I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 114 Expert Outpatient Clinic

Chapter 114 Expert Outpatient Clinic
Thursday is a non-surgical day for Gao Yong's group.

And it's not the main shift, it's the day off for the doctors in this group.

Yang Xi also really wanted to take a good rest. Last night, Gao Yong got drunk and fought with Dean Lin until one o'clock at night. When he returned to the dormitory, took a shower and lay on the bed, it was already three o'clock in the night.

Gao Yong was quite at ease. After checking the room and explaining the doctor's orders for the next few key patients, he went upstairs to his office to catch up on sleep. Even Xiang Dong was not awkward. After a trip, the snoring sounded in less than a minute.

It's hard for Yang Xi.

Before he could run away, he was caught by Director Ma.

On Thursday morning, it was Director Ma's mammary gland specialist outpatient clinic. I don't know what Director Ma was thinking. He had never been out of the clinic without an assistant, but he actually called Yang Xi.

No matter how much Yang Xi messed around, he couldn't ignore flattery, so he resisted the urge to yawn and followed Director Ma to the outpatient clinic.

Director Ma is a well-known expert who enjoys state subsidies. According to regulations, he can receive 200 yuan for outpatient registration fees. However, the little old man in Shanghai has a personality, forcing the hospital to lower it again and again, and finally only charge 50 yuan. A registration slip.

According to the rules of the hospital, half of the registration fee for the expert outpatient service is returned to the expert's pocket as the expert's allowance.Director Ma has 20 expert accounts in the morning. If one number is 200 yuan, his income in the morning can reach 2000 yuan. If he only charges 50 yuan, his income in the morning will be reduced by 1500 yuan. .

However, the kindness of the little old man in Shanghai was not rewarded as it should be. The scalpers seized the opportunity and made a decisive move, quickly selling the little old man in Shanghai's expert account to the price of 300 yuan a piece.

At 08:30, Director Ma officially opened the clinic.

As the first patient walked into the consulting room, Yang Xi's heartbeat began to speed up, and his dream for many years finally came true. The excitement was really uncontrollable, and he even forgot to yawn.

After asking about the medical history, Director Ma was about to palpate. At this moment, Yang Xi's heart rate soared to over 100, although the patient seemed to be at least 40 years old.


Who is calling the young master a hooligan?And still a tasteless hooligan?

The reason why Xiaoye's heart rate is faster is because of nervousness!What kind of character is the little old man in Modu?A great expert who enjoys state subsidies, the existence of a master-level, the young master is personally trained by him, can you not be nervous?

It seems that this is really the case.

When Director Ma asked Yang Xi to come and learn breast palpation from him, Yang Xi suddenly calmed down.

"Before palpation, you should inspect the patient first, and carefully observe whether the RF on both sides of the patient is symmetrical, whether there are any abnormal changes in the surface skin, and whether there are depressions in RY and RT." Director Ma explained while demonstrating: "Breast palpation should use the pulp of the finger. From top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, from the edge to the center, move the fingertips in rotation, touch and press gently, step by step, come on, you can do it once and show me."

Yang Xi obeyed and stretched out his hand, but before touching the patient's skin, he suddenly withdrew his hand, put it under his lips to test the temperature, felt a little cold, so he stretched into his arms to warm up for a while.

See the actual chapter for details.

Yang Xi's inadvertent action was noticed by Director Ma, and he felt relieved. This child is a caring person, and my old horse really didn't miss him.

According to Director Ma's demonstration, Yang Xi performed a detailed palpation on the patient. During the process, he couldn't help frowning. Second-rate.

"It's a tumor, but it should be a benign tumor." Yang Xi made a judgment, but with a slight hesitation in his tone.

Director Ma nodded and said, "How did you judge that it was a benign tumor?"

"There is no root, it is very isolated, and the surface skin has not changed abnormally." Recalling the feeling during palpation, Yang Xi's answer was much more affirmative.

Director Ma nodded again, then turned to the patient and said, "Breast fibroids are not big, so you don't have to deal with them. If you're really worried, just go to another hospital to have them removed."

The patient asked: "Director Ma, can I have an operation at your hospital?"

While writing the outpatient medical records, Director Ma replied lukewarmly: "I don't accept benign tumors, and I won't do this kind of surgery. If you can find another doctor in the department, I won't stop you. Okay, That's it, Doctor Yang, call the number, next one."

You can't complain that Director Ma is not enthusiastic enough and not meticulous enough for patients.The outpatient clinic in the morning is only three and a half hours, of which, Director Ma has to spend half an hour to smoke, and the remaining three hours have to see 20 patients. On average, one patient can only share 9 minutes.

Once you encounter a patient with a suspected malignant tumor, the 9-minute consultation time is far from enough, so you can only shorten the consultation time for patients like the one just now.

The next two patients belong to the type of people who spend money to buy peace of mind. There is nothing wrong with themselves, but the mammary glands show a little hyperplasia, but they don't believe her attending doctor, so they have to spend more money to find Director Ma. Diagnosis, only willing to feel at ease.

The fourth patient was a patient who came back for follow-up treatment three months after breast cancer surgery. Director Ma gave her a detailed examination and contacted the medical oncology department to admit her to the hospital. I will discuss the follow-up treatment plan with Director Jia of the oncology department. Don't pay too much attention to the cost. If you have money, there is a plan with money, and if you don't have money, there is a plan without money. You just have to suffer more.”

Director Ma's words seemed to have a kind of magical power. The patient was still full of sadness when he entered the door, but when he left, there was already a little smile on his face.

Yang Xi was about to call the next number, but was stopped by Director Ma.

"Don't you want to smoke a cigarette?"

Yang Xi responded with a sneer: "Of course I want to, I've been holding back for a long time."

Director Ma laughed loudly, and greeted Yang Xi to enter the room.

"Smoke is not good, it's just a respect." Yang Xi took out a box of Sanwu stolen from Lian Xiangdong, and handed it to Director Ma.Poor people have a habit of always putting good things behind. Now that there are more than a dozen yuan in a box of Sanwu, Yang Xi is naturally reluctant to touch the tens of yuan in a pack of Dagong or Ruansu.

Director Ma didn't pay too much attention, took the cigarette case, took out one, lit the cigarette with the fire handed by Yang Xi, took a deep breath, held the smoke in his lungs for a while, and then exhaled slowly, And said: "In fact, this foreign smoke is really good, mellow and strong, and cheap, much better than domestic smoke."

Yang Xi listened thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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