Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 90 Why am I still an elder?

Chapter 90 Why am I still an elder?


"My sister!"

"Liang Yalin?"


"What's wrong with your sister?"

"My sister is on a hunger strike!"


Wang Faliang and Yang Zhixing looked at the two people's questions and answers, rolled their small eyes in confusion, followed their quick questions and answers, and kept practicing the "head swinging magic skill", feeling that the cervical spine was about to be destroyed.

"I failed the college entrance examination!"

"Just because of this?"


"As for what!"

When Yang Zhengdong heard about this, he picked up the book he had put down.

It's just a failure of the college entrance examination, I don't know how many there are every year, and it's over after repeating the exam for another year.
"But my sister hasn't eaten for two days, and locked herself in the house, my parents are so worried!"

Seeing that the teacher didn't care too much, Liang Yahui immediately pouted his lips and said as if he was about to cry.

"Then what can I do?"

What Yang Zhengdong thought was, your family members can't persuade you, what's the use of my going, I'm not the savior of the world, nor your brother-in-law.

"But my sister likes you!"

When Liang Yahui said this, he looked serious.

Wang Faliang laughed out loud, causing him to touch the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

"I said Yahui, don't talk nonsense! I don't care, your sister is a big girl and she has to get married!"

Yang Zhengdong was taken aback, and hurriedly wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

These children really dare to say that if this word gets out, it will definitely not take a day for the women in the village to have another talking point.

Although Liang Yalin looks really good!
But... just think about it!

"What I said is true! My sister wrote in her diary that when you fished her out of Mengxi Lake when she was a child, she fell in love with you!"

Fished out from Mengxi Lake?When did this happen, Yang Zhengdong rummaged through the corners of his memory, but he didn't have any memory about it.

It seems that the original owner doesn't remember this incident, even if it does, what does it mean?

"You said it was when you were a child, maybe your sister has forgotten it long ago! You little brat, how can you read other people's diaries casually? I don't know if it's private..."

Yang Zhengdong seized the matter of the diary and began to carry out all-round education to Liang Yahui.

Nagging about "magic skills", just like Sun Houzi encountering a magic spell, Liang Yahui immediately became honest!
snort!The little girl almost ruined Mr. Yang's glorious image as a teacher, so she must be educated.

Why can't I really think of any intersection with Liang Yalin?According to the sullen personality of the original owner, shouldn't it be?It will definitely be memorable!

"Okay! Then can you persuade my sister? She will die if she doesn't eat!"

Liang Yahui was educated to lower his head, and could only obediently admit his mistake, and then stared at Yang Zhengdong expectantly, still not giving up the idea of ​​asking him to persuade him.

"Should I use it?"

Yang Zhengdong really didn't think he had such a big face.

"Yes! There must be!"

"Okay, I'll go over and have a look after I finish your make-up lessons for you guys. Let me tell you first, I really don't know if your sister will give me face or not!"

Yang Zhengdong compromised, thinking that it was all about the classmates, and he deserved to go and have a look.

no other meaning!
There must be no other meaning!
After class, he took Wang Xiaoru to the cafeteria and packed another Kung Pao Chicken and Ground Sanxian. Yang Zhengdong took Liang Yahui to her home with the two dishes.

Liang Yahui lives in Dongtou, his father is Liang Jinhai, and he can be regarded as a "capable man" in Mengxi Village!
Liang Jinhai runs the first consignment store (commissary) in the village, which has been in business since the 80s. Although the economic development of Mengxi Village is slow, daily necessities are still needed, so the business is not bad.

Because of this, sisters Liang Yalin and Liang Yahui also belong to the kind of people who do not lack money in the village.

When he was a child and went to school, Yang Zhengdong remembered that there were only two pockets that could always find snacks. One was the little fat girl at the time, the big beautiful girl now, and his future "wife" Sun Yuanyuan, and the other was Liang Yalin who opened a consignment at home. .

Moreover, Liang Yalin was definitely the only class flower back then. She was beautiful, dressed in a foreign style, and had a lot of snacks. She liked to wear a ponytail, and the ponytail always had flowers made of silk.

There will always be a group of middle-aged and young girls around her, and it's not her idea. After all, they are all in their teens, and they are not elementary school students in the 21st century who learn to talk to each other in first grade.

The main reason is that Liang Yalin always has new gadgets. Food, toys, stationery, and pencil cases are all rare things in everyone's eyes.

Yang Zhengdong once wanted to get closer to get some credit, but it seems that he is not very popular!

So I didn't make fun of myself, and turned around to hang out with the little fat girl, Sun Yuanyuan. Anyway, the little fat girl can always find something delicious in her pocket.

Later, after graduating from elementary school, Liang Yalin and Sun Yuanyuan both went to County No. [-] Middle School in junior high school, and Yang Zhengdong went to County No. [-] Middle School. In terms of junior high schools, No. [-] Middle School is even higher than No. [-] Middle School!

In the beginning, we sometimes met each other in the county town, but then we gradually lost contact. After graduating from junior high school, Yang Zhengdong discussed with his grandfather to study in a technical secondary school teacher.

Sun Yuanyuan disappeared for several years, and only after she came back did she find out that she went to a medical school in the city.This Liang Yalin went to No. [-] Middle School, so she should have just finished the college entrance examination a few days ago.

The Blue Star College Entrance Examination, High School Entrance Examination, and Primary School Entrance Examination are all concentrated in July. The earliest is the college entrance examination, usually on the seventh and eighth of the first month.

The senior high school entrance examination is postponed for one week, on July 15th, NO.[-].

Xiaoshengchu is at the end, and the senior high school entrance examination is pushed back another week, on the 21st and 22nd of July.

Yang Zhengdong paid attention to the high school entrance examination because he promised Zhu Xiaoya to accompany him in the examination.In fact, to put it bluntly, I went to the graduation ceremony and accompanied the exam along the way.

Pay attention to Xiao Shengchu, because he is now a primary school teacher, and the three little guys of Liang Yahui will have to accompany him to the exam.

I really don’t pay much attention to the college entrance examination, mainly because Linchuan is a small county on the [-]th line at this time. It’s not the mainstream to go to high school to take the university entrance exam. More people will choose to go to a technical secondary school or a secondary teacher, and graduate early to get a good job. .

Just look at Yang Zhengdong's choice at that time. His grades in the first middle school were not good, at least he was among the top ten in the class. Normally speaking, there is no problem with his grades in high school.

But he still listened to his grandfather, took the entrance examination to the vocational education center, and went to a technical secondary school (secondary teacher), in order to get a job early and earn money early.

However, with the development of the times, technical secondary schools, a product of this special era, have also begun to become less popular.

If ten years ago, Yang Zhengdong graduated from the middle school, he would not have to worry about anything, the county education committee would directly assign them, and would give them a formal teacher staff.

But now that they are graduating, don't even think about assigning them. Unless you are a college student who graduated from a major, you can still discuss it.

If you don't have a strong background relationship after graduating from a middle school, then substitute teachers are the main way.

Just like what Yang Zhengdong is doing now, when he said he was a teacher, he actually added the word "substitute teacher" in front of him. The salary was paid by the village, not by the state, not even by the county education committee.

Of course, there is a difference between the salary of a formal teacher. Officially, it is at least 1000 to [-] a month, with seniority salary, social insurance, and pension when old.

His substitute teacher is "bare", and the salary of [-] yuan is nothing.

That's not right, at least I have a peasant household registration, and my family can grow a few acres of land.

The point is that this rural household registration is not as valuable as it was in the [-]s on Earth, and urban household registration is still popular now.

Although it's sad to think about it, but fortunately Yang Zhengdong doesn't care too much about it. He has enjoyed the high salary and the honor of a special-grade teacher. It may be like what people say-seeing thousands of sails, he is still a teenager when he returns. I really enjoy the feeling of being an ordinary teacher.

Of course, it would be even better if it wasn't so short of money. When Yang Zhengdong mentioned money, Julia hated it, 10 yuan!

In this era, it is estimated that it can reach tens of millions in the 21st century, so he carried it on his back in a daze.

Mengxi Village is neither big nor small. It is mainly in a shape that is long from east to west and narrow from north to south, distributed along the valley.

The north and west are mountains, and the south is a large small plain between mountains and the river beach wetland where Mengxi River flows. The land of the village is mainly concentrated in this area.

From Xitou to Dongtou, Yang Zhengdong took Liang Yahui for nearly 10 minutes and arrived at Liang Yahui's house.

Liang Yahui's house faces the main street facing south, and next to the gate are two small front rooms, which are the consignment stores opened by her family.

After Yang Zhengdong came back, he also came here several times to buy things, mainly daily necessities like oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, or some office supplies like notebooks.

This consignment point is actually not big. Liang Yahui's father, Liang Jinhai, is still working part-time while repairing bicycles while opening a shop. Her mother is usually responsible for selling things, and the couple are doing well.

Seeing Yang Zhengdong and Liang Yahui approaching, Liang Jinhai put aside the bicycle ring that was being repaired, and quickly stood up to greet them.

"Why are you here, Zhengdong? Is this second girl disobedient again?"

Seeing his child's teacher coming to his door, Liang Jinhai's first reaction was that the child had caused trouble.

You must know that Teacher Xiao Yang has a special hobby that makes parents with children in the whole village feel a little headache, and that is - love home visits!

Every time he went to someone's house, he would talk about the child's education. Liang Jinhai had heard about it a long time ago. When he saw the child's teacher came to the door, he naturally thought about Liang Yahui first.

This child is about to graduate soon, and the teacher's home visit must be a big deal!
An older girl is enough to worry about, and the second girl has a problem again, so it will kill him.

"Uncle Jin Hai, it's not about Yahui, it's because of Yalin, she said there was something wrong with the college entrance examination, I'll come over and have a look!"

Yang Zhengdong smiled and explained the reason for his visit, and raised the food in his hand to save Liang Jinhai from guessing.

"Oh, I'm really bothering you. Zhengdong, none of these two girls are worry-free!"

Liang Jinhai shook his head with a sad face.

"Uncle Jin Hai, what's going on? Yalin couldn't pass the undergraduate exam, but she must be fine in the junior college, and the grades haven't come out yet, right? How did this happen?"

Yang Zhengdong also asked in surprise, how did he know that he had failed the college entrance examination just three days after the exam, and the results have not come out normally.

"Hey, this kid was sick in the past two days. He was dizzy with a high fever. He didn't take two exams when he entered the exam room. How could he pass the college entrance exam with this score!"

As Liang Jinhai spoke, he couldn't help sighing several times.

Originally, according to Liang Yalin's grades, Liang Jinhai had high hopes. Maybe it was the first college student in Mengxi Village in the past ten years, who knew how to catch up with illness.

The girl has a strong heart, so she couldn't bear this kind of blow, so she locked herself in the house when she came back, and she wanted to go on a hunger strike when she asked!

The couple persuaded and persuaded, even if they didn't eat food or drink water, they couldn't do anything when they were making a fuss.

"I'll go and see him, at least an old classmate, let's see if it works!"

"Okay, it's great to have you to persuade us, we are all uneducated, and this kid won't listen to anything, please leave everything to you!"

Liang Jinhai was grateful.

Yang Zhengdong walked into the courtyard and knocked on Liang Yalin's door.

"Mom, I said I don't want to eat, so don't come in!"

"Hey, why am I so old? I said you'd better straighten your clothes first. I'll wait for you for another minute, and I'll go in by myself if I don't open the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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