not relaxed, which meant that the nature of the lump might not be optimistic.

However, 90.00% of patients do not have such experience.

"Put on your clothes." Director Ma explained, then returned to the consultation table and sat down.

Yang Xi followed closely behind, and took the rare opportunity to make eye contact with Director Ma.

The same judgment, although the lump is not big, and there is no orange peel-like change mentioned in the textbook on the skin surface, but the lump seems to have taken root in the girl's right breast, and it can't move, and the edge seems to be very tight. clear.

The possibility of malignancy is more than [-]%.

Ye Qiuhe tidied up her clothes and followed her back to the opposite side of the consultation table.

"Director Ma, Doctor Yang, is my situation not good?" Before sitting down, Ye Qiuhe had already opened his mouth.

Director Ma replied: "It's just palpation, how can we make a conclusion? Xiao Yang, please write a mammography application form for this girl."

Ye Qiuhe suddenly laughed and said, "So the legends outside are all fake!"

Yang Xi asked in confusion, "What legend?"

Ye Qiuhe said: "As long as it's a tumor in your breast, Director Ma only needs to touch it to determine it, and there is no need for any examination at all."

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Legends are just legends after all..."

Ye Qiuhe stared suddenly, and stopped Yang Xi: "Don't talk too much, I'm asking Director Ma!" Then he changed his tone and asked Director Ma: "Director Ma, as a patient, you should be aware of your condition. You have the right to know, right? As a doctor, you have the obligation to tell the patient the truth, right? Now you have made a conclusion in your heart, why don’t you tell me?”

Director Ma smiled and said: "You girl, you are really sharp-tongued. Doctor Yang is right. The legend is just a legend after all. There is no such thing as a miracle doctor or a god of medicine. You can tell it clearly just by touching it." sick?"

Ye Qiuhe suddenly became quiet, bowed her head in silence, and within a few seconds, her shoulders began to twitch.

Director Ma asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

Ye Qiuhe raised her head, her face was already covered with pear blossoms and rain. "Director Ma, before I came to see you, I already had a PET-CT. They said that what I had was cancer. I didn't believe it, so I came to see you, but..." Ye Qiuhe said sobbingly, and suddenly stopped , covered his cheeks with his hands, and buried his head deeply.

Director Ma came over, patted Ye Qiuhe on the back, and comforted: "Girl, be strong, PET-CT may also have false positives, besides, even if it is unfortunate, breast cancer is not an incurable disease, as long as you actively cooperate Doctor, the possibility of a cure is not small."

Ye Qiuhe suddenly raised her head, wiped away the tears on her face, squeezed out a smile, and said, "Thank you Director Ma, thank you for telling me the truth, I can't lie anymore, in fact, I didn't do anything Passed PET-CT."

Director Ma couldn't help but startled.

Yang Xi was also taken aback.

Ye Qiuhe continued: "After I discovered the lump, I consulted many doctors on the Internet, and I also read a lot of medical books about breast cancer. The more I learned, the more I suspected that I had breast cancer. Now I'm fine. With Director Ma I am relieved of my diagnosis." After speaking, Ye Qiuhe really smiled, and it was obvious that her smile was not forced.

Director Ma smiled helplessly, and said, "Little girl, are you really capable? Well, since you can handle it, then I don't have to hide it. Judging from the symptoms of palpation, the possibility of you suffering from a malignant tumor is very high. Small, but palpation alone cannot make a qualitative diagnosis, and necessary inspections are also indispensable. How about you add Dr. Yang's WeChat account and ask Dr. Yang to free up an empty bed for you as soon as possible, and do it after you move in. Check, the cost will be more cost-effective."

(End of this chapter)

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