Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 89 Teacher, Go Visit My Sister

Chapter 89 Teacher, Go Visit My Sister
As soon as the old party secretary's words came out, Yang Zhengdong almost spit out. He couldn't help but lament the old party secretary's execution ability, which was extraordinary!

"Don't worry, I was talking about it with Ma Qianli, and painted the cake. Now the water lake is either grass or mud, and it's not easy to clean it out. Besides, there's no rush to talk about it!"

Yang Zhengdong could only comfort him temporarily.

"It's not a problem. Just draw people from each family and get it out in a few days. I think it was back when the mass production..."

The old party secretary began to fight a big battle more than ten years ago, and with one order, not to mention a small water lake, even a mountain can be leveled.

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and he couldn't help but sigh how simple people were back then, and they had the will to change the sun and the moon into a new sky.

"Don't worry, how many males are still in the village now? Can't a group of women go into battle? Besides, the good seedlings haven't been cultivated yet. It's the same when everything is ready. Let's put the seedlings first. The food thing has developed.”

Yang Zhengdong could only try his best to prevent the old party secretary from thinking of doing it right away.

"Okay, it's up to you! I will take people to transplant tomorrow morning."


Yang Zhengdong returned to school after chatting. Although he didn't do much work that day, he still felt a little tired, and it was mentally tired.

Looking back, this spicy chicken system will see if he can get an energy potion for him. He has replenished the "red" and tried to supplement the "blue". Otherwise, he doesn't want to die young with so many things every day.

The next morning at six o'clock, Yang Zhengdong got up on time, and when he came out, he found Sansha by the wall, not knowing what he was doing?

Because of something to do on Saturday, he gave Sansha a holiday and asked them to go home for a day, but he didn't expect to show up this early in the morning without delay.

Although he didn't say anything, he was still very satisfied in his heart. These three guys are relatively qualified apprentices in terms of martial arts.

"What are you three looking at?"

Although satisfied, Master Yan still has to do.

These three guys are different from that group of students. In their eyes, every rule must be stricter to get them back.

This is also what Yang Zhengdong has learned over the years in the industry. Different people still have to use different methods. Whether it is teaching students according to their aptitude or serving dishes when they meet them, at least it can make them develop in a good direction, and that is enough.



Brother Dong is here, hehe..."

Changmao and Li Chun reacted quickly, and Chen Meng with a generous face was at the bottom. When they saw Yang Zhengdong approaching, the three of them stood up quickly, and Chen Meng smiled foolishly and patted the back of his head.

"what is this?"

"Brother Dong, it's bamboo, so beautiful!"

"Yes, I have never seen such a beautiful bamboo, just like jade!"

"Brother, look!"

The three of them dispersed quickly so that Yang Zhengdong could see them.

"Bamboo? Where did you get the bamboo?"

Yang Zhengdong looked over, and saw a clump of small bamboos less than one meter high, surrounded by a tall bamboo tree, swaying in the wind by the wall, it looked like it was carved from emeralds, it looked very beautiful and delicate .

"Fuck, I've grown so big, I'm taking hormones..."

Yang Zhengdong suddenly remembered that last weekend, he opened a lucky bag and got a "six pure emerald bamboo" seeds, and threw them in the corner, and one grew out the next day, and then...he forgot...why is this so? too much?
He also tried it last time, and it didn't work at all, it was just a pretty bamboo, it was too small to make a bamboo pole after cutting it so little.

"It's just a clump of bamboo, what's there to see!"

Yang Zhengdong looked at Sansha and said sternly.

"No, it's just that I haven't seen bamboo growing in our mountain, and it doesn't look like lucky bamboo or anything. It feels a little strange."

"It's nothing strange, let's run laps, twenty laps! Come back and teach you boxing!"


The three guys started running sullenly, one by one chasing the other, and none of them speeded up casually.

What I thought in my heart was that Brother Dong didn't let them run again, and they ran comfortably and ruthlessly.

Yang Zhengdong cleaned up and washed, also exercised for a while, then taught them to practice for a while, and then went to class for breakfast.

Early in the morning, the old branch secretary brought people to transplant the seedlings, and it was very busy and full of momentum!
With the encouragement of Ma Qianli, the old branch secretary now walks with wind, scolding other families who did not join as bloody sprinklers, and angrily denounced them for being short-sighted.

Then the telecommunications bureau also came to install the phone in the morning, and Yang Zhengdong directly deposited 1000 yuan in phone charges. It is said that dial-up Internet access is too expensive now.

For him as a VIP customer, the telecommunications bureau specially provided him with two cables, one for connecting to the phone and one for surfing the Internet, without any delay.

As for whether it was because he paid the fee, or because Tong Yaojia took care of him, he didn't know, anyway, it's about the same, if it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, it's a fool, right?
In a peaceful life, I still go to and from get out of class, teach the kitchen to grow vegetables, and train and train apprentices in my spare time. Life is beautiful.

Wang Chengzhi and Chen Jiahui have made great progress in learning to cook. After all, one has extraordinary talent and the other has a solid foundation.

Yang Zhengdong also distinguished the two. Wang Chengzhi mainly taught northern cuisine, teaching Kanto cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Shuzhou cuisine, and local Jizhou cuisine.

Chen Jiahui also focuses on Cantonese cuisine, Jiangbei cuisine, Jiangnan cuisine, Huizhou cuisine, and Minzhou cuisine, as well as Shuzhou cuisine.

No way, Shuzhou cuisine is too influential. Although it is mainly spicy, there are too many classic dishes in it. No one who learns to cook can avoid Shuzhou cuisine.

As for Western cuisine, let’s talk about the situation later. He personally has no interest in those Western dishes that are demanding on raw materials. He will teach them later when he wants to learn after graduation.

The two of them are learning and practicing, this small cafeteria is very popular, many people like to come here at night when the weather is hot, just order one or two dishes, drink a little wine and chat a few words, but it can maintain Small profit.

Since having this cafeteria, Yang Zhengdong is very comfortable, he no longer needs to cook by himself, and brings Wang Xiaoru over three times a day for dinner.

Don't look at him as a master chef, but he really doesn't have much interest in cooking, so he quickly brought the two apprentices out, and the apprentices will cook whatever they want in the future. Isn't this a good life?

Then he also ran around the vegetable fields to check the situation. This kind of vegetables that have been used in the nutrient solution will not have insects at all.

Many common diseases of vegetables are unlikely to occur, and they grow quickly. They can be picked in about a week, and the crop rotation fields have already sprouted, so they can also be picked up.

Ma Qianli still calls at least three times a day to ask about the situation. Since Yang Zhengdong got a phone call, Ma Qianli has changed the object of harassment from the old party secretary to him.

Every time he chatted for at least ten, twenty or ten minutes, it made Yang Zhengdong think that it was free to make long-distance calls on Hong Kong Island.

A new agreement has also been signed. The old party secretary signed it with Ma Qianli's people using the village committee and the cooperative.According to the latest prices, as long as these dishes are picked off, the profit will be several times, and the old party secretary is even more speechless every day.

The daily routine is to carry tobacco leaves and paper rolls, go to various fields and squat for a while, if anyone does not follow Yang Zhengdong's instructions, he will just swear at each other, and he doesn't care who he is!

make money!

You have to be obedient!

If you don't listen, you will be scolded!

This is the usual style of the old branch secretary!
Anyway, if it affects the quality of the vegetables, it’s not good. You must know that the usual vegetables cost only a few cents a catty. How much do they grow?ten dollars!

In his words, it is not an exaggeration to call this kind of gold, why not take good care of it?

It must be operated according to the procedure, which is related to the future of Mengxi Village. Even if you kowtow to the vegetables every day, you have to do it for the old man!
Ever since he had a phone, Yang Zhengdong spent his nights on the phone every day. Tong Yaojia occupied the prime time from 07:30 to [-]:[-], and would call on time every day for a chat.

The main thing is to say how far their feature film has progressed, how much material they have read, where they have interviewed, etc.

He also chatted about how much his parents praised the dishes Yang Zhengdong sent over, and sometimes urged him to write something more, so as to deal with Xu Yanyan who often took her route.

Then there is Zhu Xiaoya, 10 minutes a day, approved by Teacher Qian, and the content is still to accuse Yang Zhengdong of being vicious!That tone wanted to cut him into pieces!

The questions he gave have not been finished until now, how can Zhu Xiaoya, who has always escaped from the sea of ​​Wenshan questions every day, bear it, in her words, she feels almost skinny.

Of course, Yang Zhengdong was also forced to sign a lot of unequal treaties, such as the "three pei" jobs where he would eat, drink and chat after the exam, etc. Yang Zhengdong had to promise a lot, but they were all "empty promises" anyway.

Julia, on the other hand, fell in love with using DD, and would chat with Yang Zhengdong for a while every day. It was called a report, but in fact, it was telling him how much of the 10 yuan was left today, and how much was left tomorrow. sweat.

Nothing else, this big cousin is really good at spending money, only a little half of it is left in just a few days after [-], but the beautified DD is really good, at least reaching the level of the early century in the previous life.

After all, he is a high-achieving student of the Mizuki Academy of Fine Arts, and his skills are really extraordinary. Even if he has manga skills now, with his comprehensive advantages, he still can't afford much trouble.

But Mr. Yang didn't give it for nothing, thanks to him being the top leader, even if he doesn't do it himself, it's okay to ask questions, right?

At least [-] to [-] suggestions every day, from the large front-end display to the detailed classification screen tone and dark lines, Yang Zhengdong can point out a bunch of them. In the end, Julia dare not go online because she is afraid of this boss who is always looking for faults. .

Yang Zhengdong was also happy to relax, thinking of Julia saying in a crying tone, the boss is merciful, all the people in the Academy of Fine Arts have resigned collectively, and some are clamoring to commit suicide, so he secretly laughed for a while.

So cool!
Who says he won't be the boss?
Isn't the boss just pointing fingers?

Very simple!
The eldest cousin made him bear a debt of more than one hundred thousand yuan. If he didn't retaliate, how could he show his teacher Yang's heart, which is not much bigger than a needle nose and not much wider than a door crack?
In the blink of an eye, it was Thursday. On this day, Yang Zhengdong was making up lessons for Wang Faliang and the others after school, and it was obvious that Liang Yahui was absent-minded.

"Yahui? What's wrong? Is something uncomfortable?"

Yang Zhengdong's quality triplet brought Liang Yahui back from the fugue state.

Seeing the teacher's shining glasses, Liang Yahui rarely blushed, lowered his head and rubbed his hands, hesitating to say something.

"Tell me! Can the teacher help you?"

Yang Zhengdong said with a smile, looking at her appearance, she knew that this girl had something to do with him.

But what's the point of blushing?
Don't think about it, these are good boys, don't think about him!

"Teacher, why don't you go and see my sister?"

 Thanks to the book friend [Kunpeng South Traveling Nine Thousand Miles] for the reward and monthly pass, and thanks to the book friend [20200905192220657] and the book friend [20210112202530359] for the reward.

  Two more chapters today, I spent as much time writing manuscripts as revising manuscripts, and Misty Rain couldn't hold on anymore, Lanshou Shiitake Mushroom!Give more support if you have votes!
(End of this chapter)

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