Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 6 Can't Miss One

Chapter 6 Can't Miss One

Before Yang Zhengdong finished speaking, he turned his head and ran back to the toilet. There was a crackling sound, and the expression on the fat black man's face instantly froze when he heard it. He didn't notice that the enamel cup in his hand was crooked.

Ten minutes later, Yang Zhengdong came out with a pale face, leaning on the wall again, feeling that all his strength had been exhausted, seeing the strange look in the black fat man's eyes, his heart was about to collapse.

"Zhengdong, what did you eat? Is this a stomachache?"

"Shut up, fat man! Why don't you come and help me?"

Yang Zhengdong is now suffocating in his heart, such an obvious matter is so obvious that the fat man still asks, but I can't stand up without seeing my legs, what a fart to ask!

"Hey, okay, okay! What's the matter with you, why don't I take you to Uncle Yucheng to have a look and ask him to prescribe some medicine for you?"

The fat black man hurried over to support him, and then asked with concern while carrying him into the house.

"No need, it should be fine in a while, maybe it hurts my stomach."

Yang Zhengdong sat on the threshold weakly, the place behind his buttocks was hot, it was only when he had nothing to pull.

"When did you come back?"

Looking at the greasy face of the black fat man, he asked.

"Three days ago, my grandfather called me. I bought a ticket from Shanzhou and got on the train. Who knew that I encountered a landslide in the west of Henan and was blocked for more than a day. I just rushed home today, and I came to you." !"

The fat black man continued to lean against the door lazily, speaking casually.

Yang Zhengdong instantly felt warm in his heart, something was stuck in his throat, tears were about to fall, and he held it back with all his might.

"Thank you, Wang Dong!"

He held back for a long time, then looked at the fat black man in front of him and said sincerely.

"What are you talking about, we are brothers!"


Yang Zhengdong nodded vigorously. In his memory, this fat man is second only to his grandfather. He is the closest partner of the original owner, a brother who played with him since he was a child.

While inheriting the original owner's memory, he also inherited the original owner's emotion, so when the fat man appeared, he immediately felt a kind of emotion surging in his heart.

Fatty's name is Wang Dong, his grandfather is the old party secretary, and the two of them are hard buddies who can't be harder.

They used to be together wearing crotch pants, Yang Zhengdong was restrained, and Wang Dong was outgoing. When he was called ye kind of bullying, only Wang Dong would help Yang Zhengdong and fight off the bullies every time.

Because of his dark skin and fat since he was a child, the original Yang Zhengdong liked to call him fat.

Unexpectedly, when his grandfather passed away this time, he would rush back from Shanzhou thousands of miles away. For a moment, Yang Zhengdong was filled with emotion.

In that life on Earth, he was a star teacher, and he had a hard-core buddy since he was a child, who was also a fat man. Although his skin was not as dark as Wang Dong's, his relationship was as strong as this fat man.

So for Wang Dong, from the moment he heard the voice, he was sure to be his lifelong friend.

But speaking of it, it seems that next to each protagonist, there is a cute and wretched fat man.

"I'm fine, don't worry, how are you working in Shanzhou? Are you still steaming buns?"

Yang Zhengdong took the enamel cup, took a sip of the hot water in it, and then leaned against the door frame without any image and asked.

"Give it up! You're such a bully, and you're still relatives! Let me get up at four o'clock every day to work, and I can't go to bed until eleven o'clock. You see, I have lost at least ten catties in the past few months."

As Wang Dong spoke, he touched his rather large belly. Yang Zhengdong compared it with what he remembered, and he didn't notice that he had lost any weight.

"Then what are your plans in the future?" Yang Zhengdong leaned against the door frame and asked weakly.

He didn't know what the red potion was, it made him feel weak all over, but he felt warm all over his body.

"I don't know yet, maybe I'll stay for a while and go out to work. I'm sure I can't survive in the village with this. I don't study well like you. I can be a teacher. At least I won't starve to death. I don't have anything. Yes, I can only go out and hang around."

Fatty Wang Dong picked up the enamel cup after speaking, took another big gulp, and leaned against the door frame again, the two of them looked like a pair of fools, one on each side.

After listening to Wang Dong's words, Yang Zhengdong suddenly thought that he had acquired the skill of "Famous Teacher's Eye" today. He seemed to be able to see what professions other people are suitable for. He didn't know if it would work for fat people.

Thinking of this, he looked at Wang Dong, and silently recited "The Eye of a Famous Teacher" in his heart. His eyes felt cold, and a row of small characters appeared on Fat Wang Dong's head.

Name: Wang Dong

Qualification: D grade (divided into five grades: S, A, B, C, D, E, corresponding to evildoer, genius, excellent, good, ordinary, mentally handicapped)
Talents: ingredients, sense of taste

Career Advice: Food and Beverage Specialty - Pasta Sub-item

Yang Zhengdong didn't expect that it would really work. Fatty Wang's words on the top of his head just stood there in a daze. He looked at it for a long time before he knew what it meant.

It turns out that this is the "Eye of a Famous Teacher". The qualification should be a combination of the person's IQ, EQ, various abilities and development potential. However, Fatty Wang's qualification is only an ordinary D grade, which is relatively average.

Talent is the direction that this person is best at and has the most potential. Fatty Wang is food and taste, although it is unexpected, it is also reasonable.

If he didn't like to eat, he wouldn't become such a big fat man. He just has a talent for ingredients, which is really... a talent that is more useful to him.

Career advice is the most suitable development direction for this person. The most suitable direction for Wang Dong is catering, and it is specialized in pasta. Do you still let him steam steamed buns?
No, I seem to have a Wandao skill, which is the "King of Banmian".

Pan noodles should also belong to pasta, right?It's a pity that the system is not smart, and no one answered him.

How about letting Fatty Wang learn how to make board noodles?

"Fatty, have you ever heard of board noodles?"

Yang Zhengdong regained his energy immediately, but he didn't know if there was such a thing as pan noodles in this world, anyway, he didn't remember eating them.

"Ban mian? I haven't heard of it. The name should be food, right? It feels weird! Is the noodle made of a board? Or is it made to look like a board?"

Fatty Wang thought for a while and replied, but he was obviously shocked when he mentioned eating, and kept asking with his big mouth.

"Well, a kind of pasta, not too different from the stewed noodles here, but the stew is made of beef soup. It tastes very good and has a strong aroma. You want to eat it when you see it, and you can't forget it after eating it!"

Yang Zhengdong thought about the scene of eating pan noodles at the street stall in his previous life, couldn't help but licked his tongue, and said aftertaste.

"Can you do it?" Fatty Wang stared at him with bright eyes and asked.

"Yes, yes, but..."

"Whatever is needed, I will prepare it!"

Yang Zhengdong looked at Fatty Wang dumbfounded, and the system was right, this fat man is a foodie, his eyes are brighter than a light bulb when he heard that he is a foodie.

"Then you prepare a catty of beef. If you don't have beef, you can find a beef leg bone. It's better to bring some meat, two catties of mutton, fennel, pepper, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, and other spices. I will give you this list later, dry soybeans two Two, a catty of dry red pepper, I have other rice wine, rock sugar, noodles, and alkali, so there is no need to prepare, and I will make you a meal when it is ready. Maybe you will rely on this noodles in the future!" Yang Zhengdong She counted on her fingers.

"Zhengdong, do you want me to make... make this board?" Wang Dong also came to his senses and asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you have such a good talent for eating. I think it's quite suitable. If you think it's good, I'll teach you. Find a school or a street selling ban mian, it's sure to be popular!" Yang Zhengdong said with a smile.

"If you think it's okay, I'll do it. I'll prepare something. Come here in the afternoon and get it for me. I remember seeing beef at the butcher shop in the village when I came back. I'll be back on the hour!"

When Wang Dong said this, he stood up from the threshold, greeted him and then ran away. This kind of mobility is too good. Yang Zhengdong stared blankly at the fat man who ran away.

Yang Zhengdong smiled and shook his head, then leaned against the door and remembered something, now the system still has a task of "not one less", he looked through it, and the deadline is exactly six days later to get the first session class.

In other words, in the first class, all the children on the roster go to class, and this task is completed, isn't it too simple?
Yang Zhengdong felt that something was wrong, although he had just obtained this "golden finger", but relying on the influence of various novels, coupled with the consistency of the system, his intuition told him that if he didn't prepare well in advance, he would definitely end up with something wrong.

What kind of trouble can come out of that?Will there be kids who won't go back to school?Thinking of this, he got up and went to the room, took out the "roll book" and read it.

There are a total of 46 children in Mengxi Village Primary School, divided into six grades. This is the same as the earth. They all have a six-year primary school system, but there are only three children in the sixth grade, named Liang Yahui, Yang Zhixing and Wang Faliang.

Seeing that there were only three children in the sixth grade, Yang Zhengdong suddenly thought of one thing, and that was the problem of school dropouts in rural areas.

Although he is not very familiar with the education situation here at Blue Star, but looking at the village like this, there are stone houses and broken roofs everywhere. It is not a rich and developed new countryside, so the possibility of dropping out of school is very high. .

In the 90s and [-]s in this impoverished rural area, the dropout rate is extremely high even on earth, even with nine years of compulsory education.

For the peasants in the village, a boy at the age of thirteen or fourteen is a labor force. He can go to school to know a few words, and he can write his name without being blind. As for going to junior high school, high school, or even university, the villagers don’t think about it. .

The more Yang Zhengdong thinks about this possibility, the more likely it is. Now it is the wheat holiday period, that is, a special holiday for wheat harvesting. First, the teacher has time to get his own land, and second, he can let the children help the family during the busy farming season. Holidays can also be regarded as rural characteristics.

In fact, there are not only wheat holidays, but also autumn holidays, which, as the name suggests, are holidays for autumn harvest.There are two seasons of grain in the north, starting from the planting of winter wheat in the first year and harvesting in May. This time is the "wheat holiday", usually about ten days.

And in July, it is a regular summer vacation, which is the same all over the country.At the end of September and the beginning of October, when the autumn grain is harvested, the holiday is the so-called "autumn holiday". Half of the northern part is crops such as corn, millet, bean, and sorghum.

As for the winter vacation, it is no different from the earth, it is a vacation for the Chinese New Year.Yang Zhengdong looked down at the roster. There were 3 students in the sixth grade, 11 students in the fifth grade, 12 students in the fourth grade, 11 students in the third grade, 14 students in the second grade, and 5 students in the first grade. There were 46 children in total.

In other words, if there are dropouts, they are most likely children in the fifth or sixth grade, but just to be on the safe side, let's do a home visit these two days.

Not to mention, I really miss it!

(End of this chapter)

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